Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
September 9, 2002


With the blessing of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle, and under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the Orthodox Pastoral-Counseling Centre of the Archdiocese of Belgrade/Karlovci organises a humanitarian concert “House on the Road”.

The following performers will appear: Kornelije Kovac, RM Tocak, Bora Djordjevic, Biljana Krstic and Bistrik, Bora Dugic, Braca Teofilovic, Jasmina Mitrusic, Slobodan Trkulja, Danijela and Danica Karic and others.

The concert will be held in Sava Centar on Sunday, September 15, 2002, at 20:00.

Tickets are sold in Sava Centar, Bilet servis and in the premises of the Orthodox Pastoral-Counseling Centre, Masarikova 5/12 – Beogradjanka building, tel. 011/3613-855.