Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
April 11, 2002

Seminar and Round Table


held under the auspices of
the Ministry of Religions of the Republic of Serbia

Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Knez Mihailova 35/I (Hall 3)
Belgrade, April 12, 2002


09:00: Prof. Dr. Vojislav Milovanovic

(Minister for Religious Affairs of the Republic of Serbia)

Introductory word

SEMINAR (Presiding: Academician Vladeta Jerotic)


09:15: Prof. Dr Bogoljub Sijakovic

(Federal Secretary for Religious Affairs of FRY)


Relations of Science and Religion in Social Context

09:30: Prof. Dr Radovan Bigovic

(Faculty of Theology, Belgrade)


Christianity and Science

09:45: Prof. Dr Zorica Kuburic

(Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad)


Relations between Religious Communities in Former Yugoslav Republics

10:00: Prof. Dr Dragoljub Djordjevic

(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nis)


Sociological Typology of Religious Communites

10:15: Prof. Dr Djuro Susnjic

(Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade)


Religion and Science: Collection of Unneccessary Insults



(Presiding: Prof. Dr Djuro Koruga)

11:00: Prof. Dr Dejan Kreculj

(BK University, Belgrade)


World Society of Risk and Global Stress

11,15: Prof. Dr Sreten Petrovic

(Faculty of Philosophy, Beograd)


Myth, Religion and Art

11:30: Prim. Dr Caslav Hadzi-Nikolic

(Institute for Healthcare of Railway Workers, Belgrade)


Psychotherapeutic Ritual in Amazone Tribes

11:45: Prof. Dr Snezana Milenkovic

(Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad)


Prayer between Science and Religion

12:00: Academician Vladeta Jerotic

(Faculty of Theology, Belgrade)


Individuation and (or) Deification




(Presiding: Prof. Dr Dejan Rakovic)

12:45: Prof. Dr Dusan Pajin

(Faculty of Arts, Belgrade)


Christianity, Naturalism and Postmodernism

13:00: Prof. Dr Predrag Ognjenovic

(Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade)


Neuropsychological Discussion on Consciouness and Spirituality

13:15: Prof. Dr Miloje Rakocevic

(Faculty of Natural Sciences, Nis)


Rationality of Original Religious Conciousness, the Examples from the Bible

13:30: Prof. Dr Djuro Koruga

(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade)


Information Physics and Consciousness

13:45: Prof. Dr Dejan Rakovic

(Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade)


Biophysic Bases and Boundaries of (Quantum)holistic Physchosomatics




(Moderators: Prof. Dr Radovan Bigovic, Academician Nikola Milosevic, Prof. Dr Dusan Pajin i Prof. Dr Djuro Susnjic)


15:00: Guest invited for this occasion will participate in the interactive work of the Round Table, together with other Seminar participants: Prof. Dr Ratko Neskovic, Prof. Dr Vladimir Ajdacic, Prof. Dr Predrag Radenovic, Doc. Dr Vladan Perisic, Doc. Dr Milan Vukomanovic, Doc. Dr Miroljub Dugic, Dr Milan Cirkovic, Dr Aleksej Tarasjev, Dr Bojan Jovanovic, Assist. Bogdan Lubardic, Graduat. Phil. Jasmina Maric as well as representatives of some other local religious communities.


The Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church will tape the lectures from the Seminar and the discussions of the Round Table and, if needed, use for educational purposes. The printing of a publication is also planned to that end. We hope and expect that this Seminar and the Round Table will give significant contribution to the future of this region.