Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
April 16, 2003

of Archbishop Prof. Dr. Anastasios of Tirana, Durres and All Albania


Long is the list of victims from the war in Iraq: women and children, soldiers fallen or about to fall in battle, the international economy, international legitimacy, the UN truth and justice, and many others – whether by direct or indirect means. Religion, too, is in danger of becoming one of these victims. Leaders of both sides have already used religious terms, by invoking God. In our time, religions continue to influence people, but do not determine the decisions of political and economic leaders. These decisions are made on the basis of different calculations and interests.

Religious consciousness, however, is called upon to resist war, so that religion retains its sacred role of peacemaking, reconciliation, forgiveness and the healing of wounds. At the numerous interfaith conferences that have taken place over the last few years, representatives of different faiths have agreed that religion has to bring peace and support peace in the world; that violence and terrorism – individual, group or state-initiated – are against the true spirit of religion; and they have condemned, in particular, invoking God’s will to justify violence and war. At the same time, these participants have undertaken the responsibility to make the cries of those who are suffering from violence of their own, and contribute their utmost in securing the freedom and dignity of every person and of all peoples.

The blowing winds of war must not sweep away the sacredness of religion, contaminating the hearts of people with bitterness and enmity for each other’s religion. Much greater catastrophes than those caused by weapons of mass destruction could be produced by the incitement of religious tolerance. The radioactivity of hatred, enriched by the “uranium” of religious passion, will last long after hostilities have ceased, for decades, maybe even for centuries – as was the case of the Crusades and “holy wars” in the past.

Those who believe in “the God of peace” (Rom 15:33; Phil 4:9; Hebr 13:20, etc.), and particularly those who have committed themselves to serving Him, cannot help but repeat insistently the supplication “for peace in the whole world”, and strive to do whatever is possible to let justice and peace prevail on earth.