Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
March 22, 2004
and Kosovo provisional institutions have abolished themselves
by permitting ethnic cleansing
ERP KIM Info Service
Gracanica, March 22, 2004
days ago an intensive campaign of organized and pre-planned ethnic
violence began perpetrated by Kosovo Albanians against the remaining
Serbian Orthodox population and its holy shrines in Kosovo and
Metohija. This latest development of events is the culmination
of an almost five year-long campaign of terror systematically
carried out in the presence of the UN mission and KFOR whose representatives
purposely hid the real situation on the ground from the eyes of
the global community, seeking justification for a proclamation
of the success of their mission and their own withdrawal from
the Province as soon as possible.
In addition to the direct perpetrators of crime, not only in the
last several days but during the course of the past five post-war
years, none of whom have been brought to justice, direct responsibility
for the latest expulsions, murders and destruction of the precious
cultural heritage under the protection of UNESCO is borne by UNMIK,
whose policies of self-deception, tolerance and systematic cover
up of the real situation in the Province directly enabled Albanian
paramilitary organizations to legitimize themselves through Albanian
political parties and continue their strategy of building an ethnically
pure Albanian society without obstruction. The goal of Albanian
politicians and paramilitary leaders is clear: to avoid dialogue
at any price and to impose a solution by de facto creating an
ethnically pure territory on the ground. It remains to be seen
whether the international community will accept this methodology
which can rightly be called political terrorism on a grand scale.
The final picture of the "success" of the international
mission and achieved "standards" has been demonstrated
in the events of the last few days when a coordinated campaign
by the majority of Albanian media and extremist organization took
advantage of the tragic drowning death of Albanian children to
collectively accuse the Serb people of responsibility without
a single shred of evidence and thus incite the general fury of
the Albanian community and channel it in the direction of ethnic
cleansing of Serbs. The plan for destruction of Serb settlements
and property was published back in February 2001 in the Pristina
daily "Koha Ditore" under the pen name of Peter Rogel.
In an unprecedented gushing of hatred, violence, barbaric desecration
of Christian symbols and holy shrines, all institutions of Kosovo
society floundered: from the government, the parliament, the leaders
of political parties, to all provisional institutions headed by
UNMIK, whose mission completely crashed and experienced a shameful
end. A part of the Kosovo Police Service and members of the Kosovo
Protection Corps were direct participants in the violence, coordinating
their activities with armed throngs which expelled the Serbs and
torched their property, incited the gathering of mobs for the
burning of churches and the destruction of valuable monuments,
all with the goal of creating an ethnically pure Albanian society.
All illusions of achieved standards of a democratic society evaporated
during horrific scenes of Albanians armed to the teeth opening
fire on international peacekeeping troops from automatic weapons
and even mortars and missile launchers, and throwing Molotov cocktails
at vehicles and buildings of the UNMIK mission. The whole world
has now seen that Kosovo is ruled by lawlessness, violence, crime,
the absence of any respect for the values of Christian and European
civilization - the very things Serb representatives have been
saying for years to a world lulled by the supposed successes of
the UN Mission.
The Serbian Orthodox Church is especially horrified by the barbaric
attacks against more than 20 Orthodox Christian churches, most
of which have been burned or even blown up. The situation is especially
tragic in Prizren where churches, the Seminary, the Episcopal
seat were all burned, in addition to Serb houses from which old
men and women were dragged from their homes and brutally lynched
by the raging masses which ultimately set fire to the famous church
of the Holy Mother of God of Ljevis and Holy Archangels Monastery,
both from the 14th century. It is tragic and incomprehensible
that German KFOR did not even attempt to stop the rampaging horde
even though the Church had been warning for days, weeks and months
that a reduction of the KFOR military presence is direct encouragement
for Albanian extremists armed to the teeth.
Taking into account all the tragic consequences: dozens of people
murdered, hundreds wounded, destroyed and burned churches, burned
houses, among them the homes of Serb returnees restored by funds
from the international community, the Serbian Orthodox Diocese
of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija demands the following:
Immediate proclamation of a state of emergency throughout Kosovo
and Metohija under the military administration of KFOR with full
authority to use force if necessary against armed groups and individuals;
- Immediate reorganization of UNMIK, dismissal of Kosovo provisional
institutions and introduction of a temporary international administration
with the authority to establish order and peace, prevent further
lawlessness and create conditions for initiation of a political
process. Following his unprecedented statements last night to
U.S. National Public Radio, Harri Holkeri has neither the political
or moral credibility to continue in his office and needs to resign.
