Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
March 4, 2002


According to the report submitted by Archpriest-Staurophor Milenko Zebic, hierarchal deputy and head of the Church of St. Prince Lazarus, the Church Lazarica in Birmingham was broken into and plundered in the night of March 2-3. This awful act, whose committers have been unknown up to now, has really upset and worried the priests Milenko and Aleksandar Zebic as well as the faithful.

The burglars broke the door on the northern side and thus entered into the Church. There they hurled around icons and liturgical vessels, broke into cash boxes and took the money. Candles and other things were dispersed and partly destroyed.

The police were informed about this sad event and performed on-site examination. Due to the desecration of the Church, father Milenko served in the Chapel of Saint Eugenia located in the house St. Prince Lazarus. This vicious act is also a warning to services in charge to take care of this Serbian shrine and prayer place. Unfortunately, provocations of certain individuals and groups during services and other gatherings of our faithful in the Church now happen very often.