Information Service of NEWS FROM THE DIOCESE OF RASKA AND PRIZREN Holy Archangels Monastery evacuated, 14th century Church of the Mother of God of Ljevis in flames - Explosions near Visoki Decani Monastery - Pec Patriarchate in danger. This pogrom of Albanian terrorists takes place in presence of 18.000 armed soldiers of KFOR and several thousand members of the UNMIK police. While dozens of buses of armed Albanian extremists head toward Mitrovica and Gracanica, while both churches in Kosovo Polje, the hospital and St. Sava School are burning, while the Serbs of Kosovsko Pomoravalje struggle desperately to defend themselves against the attacks of thousands of armed Albanians, we appeal to our clergy and monastics to support with their fervent prayers and all-night vigil services their suffering brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija who are going through unseen suffering, brutality and violence at the hands of Albanian extremists. ![]() According to the latest information serious clashes are taking place near Gracanica in which at least 20 Swedish soldiers have been seriously wounded. Armed Albanians are attacking KFOR soldiers who are blocking them from entering the village. At the same time a contingent of U.S. soldiers have arrived in the Gracanica and Caglavica area reportedly authorized to fire upon the extremists. ![]() What has happened today and is happening this evening in Kosovo and Metohija represents a horrible defeat for the entire UN mission which has been deceiving the world for the past five years with their alleged successes when in fact they were enabling militarization. ~~~ B92, Belgrade UN administrators flee "Kristallnacht" | 23:46 | B92 "Kristallnacht is under way in Kosovo," the
official told B92 on The Serbian Orthodox seminary in Pec has been razed, and Albanian celebrated its destruction by setting fire to the local church., said the UN official. ~~~ ALBANIANS SHELLING NEAR VISOKI DECANI MONASTERY, MONKS IN PRAYER IN CHURCH, U.S. REINFORCEMENTS EXPECTED TO ARRIVE SOON Gracanica, March 17, 2004 The Diocese of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija wishes to inform the public that several mortar shells have fallen not far from Visoki Decani Monastery which were fired by Albanians at the monastery. Italian forces are presently protecting the Monastery. U.S. special forces are expected to arrive soon to reinforce defenses. In the meanwhile the Monastery of Holy Archangels near Prizren has been evacuated because German forces were not ready to protect the monastery. The monks from Holy Archangels are safe in a German military base; however, according to some reports, the monastery has already been set on fire, as have numerous other churches in Prizren. We have also received information that the 14th century Church of the Holy Mother of God of Ljevis is in flames. ~~~ SITUATION CONTINUES TO DETERIORATE THROUGHOUT KOSOVO AND METOHIJA According to news coming from Kosovsko Pomoravlje the situation remains critical. Serbs in the village of Silovo near Gnjilane are surrounded by a large group of 5,000 Albanians who are shooting at the village. Two Serbs are already wounded: Ratka Jovanovic and Srecko Stojic.
~~~ ALBANIANS THREATEN SISTERHOOD OF THE PEC PATRIARCHATE: TONIGHT YOUR MONASTERY WILL GO UP IN FLAMES The ERP KIM Info Service has received word from the monastery of the Pec Patriarchate that the Albanians have been repeatedly calling its sisterhood by telephone and threatening to set the monastery on fire. Presently in the monastery are the 24 nuns of the sisterhood, priest-monk Epifanije and Bishop Joanikije of Budim, who is visiting the monastery and was scheduled to visit Serb returnees and other Metohija monasteries during the afternoon. The situation in the monastery is calm and the sisters are collected and devoted to their prayers. The Italian command has been informed regarding the threats to the sisterhood by Albanian extremists and all necessary measures will be undertaken to protect the monasteries of the Pec Patriarchate and Visoki Decani in an appropriate manner. The monks of Holy Archangels Monastery have been informed by the German KFOR command that the monastery is being sealed off and that monks are prohibited from leaving the monastery. At the same time strong armed forces have been deployed around the monastery residence halls. In Prizren the Albanians are staging demonstrations and the fate of some 60 Serbs who remain in the city and the churches which are no longer under KFOR protection remains unknown. ~~~ FR. MIRON KOSAC FROM BISHOP'S RESIDENCE IN PRIZREN ALIVE AND SAFE Gracanica, March 17, 2004 The Diocese of Raska and Prizren has just received word from Holy Archangels Monastery that priest-monk Miron Kosac is alive and safe, and that he has been evacuated from the torched Bishop's residence in Prizren by German transporter. Worrying news has been received from Gracanica that an enormous number of Albanians are in front of the village who are threatening to break in. Strong KFOR forces have been brought in with reinforcements from Macedonia and the situation is currently stable. In Prizren the torching of the remaining Serb houses is continuing and from Holy Archangels Monastery one can see a huge fire. There are justified fears that the Albanians are also torching medieval Serbian Orthodox churches. KFOR sources told us that it is not possible to verify whether that is the case at this time. The Diocese expresses its utmost horror with regard to some international reports linking today's preplanned pogrom against the Serbs and wild demonstrations to COMPLETELY UNVERIFIED reports that Albanian children have drowned in the Ibar River. This news was accepted without the slightest reservation and the ongoing Albanian attacks are even being rationalized as revenge attacks for a committed crime. All indicators suggest that this even was staged by Albanian media, political leaders and most probably certain international circles who are seeking to utilize the politics of fait accompli to resolve the Kosovo Gordian knot by "humane" relocation of the Serb population. The UNMIK police spokesman in his report on the drowning of children in the Ibar River does not mention any indications that the children were killed. He mentions the drowning of children which is certainly a tragedy but every attempt to politicize such a tragic event by the massive expulsion of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija is absolutely unacceptable. Here is Derek Chappell's original statement from today's press briefing in Pristina: CHILDREN DROWN IN RIVER IBAR The tragic case of the children lost in the River Ibar in Mitrovica continues to unfold today. Police were first informed of the possible drowning at 6 pm yesterday evening. A child had returned home and told their parents that at about 3:30 PM, near the village of Zubce, he and three other children had entered the river and had immediately got into difficulty in the water. He had reached the other side but his three friends had been swept away and lost as they attempted to cross the river. Police responded immediately and began a search of the river, starting from the point where the children entered the water and continuing downstream. All elements of the police were involved with support from KFOR. The search continued through the night and at 2345 last night, 16 March, the first body was recovered. Twelve-year-old Egzon DELIU was found about 200 meters downstream. At 0630 today, 17 March, a second body was found, about 400 meters downstream from the point of entry. We are continuing to search for the body of the third victim, believed to be nine years of age. Our thoughts and our deep sorrow are extended to the families of the victims. |