Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
June 21, 2004

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle, together with members
of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church:
His Grace Bishop Irinej of Nis, His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija,
His Grace Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina, and His
Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje and Niksic, met today in the
Patriarchal residence in Belgrade with Dr. Vojislav Vukcevic,
the Minister for Emigrants of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro
and his closest associates, Deputy Minister Aleksandar Cotric,
and assistants Vukman Krivokuca, Miodrag Jaksic and Miodrag Bozic.
Minister Vukcevic and his associates informed His Holiness and
the Bishops of the Holy Assembly with the work and goals of the
newly formed Ministry for Emigrants which can be summed up as
- Enhancement of cooperation between emigrant Serbs and the Homeland
on cultural and economic programs;
- Preservation of national, religious, cultural and linguistic
- Full and equal participation of emigrants in the public, political
and cultural life of the Homeland.
Dr. Vukcevic emphasized that the state and the ministry he heads
cannot succeed in this goals without agreement and full cooperation
with the Serbian Orthodox Church, which enjoys unique and undivided
authority among Serbian emigrants of whom there are, according
to estimates, between 3.5 and 4 million.
In order to create the necessary conditions for the realization
of the above stated goals, the Ministry for Emigrants, in the
acquiescence of the Ministry for Internal Affairs of the Republic
of Serbia, has submitted a proposed draft of a new Law on Citizenship.
Dr. Vukcevic emphasized that earlier legislative solutions in
this field dating back to the Communist period were directed
more toward preventing and discouraging Serbs who live outside
the Homeland from acquiring the citizenship of their mother country
than helping them realize their legitimate right. According to
the new proposed draft law, which is completely in accordance
with the legislation of European states, all those of Serbian
nationality or Serbian origin who desire to acquire Serbian citizenship
will be able to do so.
On behalf of the Holy Assembly of Bishops, Patriarch Pavle expressed
his satisfaction with the proposed solution and emphasized that
it is the moral obligation of the Church to uphold it. The adoption
of such a Law of Citizenship will enable not only the establishment
of the number of our compatriots scattered throughout the world
but also the establishment of their religious and cultural identity.
It is especially important, emphasized His Holiness, that the
citizenship of the motherland will also be available to Serb
refugees from surrounding newly formed states, who are completely
disenfranchised, as well as those who remained living in them.
In conclusion, Patriarch Pavle and the members of the Holy Assembly
Bishops, and Dr. Vukcevic and his associates agreed that Serbs
who live outside Serbia have never been more needed by Serbia
than today.

“BUY DOMESTIC GOODS – RENEW SERBIA” CAMPAIGN His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle and members of the Holy
Assembly Bishops received Dr. Bojan Dimitrijevic, Minister of
Trade, Tourism and Services of the Republic of Serbia, and his
assistant Srdjan Sreckovic, in the Patriarchal residence in Belgrade
Dr. Dimitrijevic informed the members of the Holy Assembly with
the BUY DOMESTIC GOODS – RENEW SERBIA” campaign initiated by
the Ministry with the goal of launching and reaffirming domestic
production, which is still struggling with problems caused by
sanctions and isolation; strengthening of confidence in domestic
production; enhancement of awareness regarding the quality of
domestic products; reduction of negative monetary flow abroad
(the trade deficit last year was five billion dollars); preservation
of existing and creation of new jobs; strengthening of social
funds (pension, medical and social); and encouragement of creativity
in the domestic economy.
Patriarch Pavle and the members of the Holy Assembly praised
the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Services for initiating this
campaign and emphasized that it is the best way to help ourselves.
They also expressed satisfaction and gratitude toward all producers
and domestic retailers who joined this campaign and reduced the
prices of their products in order to make them more accessible
to our population. The members of the Holy Assembly of Bishops
advised Dr. Dimitrijevic to encourage other state offices to
join in the protection of domestic production as much as possible
by providing subventions and all possible measures to invigorate
production, increase employment and improve living standards
for citizens.

