Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
22, 2006

Under the auspices of the Orthodox cathedral of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos at the monastery of the Holy Archangel Gabriel in Zemun, the Christian Cultural Center is organizing a formal academy on the occasion of the 150 year anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla and Stevan Mokranjac, and the 125 year anniversary of the birth of Holy Bishop Nikolaj (Velimirovic) on the eve of the feast of the great Slavic and European enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, May 23, 2006 at 8:00 p.m. at the Madlenijanum Chamber Opera in Zemun.
The dramatic part of the program will include “And There Was Light: Thoughts of Nikola Tesla (spoken by Bojan Zirovic), Holy Bishop Nikolaj of Serbia (Nenad Jezdic) and Stevan Mokranjac (Branislav Zeremski)” facilitated by Olivera Kovacevic, and “Prayer Service for Europe”, a text by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I (spoken by Petar Kralj). Performers in the musical part of the program include Dragana Jugovic del Monaco, Zivan Saramandic, Bora Dugic, Ivana Jordan, Vasilisa and the Vasil Hadzimanov band, Merima Njegomir, and First Belgrade Singing Society choir. Admission is free.

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