Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
July 31, 2004

Number 1499
July 30, 2004
In Belgrade
To His Excellency
Mr. Branko Crvenkovski
President of the Republic of Macedonia
Re: Response to Your letter to my humbleness regarding Your
desire and intent to visit the monastery of St. Prohor Pcinjski
in the Diocese of Vranje on St. Elijah’s Day and mark the 60
year anniversary of ASNOM in it
Esteemed Mr. President:
The lines which follow are a result of my sense of duty to immediately
respond to your respected letter with regard to Your desire and
intent to visit the monastery of St. Prohor Pcinjski in the Diocese
of Vranje accompanied by your high delegation on the feast of
the Holy Prophet Elijah [Ilindan] on August 2 / July 20 of the
current year in order to mark the 60 year anniversary of ASNOM
[trans. note: the First Session of the Anti-Fascist
Assembly of the National Liberation of Macedonia], an important
date for your country and your people, in it in a manner defined
by state protocol. While it is true that I have yet to receive
your letter, I do believe that you have been so kind as to send
it in the meanwhile to my address in Belgrade as you have already
released it to the press, and consequently, thanks to the media,
I have already had the opportunity to acquaint myself with its
content; furthermore, this morning, thanks to the efforts of
the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Belgrade, I received
a copy of it. In all my days – and permit me to mention that
I am ninety years old – this is the first time I have come across
such an original form of official correspondence between the
head of a state and one of the heads of an Orthodox Church. However,
I sincerely assure you that this form does not bother me in the
least because the substance is always more important than the
presentation. The only thing necessarily following from this
is the need to satisfy protocol by following the same procedure;
hence, I, too, God willing, upon completing the writing of this
letter will first release it to the media, and subsequently forward
the original and one copy to you by way of the Embassy of Serbia
and Montenegro in Skoplje.
After this lengthy but, I hope, not useless introduction and
prior to responding to your appeal or request in connection with
the forthcoming Ilindan, allow me, Mr. President, to remind you
of the prehistory of your letter and this response on my part,
not so much for your sake – for you are well aware of it – but
for the sake of the public in your country and mine, whom you
wished to have as a third collocutor in our discussion, something
I heartily and joyfully accept, and not only in this particular
instance but, if you are willing, as a model for all our future
The first indications of your desires and intentions in regard
to the monastery of St. Prohor Pcinjski and Ilindan 2004 became
public at the beginning of last June through several reports
in the Skoplje and Belgrade press (“Utrinski Vesnik” no. 1491
and “Dnevnik” no. 2473 issued June 5, 2004; “Vecernje Novosti”
issued June 6, 2004), and the Holy Assembly of Bishops officially
learned of them in due correspondence from His Grace Bishop Pahomije
of Vranje. The Assembly deliberated this correspondence during
its meeting on June 10, 2004 and on that occasion decided to
send letters to Mr. Svetozar Marovic, president of the Council
of Ministers of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and
Dr. Vojislav Kostunica, the prime minister of the Government
of Serbia, of course, not for the purpose of seeking any sort
of intervention by the state with regarding to this matter but
exclusively for the purpose of informing the state and republic
leadership with the views of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the
only competent authority on this issue. That there was more than
ample reason for this decision will be confirmed by the extensive
excerpts from these letters addressed to President Marovic (Assembly
no. 1204 dated June 17, 2004) and Prime Minister Kostunica (Assembly
no. 1205 from the same date cited herein.
The Assembly letter includes the following:
“...Certain Macedonian officials are trying to convince their
public how they will use their full strength to ‘put pressure’
on Serbia and Montenegro state officials in order to carry out
their ideas. Mr. Crvenkovski himself said that he would speak
with the Belgrade government regarding the aforementioned celebration
in order to ensure the necessary conditions for placing of a
wreath and flowers in the monastery, while at the same time excluding
the possibility of any talks or contacts with the Serbian Orthodox
Church. Somewhat later, the Macedonian minister of defense, Mr.
Vlado Buckovski, repeated the same view. The gentlemen have,
of course, overlooked three significant details: that the aforementioned
monastery is owned by the Serbian Orthodox Church, specifically,
by the Diocese of Vranje; that in the civilized world one cannot
go to someone’s home or property without the consent of the host;
and that the relationship between the Church and state in Serbia
are based on different civilizational and other principles.”
This is followed by a brief synopsis of the pre-existing circumstances:
“During the past ten years the commemoration of ASNOM in the
monastery complex of St. Prohor Pcinjski has taken place under
normal conditions and with the participation of senior representatives
of both the Republic of Macedonia and our own country. On each
occasion the Serbian Orthodox Church has been a good host to
the guests from Skoplje.”