BISHOP TEODOSIJE OF LIPLJAN On Sunday, June 20, 2004 the newly elected Bishop of Lipljan,
Abbot Teodosije (Sibalic) of Decani Monastery, was consecrated.
The ordination of the Bishop and service of Holy Hierarchal Liturgy
at Decani monastery was conducted by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch
Pavle with the concelebration of many Bishops, hieromonks and
The chirotonia itself was preceded by the act of election, which
took place on Saturday, June 19, 2004. The service began with
doxology and was followed by the address of the host, His Grace
Bishop Artemije of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija, who welcomed
the Patriarch and all who gathered around the tomb of Holy Stefan
of Decani. The Bishops participating in the ceremony together
with the Serbian Patriarch and Bishop Artemije included Metropolitan
Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, Metropolitan Ambrosios
of Kozani (of the Greek Orthodox Church), Metropolitan Jovan
of Veles, Bishop Irinej of Nis, Bishop Vasilije of Zvornik and
Tuzla, Bishop Lukijan of Budim, Bishop Georgije of Canada, Bishop
Irinej of Backa, Bishop Konstantine of Central Europe, Bishop
Pahomije of Vranje, Bishop Jovan of Sumadija, Bishop Joanikije
of Budimlje and Niksic, Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina,
Vicar Bishop Porfirije of Jegar, Vicar Bishop Joakim of Velicka
and retired Bishop Atanasije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina. After
the ceremony evening services were officiated by Abbot Teodosije
of Decani, the newly elected Bishop of Lipljan.
On Sunday, June 20, 2004, morning services were officiated by
Abbot Jovan (Puric) of Ostrog Monastery, the newly elected Bishop
of Dioclea. This was followed by Divine Liturgy officiated by
the Serbian Patriarch with the concelebration of over 40 hieromonks,
hierodeacons and priests. At the end of the Liturgy, His Holiness
handed the archpastoral scepter to the new Bishop with warm fatherly
words to which the Bishop responded with his special sermon for
the occasion.
 Thanks to well-coordinated KFOR escorts, the consecration of
the new Bishop was attended by a large number of faithful from
Kosovo and Metohija, as well as representatives of the Serbian
Government: Serbian minister of education and sports Ljiljana
Colic, Serbian minister for emigrants Vojislav Vukcevic; Return
Coalition deputies and members of the Serbian National Council
of Kosovo and Metohija Rada Trajkovic and Randjel Nojkic; and
Nebojsa Bakarec, president of the Executive Council of the Municipal
Assembly of Stari Grad (Belgrade). Representatives of the U.S.,
British, French and Italian offices in Pristina also attended
the liturgy, ceremony and luncheon, as did the commander of Italian
and German military forces, general Danilo Errico and his officers.
Representing the UNMIK chief was Johannes Regenbrecht, the deputy
chief of the UNMIK police section. At the end of the luncheon
Svetlana Stevic delighted all present with her rendition of authentic
Kosovo songs, and poet Ranko Djinovic from Djakovica recited
a poem from his collection dedicated to Decani Monastery.

JOY FOR THE EYES AND SOUL An exhibition of paintings and drawings by children from the
Kockica Preschool in Borca opened today in the Serbian Orthodox
Church Museum. Opening the exhibition on behalf of His Holiness
Serbian Patriarch Pavle was His Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje
and Niksic of the Holy Assembly of Bishops. Attending the opening
were Museum director Slobodan Mileusnic; Hieromonk Irinej Dobrijevic,
the director and editor in chief of the Information Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church; Slavica Tomic, the teacher of this
outstanding group of youngsters; Kockica Preschool education
coordinator Ana Skokic; Deacon Miladin, the religious instructor
at the Borca Elementary School, who also collaborates with the
preschool; Ljiljana Dejanovic, a teacher; and many parents who
helped Ms. Tomic by providing colors and materials without whose
help this beautiful exhibition would not have been possible.
Bishop Joanikije blessed the children and conveyed the greetings
of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle, who saw the exhibition earlier
and liked it very much but was prevented from being present by
official obligations.
The young artists explained to Bishop Joanikije and those present
what they had depicted in their pictures, demonstrating that
they truly had an outstanding knowledge of the subject. They
described religious feasts and scenes from the life of Christ
in their children’s joyful and spontaneous manner. The audience
was charmed and driven to laughter, as well as moved by the children’s
pure, innocent and sincere narrative of how the devil tempted
Christ. They pointed out that the picture showed all the things
with which the evil one had tempted Christ: “He offered him treasure,
gold, chocolate, lollipops and cakes; and chicken and drumsticks
and cookies but Christ answered him in the words of God’s commandments
and the devil couldn’t do anything.”
These pictures, which are filled with love and faith and represent
an exceptionally high level of children’s artistic creation,
are truly a joy for the eyes and the soul. Mrs. Radmila Misev,
the director and editor in chief of the children’s magazine of
the Serbian Orthodox Church, “Svetosavsko zvonce” (St. Sava’s
Little Bell), also greeted the children and gave each child a
copy of the magazine. After the opening of the exhibition, the
children toured the Museum and then visited the printing office,
where director Gradimir Stanic welcomed them. After a tour of
the printing office, he distributed gifts to the children.

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