Information Service of CONDOLENCES FOR BISHOP DANILO'S DEPARTURE His Holiness Pavle Serbian Patriarch and the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church received numerous expressions of condolences from state officials, eminent persons and friends of the late Bishop. Among those numerous expressions of condolences, we would like to mention the telegrams sent by FRY's President Vojislav Kostunica, Ph.D.; Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Serbia; Minister of Religious Affairs in the Government of the Republic of Serbia Vojislav Milovanovic, Ph.D.; Belgrade Branch of Russian Patriarchate; and a telegram sent by Bishop Danilo's high school friends who he graduated with in the Novi Sad High School in 1946. Tomorrow, on April 26, the Liturgy for the repose of the soul of the dead will start at 9:00, and the burial service will be served at 12:30. |