Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
April 27, 2004

After verification of data on destroyed or damaged holy shrines
on the basis of available information and photographs, we can
state with certainty that at least 30 Orthodox Christian churches
have been completely destroyed or damaged to some extent, most
frequently by arson, or have been further damaged or destroyed
(in the case of churches that survived earlier attacks since
UN/KFOR arrival). As well, in addition to the churches in the
monasteries of Devic and Holy Archangels, in Prizren, Djakovica
and other locations dozens of church utility buildings were destroyed
(parish homes, agricultural buildings and residence quarters),
bringing the total number of destroyed Church owned buildings
close to one hundred. Besides, thousands of valuable icons, crucifixes
and other liturgical items have been either stolen or completely
destroyed. Reliable police information comes from neighboring
countries (Slovenia, Greece etc) church valuables from Serbian
Orthodox Churches have already appeared on the black market.
UNESCO special delegation which is touring the destroyed and
Serb patrimonial sites these days is expected to
establish the extent of the damage to the Serbian Orthodox spiritual
and cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. However, although
the UNESCO will be visiting only the sites which were attacked
last month, it is the firm position of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren
and Kosovo-Metohija that the destruction of these holy shrines
in the month of March cannot be viewed outside the context of
the complete destruction or damage of over 140 Orthodox Christian
holy shrines since the arrival of the UN mission and KFOR in
June 1999. This represents a continuous process of systematic
wiping out of all traces of spirituality and culture of the Serbian
people in this region, and the perpetrators have been and remain
the same. Also all the attacks on the Serbian Orthodox patrimonial
sites since UNMIK/KFOR arrival have occurred after the armed
conflict, in the time of "peace" and under the international
protectorate which is obliged by the UN SC Res. 1244 which is
obliged to protect all inhabitants of Kosovo and particularly
the patrimonial sites.
the Diocese of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija does not have
free access to many of the destroyed or damaged churches
for security reasons, the preparation of more detailed documentation
on the state of the Serbian cultural heritage five years after
the arrival of the UN mission and KFOR is progressing very slowly
and with many obstacles. The latest information and photographs
will be included in the new edition of the book "Crucified
Kosovo" already in preparation.
(All Prizren churches and other buildings owned by the Serbian
Orthodox Church were destroyed on March 17-18. Further attacks,
looting and destruction occurred in the days that followed.)
1. Church of the Holy Virgin of Lyevish (14th century) burned
interior, frescoes from 12-14 centuries heavily damaged, altar
desecrated, Holy Table broken
2. Church of Christ the Savior (14th century) burned
3. Cathedral of the Holy Great-Martyr George (1856) burned and
4. Church of St. Nicholas (Tutic'c church, 14th century) burned
5. Church of St. George (Runovic's church, 16th century) burned
6. Church of St. Kyriake (14th century, later rebuilt) burned,
Potkaljaja quarter
7. Church of St. Panteleimon (14th century, later rebuilt) burned,
Potkaljaja quarter
8. Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian (14th century, later rebuilt)
burned, Potkaljaja quarter
9. Church of St. Kyriake, Zivinjane near Prizren, dynamited
(KFOR/UNMIK report of March 19: An explosion completely destroyed
the Orthodox church in the village of Zivinjanje.)
10. Monastery of Holy Archangels (14th century), looted and
burned in the presence of German soldiers who failed to protect
of Sts. Cyril and Methodius (UNMIK/KFOR report of March 17:
Orthodox Seminary in town centre & 3 Orthodox
churches set on fire)
residence in Prizren (UNMIK/KFOR report of March 18: Archbishop
seat, Archangel Monastery, an Orthodox Church
and Orthodox Seminary set on fire & destroyed) In addition
to the Bishop's residence, another church building was destroyed
which was inhabited by the sexton.
Church of St. Kyriake (1852), Brnjaca near Orahovac (UNMIK/KFOR
of March 18: Orthodox Church set on fire & destroyed
in Brnjaca village). According to existing reports, the parish
home was also set on fire.
12. Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God (16th-19th
centuries), burned together with the old and the new parish homes
on March 17, subsequently leveled with the ground.
