Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
March 12, 2003
adopted at the session of the Executive Committee
of the World Council of Churches,
Bossey, Switzerland, February 18-21, 2003
Bossey, Switzerland
18-21 February 2003
Statement against Military Action in Iraq
We believe God made us and all creation. God requires us to seek peace
and justice. We believe that with God’s grace no work of faith, hope and love is too
hard for those who trust God. Therefore, as followers of Jesus Christ, the Prince of
Peace, led by His Spirit, we call upon the leaders of the world and all people of faith:
STOP the threats of war
against Iraq!
The Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches, meeting in
Bossey, Switzerland, 18-21 February 2003, remains extremely concerned with the continued
calls for military action against Iraq by the US and some western governments and strongly
deplores the fact that the most powerful nations of this world again regard war as an
acceptable instrument of foreign policy.
At the same time, the Executive Committee is equally concerned with the
Iraqi violation of fundamental human rights and urges the government of Iraq to comply
with international human rights norms and standards and with binding UN Security Council
The Executive Committee welcomes the united and consistent message of
heads of churches of every Christian tradition around the world against this war. The
committee is extremely encouraged that churches are not only taking a leading position in
preventing this war, but also preparing to avert a humanitarian catastrophe at the same
time through preparedness to respond to the needs of innocent civilians in Iraq.
The Executive Committee affirms the courageous stance of church leaders
for peaceful solutions, especially in countries like the USA and the UK in direct
opposition to the positions taken by their political leadership.
The Executive Committee welcomes and appreciates the efforts of all
church leaders and ecumenical organisations to mobilise public opinion to prevent war in
Iraq and to pursue peace. It endorses wholeheartedly the statement adopted by church
leaders at a meeting convened by the WCC, in Berlin, Germany, on 5th February 2003, to
discuss a common response to the threat of military action against Iraq and expresses its
appreciation to the Protestant Church in Germany for hosting the event and arranging a
hearing with Germany’s Head of Government. It further recognises the recent meetings of
US church leaders with government leaders in the UK and France.
Bearing in mind the reality that the 1991 Gulf War did not bring peace
to the Iraqi people, but severe suffering under 12 years of economic sanctions; noting the
recent developments relating to possible military action in Iraq and the report presented
by the United Nations Weapons Inspectors to the UN Security Council on the 14th February;
and the mounting public opinion against a war in Iraq evidenced by the turnout of millions
of people all over the world who gathered in peace rallies; and
Taking into account that action of the WCC and churches must:
- be guided by the moral obligation to ensure sanctity of life and the ethical conviction
that war is not an acceptable way to resolve conflicts,
- follow the need to promote public and international support for the UN as custodian of
lawful action regarding Iraq,
- understand that the carefully designed mechanism of the UN weapons inspections is a long
term tool and that 20 years of inspections are more effective, less costly and more
relevant than 20 days of war,
- recognise the necessity not only to disarm Iraq, but also make the whole Middle East
region free from weapons of mass destruction,
- acknowledge the negative impact on Christian-Muslim relations and increased emigration
of Christians from the region where Christianity was born,
- highlight the need for a durable and just solution of the Arab-Israeli conflicts, and an
end of the illegal occupation of Palestine,
- promote democratisation and compliance with global human rights norms and standards in
all Arab countries as well as in Israel.
Recalling the “statement on the threats
of military actions against Iraq” by the Central Committee of the World Council of
Churches meeting in Geneva 26 August to 3 September 2002; and
Reaffirming that the war against Iraq would be immoral, unwise and in
breach of the principles of the UN Charter, the Executive Committee:
warns that war in Iraq will cause a humanitarian crisis of grave magnitude with
untold human suffering, especially for the children of Iraq, loss of life, property,
environmental destruction and waste of precious resources; it will reinforce and polarise
division and hatred between communities resulting in further destabilisation of the
strongly appeals to the UN Security Council to uphold the principles of the
UN Charter which strictly limit the legitimate use of military force and to refrain from
creating negative precedents and lowering the threshold for using violent means to solve
international conflicts;
- further appeals
to the political leaders of the US and the UK to refrain
from a unilateral pre-emptive military action against Iraq;
- calls insistently on
the member nations of the UN Security Council to
adequately reinforce and allow reasonable time to UN weapons inspectors to successfully
fulfil their mandate to disarm and destroy Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction;
- strongly urges
the government of Iraq to fully cooperate with UN weapons
inspectors to ensure that weapons of mass destruction, related research and production
facilities are completely destroyed;
- condemns
the Iraqi government’s violations of fundamental rights and
freedoms in Iraq and urges its leadership to guarantee full
respect of the civil and political, economic, social and cultural human rights, including
religious rights, of all its citizens;
- encourages
the churches to continue to challenge and expose any national
security policies that promote pre-emptive military strikes as legitimate self-defence
undermining the principles and the spirit of the UN Charter;
- calls on
all churches to intensify further their engagement in efforts for
peace; and in turn commends the February 5th Berlin Statement to churches calling them to
join this act of witness for a peaceful resolution of this conflict;
- invites
faithful men, women and children everywhere to engage in earnest
prayers that leaders of the nations may be directed along the path to seek peaceful
resolution of the conflict in Iraq;
- proposes
the first day of Lent 2003, a day for reflection and conversion,
to be a day of prayer for peace in Iraq in all member churches and worldwide.