Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
June 18, 2004

On Saturday, June 19, 2004 His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle
will be concelebrating with a large number of hierarchs and priests
the chirotonia of the eminent Archimandrite Teodosije (Sibalic),
Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, as the auxiliary Bishop of
His Grace Bishop Artemije of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija
with the title of Bishop of Lipljan.
The newly elected Bishop Teodosije will be consecrated on Sunday,
June 20, 2004, in the church of the Ascension of Our Lord in
Visoki Decani Monastery.

Welcomed by Serbian Choir Assembly As part of the “Amici del Futuro” (Friends of the Future) program
whose purpose is to develop cultural cooperation between young
Serbs and Italians, the San Biagio Choir from Monza is visiting
the Serbian Choir Assembly and the Information Service of the
Serbian Orthodox Church. The guests from Monza will be staying
in Belgrade from June 18-21, 2004. The hosts wish to return the
great love and hospitality shown to the Serbs who visited Monza
during the “Friends of the Future” event.
The San Biagio Choir will be holding an all-evening concert
together with the Madrigal Choir of the Faculty of Music Arts
under the direction of Aleksandar S. Vujic. The event will be
held in the Atrium of the National Museum in Belgrade beginning
at 7:00 p.m. and will include works by Old Italian masters.
Secretary-general Sava J. Miric will be welcoming the guests
on behalf of the Serbian Choir Assembly while Executive Board
President Dragomir Acovic will be opening the concert on behalf
of the National Museum.
San Biagio Choir The San Biagio Choir from Monza performs spiritual and secular
choral music and has achieved a high expressive technique, finding
at the same time the most faithful connection with the criteria
of performance practices in every period. Through intensive training,
the choir over the years has created a very broad repertoire
which, starting from the dawn of choral music (medieval liturgical
monodia, Ambrosian and Gregorian chants) attains the most significant
contributions of spiritual and secular polyphony from the time
of the Renaissance to today. From this, of course, follows the
variation in its activities, at first connected solely for liturgical
services conducted at the San Biagio parish church in Monza to
those typically concert-related with participation from 1996
to today in more than 50 concerts in various locations. Especially
noteworthy among them is cooperation with the Department of Culture
of the City of Monza in connection with the events “Music in
the monasteries” (in 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002) and “Monza during
the Great Jubilee” (2000). With the hope of expanding its musical
experience, the choir has realized important cooperation with
other choir and instrumental groups.
The choir is currently comprised of 30 members under the direction
of Faust Fedeli. 
PATRIARCH RECEIVES PROFESSOR VESELIN KESIC His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle received Dr. Veselin Kesic
and his wife, Lidija, in the Patriarchal residence today. Dr.
Kesic taught New Testament and the History of the Serbian Orthodox
Church for many years at the St. Vladimir Academy in New York
before retiring. Notably, this was his first visit to Serbia
after exile in 1944 when he departed through Italy and Great
Britain for New York. In the U.S. he was immediately welcomed
by the Holy Bishop Nikolai of Ohrid and Zica, whom he assisted
until passing. Dr. Kesic then enrolled as a student of the St.
Vladimir Academy and later become a professor together with Frs.
Georgije Florovski, Jovan Majendorf and Aleksandar Smeman.
Dr. and Mrs. Kesic also visited the Theological Faculty of the
Serbian Orthodox Church. In 1991 Dr. Kesic presented the Faculty
with a large number of theological books and periodicals, which
continue to be of great assistance to all its students.

SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST An exhibition of works by children from the Kockica Preschool
in Borca will be opened on Monday, June 21, at 12:30 p.m. in
the Serbian Orthodox Church Museum, Kralja Petra Street number
Large murals painted by groups of children working together
depict the life, suffering and resurrection of Christ. And truly,
as the singer of the psalms says: “O Lord, whose glory is chanted
by the mouth of babes and infants” (Psalms 8:1-2). With the pure
heart of a child, the little ones narrate the Gospel in their
own terms. In additional to exceptional scenes from Christ’s
life, the legends contain the children’s thoughts, some of which
will make us laugh out loud but also deeply move us by their
purity, innocence, sincerity and immediacy.
Working with the children from the Kockica Preschool was their
teacher, Slavica Tomic. 
SERMONS OF BISHOP SIMEON ZLOKOVIC The Diocese of Dalmatia has published the book “Besede Episkopa
Simeona Zlokovica” (Sermons of Bishop Simeon Zlokovic). Bishop
Simeon was the Bishop of the Diocese of Upper Karlovac from 1951
to 1990, when he reposed in the Lord. He joined the Diocese at
the most difficult of times, just after World War II, which had
left its mark on the life of the Church as no other until then
since the founding of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The young
Bishop found his Diocese in complete ruins. Out of 206 Orthodox
priests before the war, only 14 survived the war with their parishioners.
There were about 20 churches where Divine Liturgy could be served;
out of a pre-war population of half a million Orthodox faithful,
barely half had survived. In the post-war period and for a long
time afterward, the attitude of the authorities toward the Church
was extremely negative. None of this frightened Bishop Simeon
who began the restoration of his Diocese with much faith, love
and elan; he spent the next 39 years working on the most difficult
and most wonderful task of serving God and his people, until
the end of his life on earth in 1990.
book of sermons by the blessed Bishop Simeon of Gornji Karlovac
is a precious pearl. For the first time all his paschal
sermons, sermons for special occasions and feasts have been collected
in one volume. Brilliantly written, they are clear and understandable
to all yet profound in their thought, messages and teachings.
Bishop Simeon confirmed his faith and words through his life
and works, as best attested by his own words: “Christian truths,
the mysteries of heaven and earth as seen in the Gospel, are
not the same as the mysteries and truths of this material world.
They are differently experienced and (should be) differently
expressed. There is no prophet, no matter how wise and profound,
who will inspire if faith in serenity and love in experience
are not behind his words. Then again, the serene word about God,
though it be spoken plainly, will win over all people of faith.”

Translation Services]

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The Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
11000 Belgrade
Kralja Petra I no.5
+381 11 3282 596