Trinity Cathedral (Two bell towers that survived the dynamiting
the church in summer 1999 were leveled with the ground on
March 17. In subsequent days the Albanians systematically removed
the remains of the church and built a park in its location. UNMIK/KFOR
report of March 18: Rioters remove debris of destroyed Orthodox
Church with trucks & trailers Approx 5,000 K-Albanians participate.)
13. Church of St. Lazarus, Piskote near Djakovica, damaged in
1999 and 2001; according to internationals on the scene, now
completely destroyed together with the nearby cemetery. Parish
home was further damaged.
14. Church of St. Elijah near Bistrazina, damaged in 1999; according
to Bishop Atanasije Jevtic, who passed by on the road near the
church, now destroyed.
15. Devic Monastery (15th century) completely burned. The tomb
of St. Ionnichius of Devic was opened and desecrated; the Albanians
set fire to the inside of the tomb. (UNMIK/KFOR report of March
18: 2,000 protestors gather and move towards Devic Monastery,
Five K-Serbian nuns evacuated from area, Violent protestors set
Monastery on fire) In the monastery complex about 20 different
monastery utility buildings were destroyed (residential quarters,
warehouses, barns, etc.)
16. Church of St. John the Fore-runner (the so-called Metropolitanate
with the parish home and priests' apartments), set on fire according
to international sources on the scene. According to the latest
available photographs, the church walls are intact even though
the interior is completed destroyed. Signs of fire are visible.
17. Church of the Most Holy Mother of God, Belo Polje near Pec,
set on fire in summer 1999. Restored at the end of 2003 together
with about 20 returnee homes. Now again damaged by arson even
though the church walls and roof have not sustained further damage.
In addition to the church, the parish home was also set on fire.
Cathedral of the Emperor Uros, Urosevac, (UNMIK/KFOR report
of March
17: 3 hand grenades thrown at Serbian Orthodox church
– church set on fire, first time), at least 19 KFOR soldiers
and policemen wounded defending the church, destroyed city cemetery
(UNMIK/KFOR report of March 18: 1,500 K-Albanians rampage – burn
Orthodox Church & up to 5 K-Serb houses in town K-Albanian
crowd attempts to set Orthodox Church on fire in K-Serb village
of Talinovce Church was set to fire (1749 hrs) – 5 K-Albanian
males arrested). According to the latest information, the church
walls are still standing although most of the interior is damaged
by fire. The church is currently closed behind massive metal
doors and under KFOR protection.
19. Church of St. Elijah in the village of Nekodim, destroyed
together with local cemetery after it was abandoned by KFOR soldiers
(international sources on the scene)
20. Church of Sts. Peter and Paul in Talinovci set on fire,
Orthodox cemetery destroyed (see report above).
21. Church of the Most Holy Mother of God in the village of
Sovtovic, destroyed together with Orthodox cemetery (international
sources on the scene).
(On March 20, Athens media confirmed that three churches near
Urosevac protected by Greek soldiers were left unprotected before
an enormous mob of armed Albanians and that some Greek soldiers
had been wounded in clashes with armed Albanians.)
22. Church in Donja Slapasnica near Kosovska Kamenica (local
sources from Kamenica)
The Orthodox church in Kamenica was stoned and the glass on
several windows was broken. Several nearby Serb houses were destroyed.
Church of the Holy Archangel Michael in Stimlje, built in 1920
the hill above the town) (UNMIK/KFOR report of March
18: K-Serbian house & Orthodox Church set on fire) According
to the latest information, the walls of the church are undamaged
although the interior was further damaged and the icons destroyed.
The bell tower was set on fire back in January 2004.
Church of St. Nicholas in Pristina (early 19th century) (UNMIK/KFOR
report of March 18: Rioters attack Old Orthodox Church
in Taslixhe – automatic gunfire in area Orthodox priest & 5
K-Serbian families evacuated by KFOR from Old Orthodox Church
SPU officer shot & injured during attempt to secure Old Orthodox
Church Orthodox Church, UN Habitat office & 3 UNMIK Police
vehicles set on fire). The church was set on fire together with
the parish home; destroyed with it was a valuable engraved iconostasis,
dozens of icons and the entire church archive (confirmed by Pristina
parish priest Fr. Miroslav Popadic).
25. Church of St. Nicholas in Kosovo Polje, interior burned
and desecrated. The church was built in 1940. The church building
is still standing although according to local Serb sources and
testimonials, the interior of the church is completely destroyed.
