Information Service of PATRIARCH PAVLE BESTOWS BLESSINGS UPON SERBIAN LINK's PASCHAL ENCOUNTERS OF THE DIASPORA AND FATHERLANDHis Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle received today in the Patriarchate in Belgrade members of the Organizational Board of the Serbian Link Diaspora and Fatherland Encounters, that will be held in Belgrade from 7-10 May of this year. The delegation, which consisted of Academics Dragan Nedeljkovic and Zoran Konstantinovic; Prof. Dr. Viseslav Hadzi-Tanovic; and Aleksandar Vlajkovic, Executive Board President of the Serbian Link Association, informed His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of preparations for the forthcoming Diaspora and Fatherland Encounters. His Holiness blessed the work in preparation for the forthcoming Paschal Encounters, being convinced that this manifestation also will help tie together our people from the Dispersion with the Fatherland. Further information concerning the Encounters is available over the Internet at: [OEA Translation: Washington, DC] |