- Due to his omissions and lack of responsibility, KFOR commander
German general Holger Kammerhoff also needs to resign and withdraw
from Kosovo and Metohija. As a result of their behavior members
of German KFOR have shown themselves to be completely incompetent
and unprofessional in carrying out their jobs, allowing the complete
destruction of eight churches in Prizren. Despite all warnings
that violent demonstrations were in preparation, Kammerhoff insisted
on reducing KFOR forces and taking down security checkpoints.
- A political process with building of truly multiethnic institutions
based on the principles of Resolution 1244 and with new institutionalized
mechanisms for the effective protection of the Serb community
can continue only when all armed paramilitary units are disarmed,
and the Kosovo Police Service is thoroughly reorganized after
an investigation into the behavior of all its members and commanders
during the recent disturbances.
These measures are the only way of again establishing basic order
and peace in Kosovo and Metohija with fundamental respect for
the rights of all national communities. The issue of the final
status of the Province must be deferred indefinitely until the
basic contours of a democratic society are established ensuring
respect for the human and religious rights of all citizens.
is necessary to make estimates of the material damage as soon
as possible and to urgently compensate Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox
Church for all damages in order to enable the rapid restoration
of all destroyed and damaged buildings.
but not least, members of KFOR and UNMIK special police forces
have a responsibility to find the organizers, inspirers and chief
participants of the recent disturbances who are also responsible
for numerous crimes committed during the course of recent years,
and to bring them to justice.
when all of the above measures are taken will Serb representatives
and the Serb community be able to rejoin in normal fashion the
political process of building a modern, democratic and European
international community must not allow at any price the extremists
to succeed in their goal to finalize the process of resolving
the final status of the Province through a policy of fait accompli
after ethnically cleansing the Serb population. Caving in to the
demands of the same politicians directly involved in the most
recent crimes would be tantamount to rewarding of political blackmail
and terrorism and would lead to general instability throughout
the region with unforeseeable consequences.
statement of so-called Kosovo provisional government prime minister
Bajram Rexhepi that destroyed and damaged Orthodox churches will
be restored from the Kosovo consolidated budget is yet another
media lie and an act of deceit. Rexhepi and his commander Thaci
have been repeating these lies to the Serbian Orthodox Church
and to Bishop Artemije personally for years.
Attempts to draw the focus of public attention away from the passive
behavior of the Kosovo provisional institutions by such statements
is the best indicator not only of their lack of political maturity
but their lack of the most rudimentary political accountability
for past events.
of showing true support to the suffering people of the province
and expressing sincere concern for its burning cultural heritage,
Rugova keeps sitting in his well guarded villa trying to build
the future of Kosovo on the blood of innocents, on the ruins of
churches and the ashes of saints his compatriots burned in Orthodox
KIM Info Service
Gracanica, March 22, 2004
most recent statement of so-called president of Kosovo Ibrahim
Rugova that Kosovo should be granted independence and that only
independence could bring peace and stability to Kosovo clearly
demonstrates that Mr. Rugova is directly involved in the plan
to impose the secession of the province by acts of unprecedented
violence, barbarism and ethnic cleansing.
of showing true support to the suffering people of the province
and expressing sincere concern for its burning cultural heritage,
Rugova keeps sitting in his well guarded villa trying to build
the future of Kosovo on the blood of innocents, on the ruins of
churches and ashes of saints his compatriots burned in Orthodox
his politically immature and irresponsible statements, Ibrahim
Rugova bears a large part of direct responsibility for the outburst
of violence together with other Kosovo Albanian leaders who kept
the international community under deception that they are capable
of establishing a minimum of democratic standards in the Province
and among their electorate. With such inflammatory statements
about the final status, the so-called president of Kosovo remains
a tragicomic figure reminding us of Nero who played his harp as
Rome burned.