The parish home was broken into and looted.
26. Church of St. Catherine in Bresje near Kosovo Polje, broken
into and desecrated. The church was recently also looted.
27. Church of St. Elijah (19th century), looted and interior
partially destroyed in June 1999, now completely burned. (UNMIK/KFOR
report of March 17: Orthodox Church set on fire in Vucitrn town)
The Orthodox cemetery next to the church was also destroyed together
with the parish home and church utility buildings.
28. Church of St. Michael in Obilic, newly built. Albanians
set automobile tires on fire inside the church. (KFOR/UNMIK report
of March 18: Obilic, Orthodox church, numerous Serb houses and
apartments set on fire) The church walls remain intact but the
interior is damaged by fire and high temperatures.
St. Sava Church in Southern Mitrovica was set on fire twice
in a row
(UNMIK/KFOR report of March 18: Molotov cocktails thrown
into perimeter of KFOR-guarded Orthodox Church in South, Church & several
neighboring houses set on fire Local Fire Brigade fight house
fires but not Church, which is severely damaged). In addition
to the church, the attackers also set fire to the priest's home
located in the churchyard.
Church of St. Andrew in Podujevo, built in 1929, destroyed
on March
18. Czech media confirmed that Czech soldiers were forced
to leave the church, which was destroyed together with the cemetery.
A Czech officer confirmed in "The Prague Post" that
he was deeply shocked by the fact that the Albanians dug up the
human remains of the Serbs from their graves and scattered the
bones. (KFOR/UNMIK report of March 18: Orthodox church set on
fire in Podujevo) According to photographs, the east wing of
St. Andrew was dynamited, and the bell tower was completely destroyed
by explosives along with the wall enclosing the church.
 Vesti Serbian emigre newspaper, Frankfurt, Germany
• Before churches and monasteries were torched and destroyed,
all precious treasures that could be removed were looted and
they are already available on the illegal world antiquities market
the five year-long "peace" under the rule of
the international military and civil protectorate, approximately
150 Serbian Orthodox holy shrines - churches, chapels and monasteries
- have been destroyed or desecrated, 20 percent of them originating
in the 13th and 14th centuries and part of the world cultural
heritage. Destroyed with them were more than 10,000 icons, church
art and liturgical objects. On the other hand, immediately prior
to torching or dynamiting by Albanian hordes, all precious treasures
of value to the world's heritage were looted from many church
treasuries and are already being sold on the illegal world market
of antiquities and works of art, old manuscripts and other rarities.
"Unfortunately even after the horrible pogrom against the
Serb population from March 17-20, the vandalism and looting of
remaining Orthodox buildings continued. We have also learned
that the same Albanians who participated in the torching and
destruction of Orthodox holy shrines first stole a large number
of valuable icons, icon lamps, manuscripts and other valuable
church articles. We assume that these stolen works of art will
also be sold on the black market, as has previously been the
case," noted the Information Service of Diocese of Raska-Prizren
and Kosovo-Metohija.
Information Service adds that the Diocese has appealed to UNMIK
and KFOR
to prevent the looting of Orthodox Christian church
and cultural treasures. This is confirmed by a recent UNMIK police
report stating that "three stolen bells and the main door
from one of the torched Orthodox churches have been recovered
near Pristina" and would be returned to the Diocese of Raska
and Prizren.
In Podujevo Czech KFOR soldiers confiscated the stolen bell
from St. Elijah Church in Podujevo from an Albanian family. Albanian
representatives came to the KFOR base no less then three times
asking that the bell be returned to them, claiming that it belonged
to the municipality of Podujevo. The Czech battalion, however,
refused and delivered the bell, a gift to the Podujevo church
from Serbian King Alexander I Karadjordjevic in 1932, to Gracanica
During the March violence by rampaging Albanian mobs, thieves
also targeted the bell of the church of St. George in Prizren.
According to Wolfgang Zillinger, the regional commander of UNMIK
police, three Albanian suspects were arrested.
