Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
April 26, 2002


On April 22, 2002, an exhibition was opened at Monza, a place near Milan, with the title “A Blow to Christian Culture”. The exhibition was set in the Centre for Culture “La Rotonda”, at the Parish of San Biago. It represents a testimony about the ruined churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Metochia and will be open till May 5, whereupon the exhibition will be transported to Trieste. Mr Slobodan Mileusnic, MA, Director of the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church, opened the exhibition. He conveyed the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle and the gratitude of the Serbian Orthodox Church for everything the Italian people had done, especially the Italian soldiers who guard the Visoki Decani Monastery. In addition, Italian government provided financial aid for the restoration of the frescoes of the Decani Church. After the opening of the exhibition a round table was held on togetherness in Christian Churches. Archpriest-staurophor Rasko Rardovic – priest from Trieste, Prof. Tommaseo Ellis – Roman Catholic priest from Trieste, don Maurizio Rolla – priest and head of the San Biago Church at Monza, don Luigi Nason – member of the Council for Ecumenical issues of the Archdiocese of Milan and Mr Slobodan Mileusnic – Director of the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church participated in this round table discussion.

The family Avakumovic from Monza rendered great financial aid to this spiritual and cultural gathering, held under a joint name “Friends of the Future”, to the benefit of the soul of their early reposed daughter Aleksandra.