Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
28 May, 2002


His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle received today, 27 May 2002, Her Excellency Benito Ferero-Valdner, Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of Austria, who was accompanied by Dr. Hanes Porias, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Yugoslavia; two presidents of the "Pro Oriente" Foundation: Dr. Johan Marte, General Director, and Baroness Maja Melhof; together with other colleagues.


In addition to His Holiness, participating in the discussions on behalf of the Serbian Orthodox Church were His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilochije of Montenegro and the Littoral, and His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa, a member of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Discussions were held on perspectives for cooperation between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church in Austria, and the institutions of the Republic of Austria, especially with the "Pro Oriente" Foundation, as well as the advancement of the same.

[OEA Translation: Washington, DC]