forces arrested HALID BERANI (Kosovo Albanian), the president
of the so called "Council for protection of human rights
and freedoms in Kosovo", confirmed KFOR sources sources to
B92 Radio reporter Tanja Matic, it is said on the Web site of
B92 Radio (14:02 CET). Berani supplied Kosovo Albanian media at
the beginning of this week the news that three Albanian boys were
drowned in the Ibar river "because they were chased by Serb
youths". This misinformation triggered public unrest and
was used as an excuse by so far unknown extremist groups and elements
to activate a pre-planned operation of ethnic persecution of all
Serbs from Kosovo.
KIM Info-Service
Gracanica, March 21, 2004 (15:27)
forces arrested HALID BERANI (Kosovo Albanian), the president
of the so called "Council for protection of human rights
and freedoms in Kosovo", confirmed KFOR sources to B92 Radio
reporter Tanja Matic, it is said on the Web site of B92 Radio
(14:02 CET). Berani supplied Kosovo Albanian media at the beginning
of this week the news that three Albanian boys were drowned in
the Ibar river "because they were chased by Serb youths".
This misinformation triggered public unrest and was used as an
excuse by so far unidentified Albanian extremist groups and individuals
to activate a pre-planned operation of ethnic persecution of all
Serbs from Kosovo.
sources informed B92 that in Berani's house documentation was
found which was taken by KFOR. During the armed conflict in Kosovo
in 1998-1999 Berani was an active member of the Kosovo Liberation
Army (UCK). It is believed that Berani might be involved in the
plan of ethnic cleansing of Kosovo which had to be presented to
the world media as a "justified anger of Albanian population
after the alleged killing of three Albanian boys".
Orthodox Church is shocked that this false information and manipulation
with the tragic death of Albanian children, which was denied by
the UNMIK police spokesman Derek Chapel the next day, was so easily
picked up not only by media in Albanian language but also by some
professional and trustworthy international agencies without previous
confirmation of the information. This regrettable example of media
manipulation encouraged the extremists and contributed to the
suffering of many civilians and deaths of dozens of innocent people.
no matter how much this manipulation contributed to the deterioration
of the security situation international sources in the Province
say that there are many reliable indicators that the plan of expulsion
of all Serbs and destruction of all Serbian Orthodox churches
in Kosovo was a strategy planed beforehand, which was even admitted
by some of the Kosovo Albanian political analysts like Veton Surroi.
Church remains confident that the International peacekeeping forces
and UNMIK police will trace down the organizers of this unrest
and crimes which have been committed and bring them to justice.

governor Harri Holkeri said that the situation in Kosovo has considerably
He told media in the US that "a couple of Serbian Orthodox
churches" had been burnt down, but said that ethnic cleansing
would be too strong a description.
Holkeri was responding to the use of the term "ethnic cleansing",
by NATO's commander for south-east Europe, Gregory Johnson, Holkeri.
"Those words are too strong," he said, adding that "There
are plenty of Kosovo Serbs who have not accepted to move away
from their home areas."
"Unfortunately there has been a great deal of damage and
a many Serbian houses have been destroyed, together with a couple
of Serbian Orthodox churches," said the governor.

head of Belgrade's Kosovo Coordination Centre, Nebojsa Covic,
has called on UNMIK chief Harri Holkeri to apologise to Kosovo
Serbs or resign.
Covic was responding to a statement given by Holkeri to US public
radio in which he played down the wave of violence which swept
Kosovo last week.
The Kosovo governor played down the violence which has erupted
under his stewardship, dismissing NATO Southern Europe Commander
Gregory Johnson's assessment of it as ethnic cleansing and writing
off the damage to dozens of Serbian church buildings as "a
couple of Serbian Orthodox Churches have been set on fire".
Covic called on all Serbian state bodies to demand that Holkeri
be replaced in Kosovo, saying that thirty torched churches and
monasteries and thousands of expelled Serbs and destroyed homes
could not be described as anything but ethnic cleansing.
"I believe Holkeri is an experienced politician but I do
not believe he has made his assessment of what has happened in
Kosovo from experience. I believe there is malice behind this
statement," said Covic.

governor Harri Holkeri today added his voice to a growing chorus
of international officials acknowledging that this week's violence
in Kosovo has been an orchestrated and planned campaign.
just at the beginning the violence was spontaneous, but after
that certain extremist groups had the opportunity to manipulate
the situation and because of that we are now working on bringing
them to justice as soon as possible," said Holkeri.
