Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
June 17, 2004

A microfilm copy of the original “Nikoljsko Jevandjelje” (St.
Nicholas Monastery Gospel), located in the Chester Beatty Library
in Dublin has finally been returned to Cacak thanks to the efforts
of Mrs. Danica Otasevic, the director of the Cacak Library, and
Dr. Vladeta Jankovic, the Serbia and Montenegro ambassador to
Mid-18th century National Library director Djura Danicic has
linked the St. Nicholas Monastery Gospel with a manuscript written
for Bosnian Duke Hrvoje around 1404. The manuscript was part
of the collection of the Serbian National Library in Belgrade
until World War I when it vanished together with 55 of the most
valuable manuscripts and old printed books. In 1966 Vladimir
Mosin located the St. Nicholas Monastery Gospel in the Dublin
Source: Vecernje Novosti daily, June 17, 2004

RESTORATION OF LEONTIOS DORMITORY The Information Service of the Coordinating Center for Kosovo
and Metohija in its communique number 1 dated June 16, 2004,
informed that the UNESCO World Heritage Center and the international
NGO IKOMOS have informed the Coordinating Center and the Republic
of Serbia’s Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
of their full agreement to begin reconstruction of the Leontios
Dormitory in Decani Monastery.
Although the dormitory itself is not among the buildings under
UNESCO protection, it is an integral part of the monastery of
key importance to the Decani operations.
The beginning of work on the reconstruction of the dormitory
is expected to begin in the near.

YOUNGEST SERBS FROM PRIZREN BAPTIZED IN DECANI MONASTERY On June 6, 2004, Dobrila, Slobodan and Valentina Pleskonjic
were baptized at Visoki Decani Monastery. Barely escaping certain
death during the March Kristalnacht in Prizren, Ljubisa and Tatjana
Pleskonjic baptized their three children in Decani Monastery:
two and a half year old Dobrila, one and a half year old Slobodan
and one month old Valentina. In addition to this joyful news
about the youngest Serbs from Prizren who since March 17 have
been temporarily lodged in the German military base in Prizren
together with some 30 other Serbs from the city, we include the
shocking eyewitness account of Ljubisa Pleskonjic who by a miracle
of God managed to pull his family from the flames before an rampaging
Albanian crowd. Decani monks Metodije and Dimitrije performed
the holy sacrament of baptism.
that fateful March 17, when the madness of the Albanian chauvinists
began, my wife Tatjana and I and our two small children,
Slobodan and Dobrila, were in our apartment in the complex of
the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Serbian Seminary in Prizren, where
we were temporarily lodged after returning to our native city
in September of last year. At about 4:50 p.m. the Albanians began
to gather. We thought they would be holding a protest rally as
in previous days and then disperse; however, to our misfortune,
this was not the case. In the first attack, they broke down the
door of the Seminary, and then they entered the apartment on
the first and then the second floor. I pushed two heavy benches
in front of the door and wedged myself between the wall and the
door so they couldn't get in. There were screams coming from
the hallway outside and at one point, when they tried to use
axes to hack through the door, I thought we were finished. Then
they set fire to the door. Flames were everywhere. I helped my
wife and children to get out of the window onto the roof; I could
not get out myself because I am pretty big. I remained in the
apartment where the fire was spreading. Out of despair and fear
I grabbed the refrigerator and began to smash it against the
wall until I made a hole large enough to get out. I walked across
the roof of the neighboring house and arrived at the first house
in our block. Thanks to the Kosovo Police Service, which tossed
tear gas at the mob, we managed to cross the street and arrive
at the Teranda Hotel. Just when we thought we had managed to
save ourselves, the raging Albanians again attacked us. The KPS
police fled and left us by ourselves in the middle of the street.
We remained hidden between two garbage dumpsters until five in
the morning when we were found by a KPS patrol which then at
our request transferred us to the German base where we still
live,” said Ljubisa.

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