The first alarming reports regarding the theft of church treasures,
said sources in the Diocese of Raska and Prizren, appeared immediately
following the end of the NATO bombing of the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia and the deployment of international peacekeeping
forces in Kosovo and Metohija in mid-June 1999. British journalist
Tim Judah took photographs at that time of Albanians looting
the church of St. Elijah in Vucitrn. He informed Bishop Artemije
of this and gave him several icons that he had managed to save.
The Bishop of Raska and Prizren then received word that the
church bells from the destroyed Serbian church in Djakovica had
been stolen despite the protection of UNMIK police. In Prizren
a German junior officer from KFOR responsible for the protection
of Serbian Orthodox Church property in the city stole a valuable
icon, a 300 year-old diptych, some liturgical books and several
smaller church articles. He was later sentenced in Germany to
a year-long sentence, which was suspended.
the south of Europe, in Greece, according to a report by local
police, "four smugglers dealing in Serbian religious
and art objects" were also arrested in Thessaloniki. In
the possession of the group leader and his wife were 17 stolen
books from the 19th century, stolen engravings and icons from
the 18th century and other valuables dating back to Roman times.
The criminals confessed that they had purchased everything in
Albania from local dealers and that the items all originated
from Kosovo and Metohija.
The next criminal act of this sort, as the Serbian Orthodox
Church had informed the public at that time, was discovered in
Slovenia when local police arrested several Albanians who had
in their possession dozens of icons which the arrested persons
admitted originated from Serbian churches in Kosovo and Metohija.
The Slovenian state police informed Interpol, which informed
the Serbian state police.
No one is guarding the border
Serb from UNMIK's multiethnic Kosovo police told "Vesti" that "the
thieves of Serbian art are from among the ranks of criminal groups
in Kosovo and Metohija, which are numerous because the high degree
of criminal activity in Kosovo society is a given fact, beginning
with illegal trade in drugs, tobacco, white slaves and heritage
artifacts". Thus, the remaining Orthodox churches in the
province which are located outside the Serb enclaves, he says, "are
exposed to the mercilessness of these groups despite the physical
protection of KFOR". Another serious problem, our source
said, is "the highly porous borders with the Republic of
Albania and Macedonia which no one is seriously guarding".
Serbian Patriarch's appeal
Orthodox Church leader Patriarch Pavle addressed the KFOR commander
and the UNMIK chief at that time to undertake
measures within their power "to stop the theft of icons,
liturgical books and other exceptionally valuable church artifacts
from Kosovo and Metohija", pointing out that the treasures
had been found "on the so-called black market of antiquities
and art objects in several European countries".
"Experience tells us that these cases are just the tip
of the iceberg, i.e., that many more church artifacts have been
removed from the region due to the impossibility of a normal
and safe life for clergy and the people than is known to us.
Therefore, I appeal to you to undertake all necessary measures
in accordance with the powers of KFOR and UNMIK to protect the
remaining property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, both real
and removable, because its destruction and dislocation represents
a loss not only to ourselves but to European culture as a whole.
At the same time from the land of Kosovo and Metohija, the cradle
of our people, in the presence of strong international military
and police forces, many traces of the existence of the Serbian
people and its martyred Church are disappearing," reminded
the Serbian Patriarch Kyr Pavle.
Other churches concerned
The World Council of Churches and the Conference of European
Churches have also expressed concern for the Orthodox heritage
in Kosovo and Metohija, whose unquestionable jeopardy has thus
far not gained the appropriate concern of the global cultural
community, asking that "a peaceful life for the residents
of this province finally be provided, as well as protection
for their cultural and spiritual heritage". In letters
to the UNMIK chief these ecumenical organizations expressed
their serious concern "due to the continued violence with
which the faithful of the Serbian Orthodox Church and its heritage
in Kosovo and Metohija are confronted". Attacks on Serbian
churches in the presence of international military forces are
described as "scandalous indicators of extremism and instability".
German soldier also stole
"Instead of performing the task entrusted to him and guarding
the Orthodox Bishop's residence and the Orthodox Cathedral in
Prizren, as well as church valuables entrusted to him, a professional
German soldier betrayed the trust of KFOR international peacekeeping
forces and showed himself to be a common criminal," wrote
the "Berliner Morgen Post" two years ago in an article
entitled "Professional soldier as church thief".
R. Loncar

Copyright © 1999-2004 by
The Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
11000 Belgrade
Kralja Petra I no.5
+381 11 3282 596