Information Service of SERBIAN MONASTERIES AS SPIRITUAL AND CULTURAL CENTRES Mr Slobodan Mileusnic, MA, Director of the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church, delivered a lecture "Serbian Monasteries as Spiritual and Cultural Centres" on June 15, 2002. The lecture was organised by the Cultural Centre Basilica di San Celso from Milan and by the Serbs living in the newly established Milan parish. Mr Mileusnic pointed out both the spiritual role of the Serbian monasteries, and their significance as cultural centres and places of national gathering. Constructing them, Serbian rulers (who were endowers and contributors of the monasteries) showed their political power, but also their deep Orthodox faith. Some of them abdicated and took monastic vows. Furthermore, some Serbian rulers, especially those from the Nemanyic family, were proclaimed saints. The lecture was translated into Italian and thus available to numerous Italians. After the lecture, Mr Mileusnic opened an exhibition of photos "Chiladar - Eight Centuries of Serbian Soul" authored by Mr Slavomir Matejic, artistic photograph from Belgrade. The exhibition comprises 39 photographs on large paperboards showing Mount Athos, the Chilandar Monastery and its valuables. A great number of the Serbs as well as of the Italians crowded the building of the San Celso Church which was adapted for exhibition. Mr Mileusnic underlined spiritual and historical continuance of the Chilandar tradition and pointed out artistic value and value of the church-artistic objects. However, he concluded that monastics - who had been guarding our monasteries and interceding before God for more than 8 centuries- were the greatest value of the Chilandar monastery. Hadn't they persisted, the majestic Chilandar monastery and its church-artistic treasury wouldn't have existed at all. The next day, on Sunday, June 16, father Rasko Radovic, priest of Trieste served the Holy Hieararchal Liturgy and held memorial service in Milan. |