Information Service of PATRIARCH PAVLE SERVES AT MIRIJEVO Tomorrow, on the feast of Saint Elijah the Prophet, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle serves the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Church at Mirijevo (part of Belgrade), which celebrates Saint Elijah as its patron saint. The Church at Mirijevo was built in 1834 and renovated in 1873 and 1968.
Saint Elijah mostly fought idolatry and its followers. The greatest among them was the king of Israel Ahab and his wife Jezebel who revered idols and led people astray from the real God. The Saint Prophet Elijah made great wonders and proved the might and power of the Lord. On Horeb, the mount of the Lord, he spoke with the Lord and heard the word of the Lord in a silent, fair breeze. At the mount of Tabor he appeared together with Moses. Before the end of the world, Saint Elijah will again appear to fight the power of Antichrist. |