Information Service of ARCHIMANDRITE PAJSIJE, Archimandrite Pajsije (Tanasijevic), Abbot of Saint Prohor of Pcinja Monastery, passed away after a serious health problems on July 20, 2003 in Belgrade. Father Pajsije was born on July 7, 1957 in Srebrenica.
Afterwards he went to the Mount of Athos, where he continued his monastic life. Upon receiving the great shima in 1989 he became the first and the youngest Abbot of the Chilandar Monastery and was appointed the Protos of the Mount of Athos. He returned to Serbia in 1992 as the Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Prohor of Pcinja and worked on the renewal of the spiritual life in the south of Serbia. With many monks and nuns he revived almost all the monasteries in the Diocese of Vranje, such as the Monastery Saint Panteleimon at Lepcinac, Saint Stephen at Gornje Zapsko, Saint George at Punosevac, the Most Holy Mother of God at Mrtvica... Vigils will be served on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 in the Monastery of Saint Prohor of Pcinja, and the Holy Liturgy on Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 9:00, after which his corporeal body will be given to earth for deposition till general resurrection. |