1,100 Serbs are under the protection of KFOR after being forced
out of their homes during Wednesday and Thursday. Another 2,500
Serbs and members of other minority communities are gathered in
places such as Gracanica where they are in the majority.

Covic requested of the U.S. Office in Pristina mission chief that
her country use its great influence in the UN Security Council
to establish military administration in Kosovo and Metohija as
the only possible solution to the present situation. Bishop Artemije
and Dr. Covic reiterated that only under military administration
is it possible to disband existing paramilitary organizations,
find the perpetrators, organizers and supporters of this pre-planned
campaign of ethnic cleansing of the remaining Serbs and ensure
conditions for the continuation of the political process under
firm international security control.
meeting between Bishop Artemije of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija,
Coordinating Center for Kosovo and Metohija head Nebojsa Covic
and U.S. Office in Pristina mission chief Marcie Reis concluded
at approximately 13,20 CET in Gracanica Monastery.
Artemije expressed his utmost horror at the pogrom carried out
against the Serb people in the last five days. He emphasized that
the Serb community in the past five years has been very cooperative
and that it has even participated in Kosovo provisional institutions
under all but impossible conditions. However, all the promises
made to the Serbs by international representatives have not been
kept and the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija
in the presence of 18,000 KFOR troops and the UN civil mission
has been permitted under the eyes of the entire world. The Bishop
also mentioned his recent visit to the U.S. when he attempted
to explain to the U.S. community that the problem of Kosovo does
not lay in its unresolved status, as the Albanians claim, but
in the fact that after the war the paramilitary Kosovo Liberation
Army was not disbanded but continued to exist and act through
Albanian political organizations and the new provisional institutions
of Kosovo. The Bishop emphasized that it is completely clear to
everyone who is responsible for the crimes committed in the past
five years, placing responsibility squarely on leading Albanian
politicians. "Everything I have said in Washington has been
confirmed as accurate in the most horrible sense in recent days,"
said Bishop Artemije.
Center for Kosovo and Metohija head Dr. Nebojsa Covic expressed
support for the views of Bishop Artemije and thanked U.S. forces
for everything they have recently done to protect the Serb people
because only after the engagement of U.S. troops was there a consolidation
of KFOR and establishment of minimal standards of protection and
clear stated that Harri Holkeri cannot remain as head of UNMIK,
especially after his unprecedented statement last night on U.S.
National Public Radio stating that what is occurring in Kosovo
cannot be called ethnic cleansing because those words are "too
strong". Holkeri also made the shocking statement that only
"a couple of Serbian Orthodox churches" had been destroyed
even though it is well-known that about 30 churches were destroyed
or damaged in just two days of rioting and violence. Covic added
that over 4,000 Serbs are internally displaced. Dr. Covic confirmed
to Ms. Ries that he had verified that Holkeri had indeed made
the cited statements, and added that he had publicly offered him
the opportunity to apologize to the Serb people or to immediately
submit his resignation.
Covic also mentioned the difficult position of the Serbian Government
and himself personally, considering that everything that they
have been doing in recent years with regard to Kosovo and Metohija
has been guided by the recommendations of the UN Security Council
in the home that a democratic society would be built in Kosovo
and Metohija and that previously existing multiethnicity would
be preserved. However, it is now clear that this strategy is untenable
and therefore Mr. Covic requested of Ms. Ries that her country
use its great influence in the UN Security Council to establish
military administration in Kosovo and Metohija as the only possible
solution to the present situation.
Bishop and Dr. Covic reiterated that only under military administration
is it possible to disband existing paramilitary organizations,
find the perpetrators, organizers and supporters of this pre-planned
campaign of ethnic cleansing of the remaining Serbs and ensure
conditions for the continuation of the political process under
firm international security control. Covic told Ms. Reis that
both Holkeri and all provisional Kosovo institutions had failed,
and that they had lost all political and moral credibility not
only for the Serbs but for the entire world.
the resumption of the political process under the present conditions
as if nothing at all had happened and Serb participation in institutions
that had failed at all levels and proven themselves to be instruments
of the politics of ethnic cleansing would be completely absurd,
Bishop Artemije and Dr. Covic concurred.

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The Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
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