Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
January 29, 2002
Today at the Patriarchate in Belgrade the Holy Synod of Bishops of the
Serbian Orthodox Church hosted a St. Sava Day reception for the presidents of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, prime ministers and parliamentary
presidents, and cabinet level ministers.

At the reception, in addition to His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle and the members
of the Holy Synod of Bishops, hierarchs whose dioceses are located throughout the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia were also present.

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle in greeting those guests present, thanked them for
responding to the invitation of the Church of Saint Sava [i.e., Serbian Orthodox
Church, so-named as its founder is Saint Sava] and emphasized that we are all parts
of one organism, which must be responsible for the common good, good estate and peace of
all inhabitants of our Fatherland. At the same time, the role of the entire organism is to
be concerned with the good of each of its parts, i.e., the individuals that comprise the
whole of society. His Holiness, in like manner, stressed that peace should reign among our
people and the spirit of unity must prevail, especially during these troubled times,
regarding problems of an internal nature, in Kosovo and elsewhere, so also with
circumstances that prevail throughout the world.

On behalf of the high ranking dignitaries, Dr. Zoran Djindjic, Prime
Minister of the Republic of Serbia, thanked His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle,
particularly noting that cooperation between the Serbian Orthodox Church and our State is
developing excellently. He emphasized that the Government considers it a particular
success that in its first year of operation it succeeded to introduce Religious Education
into the schools of Serbia, as well as to support the building of the Memorial Church of
Saint Sava on Vrachar. In like manner, he stressed that he personally, as well as all
members of the Government, will further develop open avenues of cooperation between the
Serbian Orthodox Church and the State, and that in Serbia there will never again be a
government which can disrupt such relations.