The letter goes on to explain that the problems between the
Serbian Orthodox Church and the government of the Republic of
Macedonia developed gradually and that they culminated during
the course of 2003, when those authorities prohibited the highest
church dignitaries, priests, monks and nuns of the Serbian Orthodox
Church from entering the Republic of Macedonia and remaining
in it (even during transit!) and at the same time, because of
their attitude toward the canonic hierarchs of the Ochrid Archbishopric,
who were exposed to harsh persecution by the police and courts
solely for accepting canonic unity with the Orthodox Church.
The consequence of all this, the letter goes on to note, was
the decision of the Serbian Orthodox Church that the commemoration
of ASNOM in the monastery of St. Prohor Pcinjski not be permitted
until the government of the Republic of Macedonia changes its
attitude toward the Serbian Orthodox Church in keeping with democratic
norms, and until it stops endangering the basic human rights
of its members, trampling in the process the principles of inter-state
relations. The view of the Serbian Orthodox Church formulated
at that time has remained unchanged to the present. The Serbian
Orthodox Church is prepared – the Assembly letter goes on to
state – to accept the visit of the representatives of the Republic
of Macedonia on August 2, 2004 in the monastery complex of St.
Prohor Pcinjski if its state and political leadership official
guarantees the following three things:
1. That state officials of Macedonia will in the future make
it possible for bishops, clergy, monks and nuns of the Serbian
Orthodox Church to enter Macedonia, to pass through it unobstructed,
and to temporarily reside there under the same conditions as
for all other persons who are not citizens of Macedonia, i.e.
on the basis of their valid travel documents without any discrimination
on the basis of their affiliation and hierarchic level or function
in the Serbian Orthodox Church;
2. That these same officials, out of respect for international
conventions and the generally accepted code of human rights,
as well as the rights to freedom of conscience and confession
of faith, agree not to support or allow any form of discrimination
against members of Churches and religious communities solely
because of their affiliation, taking into account generally accepted
civilizational norms and the duty of state and political officials
not to interfere in the status, internal organization, affairs
or internal relations of Churches and religious communities in
general; and
3. That they agree that their regional officials will stop their
persecution of the canonic hierarchs of the Ochrid Archbishopric,
its clergy, monks and nuns and faithful, as well as they will
ensure it is provided with the possibility of registration in
accordance with legislative provisions of the Republic of Macedonia
under the same conditions as all other religious communities
in the Republic of Macedonia.
At the conclusion of the letter, the Assembly expressed its
hope and conviction that the existing problem, a problem in no
way caused by the Serbian Orthodox Church, can be surmounted,
and that is resolution will serve the common good as well as
the goal of “improving relations with our southern neighbor with
whose people we otherwise have no disputes or difficulties”.
Through the mediation of well-meaning and responsible people
on both sides of the present day international border, you were
acquainted with this position of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
As well, you understood in accurate and timely fashion that the
realization of your goal – the celebration of the anniversary
of the ASNOM assembly in the monastery of St. Prohor Pcinjski
– required dialogue with the Serbian Orthodox Church after all.
This dialogue, God be praised, occurred, first through mediators
and now directly through this public exchange of official letters.
While an unusual media campaign and confusion reigned in Skoplje
in recent days (with circles of the schismatic Church claiming:
“One of the conditions again put forward by the Serbian Church,
the free activity of Serbian priests in Macedonia, has still
not been fulfilled” and similar claims being made regarding the
possibility of religious services being conducted “by foreign
religious communities”; A1 News on July 28, 2004), you were kind
enough to inform my authorized representatives in our still indirect
dialogue with the messages to be included in your future letter
to me, still unwritten at that point. In order to made the discussion
as substantial as possible, you were kindly asked, on my behalf,
to make your principal views concrete by expressly including
the following:
1. That all Churches and religious communities must be equal
before the law;
2. That all Churches and religious communities have a right to
legal protection by the state and registration with state officials,
including the Orthodox Church in your country which is in unity
with the Serbian Orthodox Church and with all other Orthodox
Churches in the world;
3. That bishops, priests, monks and nuns of the Serbian Orthodox
Church will have guaranteed freedom of movement in the Republic
of Macedonia, freedom of temporary residence according to the
same general provisions as other foreign citizens; and freedom
to realize church community (communication) with their brothers
and sisters by faith and by church jurisdiction or affiliation.
You were also kindly asked to confirm to me personally, and
through me to the Serbian Orthodox Church as a whole, a statement
from another of your addresses, which is valuable in that it
reflects your personal commitment to European democratic standards
with regard to the issue of relations between church and state.
