Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
June 10, 2004

Since June 4, 2004, the Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox
Church began its WAP presentation of daily news at the same time
as its Internet presentation. In this manner the Information
Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church wishes to keep everyone
using WAP services through their mobile telephone and living
anywhere in the world informed regarding events in the Orthodox
Church. To our best knowledge, this is the first WAP presentation
in Cyrillic script and it has completely disproved claims that
it is impossible to use Cyrillic in modern technology.

FIRST BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA IN SERBIAN LANGUAGE PUBLISHED Just out of print is the first volume of the Bible Encyclopedia
by Protodeacon Radomir Rakic, an instructor at the Theological
Faculty of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade and the official
interpreter of the Holy Assembly of Bishops. This volume includes
terms from A to L on a total of 586 pages in encyclopedic format
in two columns without illustrations.
This work, the first of its kind in the Serbian language, has
been no less than 10 years in preparation by the author, using
the best biblical encyclopedias in the world as his model, including
the Russian encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikifor from the end
of the 19th century reprinted in Moscow in 1992. German works
used included Fritz Rienecker’s Lexikon zur Bibel and the six-volume
biblical dictionary published by Brockhaus, Das grosse Bibellexikon.
English works of greatest aid to the author were Harper’s Bible
Dictionary (San Francisco, 1985), as well as The Illustrated
Bible Dictionary, Vols. 1-3 (London, 1980).
The structure of the definitions is as follows: the term, then
the first parenthesis with the term in Hebrew letters, a second
parenthesis with the transliteration – guide to pronunciation
in the Roman alphabet, and finally, the translation of the term
in Serbian in italics. This translation is very important because
all Semitic names have a meaning. If the definition relates to
a person or concept from the New Testament, the first parenthesis
provides the name or concept in Greek and the definition is provided
in the next parenthesis. If there are several persons with the
same name, they are separately listed with careful citing of
the place of appearance in the Holy Scripture; in some cases,
there are several references, e.g., Zachariah has 24. Geographical
names include information regarding who conducted archeological
excavations at specific locations and when, the results of these
investigations, etc. In cases where the location no longer exists,
archeological hypotheses regarding its possible location are
given. Also defined are persons and locations cited in the Deuterocanonical
Books (Apocrypha), e.g., the Books of the Maccabees or Esdras,
Tobit, etc. The translation of Bishop Atanasije Jevtic of the
Books of the Maccabees was used. Certain important biblical persons,
e.g., Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, John the Baptist, Matthew,
etc.) are defined in such detail that a complete portrait of
them is presented. Also defined are non-biblical persons, events
and locations (e.g., Ras Shamra, Elba, Nag Hammadi, etc.), dynasties
of the pharaohs, Selevkida, Ptolemians, etc. The Old Testament
is cited according to the Danicic translation, and the New Testament
according to the translation of the Commission of the Holy Assembly
of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It is periodically
emphasized whether individual concepts were translated by Emilijan
Carnic or Vuk Karadzic. Most difficult of all, biblical names
are conscientiously listed as used in the Serbian language and
not corresponding to the Masoret reading (e.g., Ozilo instead
of Uzilo).
The publisher of the Bible Encyclopedia is the St. Basil of
Ostrog Spiritual Academy in Srbinje. The editor of this important
work in the field of modern Serbian theology is Dr. Mirko Tomasovic,
assistant professor on the New Testament at the St. Basil of
Ostrog Spiritual Academy in Srbinje. Dr. Ilija Tomic, assistant
professor at the Theological Faculty of the Serbian Orthodox
Church in Belgrade, provided expert assistance, especially in
Hebrew terminology and its transliteration.

“SPIRITUAL LEADERS” ON DVD - EPISODES OF POPULAR STUDIO B SERIES Three of the best episodes of the popular documentary series
of Belgrade's NTV Studio B, Spiritual Leaders hosted by Velimir
Velja Pavlovic, have been released on DVD. The distributor, DVDreams
from Belgrade, chose three notable episodes including interviews
with Elder Tadej Vitovnicki, Mother Ilarija from Pokajnica Monastery
and Father Justin, former Abbot of Decani Monastery and presently
Abbot of Savina Monastery.
Through the warm and simple, yet deep and wise words of the
monks, a new world is revealed which Jovan Ducic described thus:
“Today no one realizes how miserable and humiliating it is to
be afraid to be left by oneself. No one knows what a tragedy
it is never to be alone and hear our blood rushing through our
veins and temples, never to hear the sound of the footsteps of
our thoughts in the silence of solitude in which all is revealed
and everything begins to speak...”
The host, Mr. Velja Pavlovic, says that in our time, when the
material has become more important than the spiritual, only in
the monasteries can one still meet exceptional people dedicated
to the highest purpose through perfection of self.
In spring of 2002 Belgrade’s Studio B launched a series to discover
their world called “Spiritual Leaders”. The unexpectedly large
audience it drew is proof that spiritual leaders remain a precious
source of inspiration for many even today.
The DVD includes episodes of “Spiritual Leaders” which viewers
most frequently wanted to see again.
In the meanwhile, Mother Ilarija and Elder Tadej have passed
from this transient into eternal life and hence these interviews
also remain as irreproducible testimonials. The supplement includes
previously unbroadcast, unedited material from the filming of
the episode about Father Tadej.
The DVD has Russian, Greek, German, English, French and Spanish
This exceptional collection that may be ordered by mail for
a price of 1,000 dinars plus shipping costs. Additional information
may be obtained at +381-011-32-82-588 or info@spc.yu

RESTORATION OF DUBRAVA MONASTERY In the ruins of Dubrava Monastery on the southern slopes of
Mt. Zlatibor a pile of 260 Venetian ducats from the 17th century
have been found. This centuries-old treasure is a rare find which
will go toward the restoration of this forgotten monastery and
its sisterhood. Dubrava Monastery is located in the Diocese of
Zica and with the humble assistance of the faithful will return
to life and again become a place where the many faithful can
pray to God.
In the two years since the restoration of this holy shrine began,
nine kilometers of road have been dug from the village of Stublo
along the crags under Mt. Tornik. At the same time, an anonymous
Serb from the United States donated 15,000 dollars toward the
restoration and fresco painting of the monastery church. Monk
Danilo arrived here four years ago from an ascetic brotherhood
in Studenica and is trying to restore the life of the monastery.
The money was probably hidden in Dubrava in 1697 during a Turkish
reprisal and will be of exception significance historically and
By D. Gagricic
Source: Vecernje Novosti daily, Belgrade, June 10, 2004

DOCUMENTARY FILM ABOUT KOSOVO AND METOHIJA WINS AT CZECH FESTIVAL At the International Festival of Documentary Film held in the
Czech city of Kosice Jelena Bojovic’s film “The 21st Century”
won the first prize. The film was secretly filmed during the
past five years in Kosovo and Metohija. The director talks about
elderly ladies who try to save an Orthodox holy shrine – the
church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God in Djakovica
– which was nevertheless destroyed during the March pogrom.
Source: Vecernje Novosti daily, Belgrade, June 10, 2004

Translation Services]

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The Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
11000 Belgrade
Kralja Petra I no.5
+381 11 3282 596