Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
July 25, 2002


A motel with the name "Saint Nicholas" has been built at Vidikovac, part of Belgrade, at the Ibar main road, and a great icon of Saint Nicholas has been placed at its parking lot.

The priest of the parish of Vidikovac was the first one to react to this sacrilege and blasphemy in February, together with a group of parishioners who required from the Municipality of Rakovica to make its utmost efforts and influence the owner to change the motel's name. Later on, in April, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle explained that the names of Saints could be given to schools, hospitals, institutes and orphanages (with the approval of the Church), but never to tourist facilities, hotels, restaurants, inns, night clubs etc.

Not only we, but also the entire Christian world, celebrate Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker due to His spiritual elevation and holiness, protection of morals and help to those who are in trouble.

We expect the Municipality of Rakovica to do its utmost, in conformity with its authorisations, so that the owner of the motel, pursuant to Patriarch's opinion and the Church's decree on the protection of church symbol, should change the name of this motel.