Specifically, you stated: “The Republic of Macedonia as a state
which has as its goal integration in EU is ready to build in
and implement the highest EU standards in its legislation, which
refer to these areas.”
Nevertheless, Mr. President, you chose not to accept my suggestion;
instead, you formulated your letter, published it and sent it
to me in its original form, i.e. without specific concrete statements
regarding the painful issues, which in fact have led to state
delegations of your country not having access to our aforementioned
holy monastery during the preceding period. But I – in the position
I hold, in the light of the Gospel I serve and at my age – do
not have the right to think purely in the categories of the “Euclidean”
logic of this transitory and deceptive age, and even less in
the categories of political profit and quasi-diplomatic outmaneuvering,
but instead in the categories of “the reason of Christ” and the
logic of the Cross and the Resurrection contained in the Gospel,
which is madness in the eyes of the sons of destruction but supreme
wisdom in the eyes of those who desire to follow the path of
truth, love and eternal life. Hence I do not interpret your action,
i.e. the formal aspect of the letter you have sent me, as your
rejection of the views and requests of the Serbian Orthodox Church
regarding obligatory principles of freedom for all faithful –
and for all people without exception – but indeed I understand
them as their precisely stated acceptance. I conclude this from
the simple fact that you have addressed me by letter and sought
the permission of the Serbian Orthodox Church to visit the monastery
of St. Prohor Pcinjski knowing the Church’s clear and unambiguous
position and last year’s developments in this context, as well
as that in your letter you have fundamentally and concisely supported
truly humane and democratic views.
In accordance with what I have said, I invite you, at the head
of a high delegation of your state, to visit the monastery of
St. Prohor Pcinjski on the feast of the Holy Prophet Elijah and
to mark the anniversary your state and national holiday in the
customary manner. As your host, you and your escort will be waited
for and welcomed by the appropriate diocese hierarch, His Grace
Bishop Pahomije of Vranje, with whose full agreement – essential
according to canon law – I am able to extend this invitation
to you. On my behalf you will be waited for and greeted by my
envoy on this occasion, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa. You
will also be greeted, of course, and welcomed as honored guests
by the Right Reverend Abbot of the monastery and his brotherhood,
as well as by other hierarchs, clergy, monks and nuns, and faithful
that are present. You will not be treated as a stranger or the
head of a state of a country that is foreign or little known
to us but as our neighbor and friend. There will be, no doubt,
opportunity to begin dialogue on all topics of mutual interest
and importance.
Therefore, we open the gates of our ancient holy shrine, the
monastery of St. Prohor Pcinjski, to you. Even more: we open
the gates of our hearts to you. They will remain wide open for
as long as it depends on us.
They can be closed – God forbid that it should occur – only
by you or one of your associates or heirs. Whoever does this
will have to accept responsibility for doing so and will not
be able to shift the responsibility to someone else, least of
all the Serbian Orthodox Church. If anyone should ever again
give instructions to the border authorities of your state to
humiliate, denigrate and even turn back from the borders of your
state bishops, clergy, monks and nuns of the Serbian Orthodox
Church then that person should be aware that by so doing he is
once more with his own hands closing the monastery gates of Holy
Father Prohor to official representatives of your state. And
if anyone should ever again begin expelling people from their
bishop’s residences, monasteries and parishes; to arrest them,
persecute them and deny them their right to freedom of conscience,
to legal status, to clerical-pastoral activity or to their property
because they do not wish to be in schism with the Serbian Orthodox
Church and with Ecumenical Orthodoxy but seek liturgical and
canonic unity with them, then that person will quickly be made
to understand that he is personally locking the already closed
monastery gates of Holy Father Prohor on Ilindan or any other
day. I will not continue listing everyone who is able to destroy
instead of to build, to serve evil instead of good, and how.
If none of this occurs – and it is my hope it will not by the
might and gentleness of God and the goodwill and reasonable actions
of us humans, first and foremost those who are most responsible
– every resident of the neighboring and friendly Republic of
Macedonia, from its president to its most humble citizen, will
be able to visit the monastery of St. Prohor Pcinjski whenever
they so desire, not only on Ilindan or commemorative anniversaries,
many of which will remain even when we are no longer on this
Mr. President!
Freedom and responsibility of choice lies with the state leadership
of the Republic of Macedonia from now onwards. We remain sincerely
open to the improvement of relations and cooperation, not only
in the spirit of the undeniable democratic principles of the
modern world but also in accordance with the great spiritual
tradition of Orthodox peoples and the Christian world as a whole.
Mr. President, please be so kind to accept my expressions of
respect and well wishes.
Archbishop of Pec,
Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovac
and Serbian Patriarch
+ Pavle

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