Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
July 14, 2004

With the blessing
of His Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje and Niksic in Bijelo
Polje on the eve of the feast of St. Peter in the auditorium of
the Cultural Center a spiritual academy was held on the topic
“Echoes of the First Serbian Rebellion in the Bijelo Polje region”.
Speaking at the academy was Dr. Jovo Medojevic, assistant professor
at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Kosovska
Mitrovica. In the continuation of the program participants included
the Sts. Peter and Paul Church Choir and the Hristofanija tercet
from Sombor.
Holy Hierarchal Liturgy, which was served on St. Peter’s Day by
Bishop Joanikije and his clergy, St. Peter’s Day festivities took
place. After the traditional St. Peter’s Day assembly, a large
number of the faithful gathered in front of the church and at
about 5:00 p.m. a festal religious process started out from St.
Peter’s church to Nikoljac led by Bishop Joanikije and Bishop
Filaret of Milesevo and the clergy.
Publika, July 13, 2004

nine days in July this year as well in Studenica the thirteenth
Summer Spiritual Academy for Musical Youth is to be held. By way
of note, 13 years ago the Summer Spiritual Academy of Musical
Youth was established according to the principles of “choir Sundays”.
A small team then comprised of music expert Dr. Snezana Nikolajevic,
musical youth coordinator Miodrag Pavlovic and academician Dimitrije
Stefanovic developed the concept for the project out of the desire
to bring the richness and authentic values of Serbian spiritual
music, art and culture in their essential forms closer to young
people in a modern way. The Summer Spiritual Academy has retained
this concept throughout this entire time, adding new and fresh
content to it each year. This year for the first time a foreign
conductor will be introduced at the Academy, Gennady Dmytryk from
Russia. The idea of the Summer Spiritual Academy from the very
start has been tied to Studenica Monastery, which because its
history, beauty and adherence to the spirit of the teachings of
St. Sava has been an ideal site for this unique spiritual school.
The brotherhood of the monastery wholeheartedly accepted its program,
and the Academy is taking place with the blessing of His Grace
Bishop Hrizostom of Zica and Hieromonk Tihon, the Abbot of Studenica.
At this year’s Academy the Mixed Choir of the Abrasevic Cultural
Artistic Society under the direction of Milovan Pancic; the Holy
Prince Lazar Mixed Choir from Lazarica Church in Krusevac and
conductor Ruzica Veskovic; the choir of the First Belgrade Singing
Society under the direction of Svetlana Vilic; and the Serbian
Chamber Choir with conductor Djordje Pavlovic will be presented.
The final concert of choirs attending this year’s Summer Academy
will be held on Monday under the direction of Gennady Dmytryk.
Politika daily, Belgrade, July 14, 2004

The relics
of holy martyr Momcilo Grgurevic, who was murdered in 1945, were
dug up on July 12, 2004 for the third time from the churchyard
in Celebici and transferred to the church of St. Nicholas in the
hamlet of Rijeka. His Eminence Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabro-Bosnia
conducted the transfer of the relics of St. Momcilo with the concelebration
of a large number of priests and hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox
Church, and many faithful arrived from all parts of Republika
Srpska, Serbia and Montenegro – mostly from Pljevlje – as well
as many Serbs living abroad. The residents of Celebici say that
while many served their mission as priests in the Tetimska parish,
no one enjoyed the reputation and respect of Momcilo Grgurevic.
He was born in 1906 and, as a true fighter for the faith of Christ,
he was the first to be felled by the Ustashe mob. Metropolitan
Nikolaj confirmed that during the war Presbyter Grgurevic defended
not only Serbs but also Muslims from violence. However, his young
life ended tragically in November 1945. According to one version,
he was wounded and a trio of partisans comprised of two Muslims
and a Serb slit his throat; according to another version, Momcilo
was wounded but still alive when he was murdered with a hacksaw.
The ruling atheists refused to permit a suitable funeral. The
priest’s head was severed from his body and thrown into the building
of the municipal assembly at that time; it was courageously removed
by a woman parishioner and united with the body. He was buried
without a religious service outside the churchyard near a mass
grave of innocent residents of Celebici who had been executed.
It was not until 45 years later that Momcilo’s youngest son, Vasilije,
was able to properly bury his father’s earthly remains, said Fr.
Borivoje Kosoric, who alone risked his life and first served at
the grave of holy martyr Momcilo. Although many believe that his
proper place is in the church in Celebici, where he was finally
buried in 1990, St. Momcilo’s remains were transferred to a wooden
church in Rijeka.
Source: Vecernje
Novosti daily, Belgrade, July 14, 2004
Tone 4
life was a prayer, holy martyr of Christ.
You spread Christ’s love and peace through prayer and deed,
Praying for those who hated and persecuted you.
You constantly and devotedly prayed for the God of the Orthodox
people to which you belong
And taught them to always follow Your Path. Finally you sacrificed
For your Christ and were therefore honored by the death of His
Even as they set out to behead you, holy martyr Momcilo,
You prayed for your enemies like your protector and
Christ’s First Martyr: “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”
Tone 2
are celebrated for your love toward Christ and faithful
Divine service in His Church. You are celebrated for you always
Followed the Savior who calls on us to follow Him and live
In light. You are celebrated for you perished like the early Martyrs
Of His Church. Even as the Godless murders separated your head
from your body
You prayed to the Crucified Christ on the Cross, and in prayerful
Heard the words of the Angel from the grave: “He is risen.” Hence
we pray to you,
Holy martyr Momcilo, to pray to the Christ-God for us, His sinful

(Russian) Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography wishes
to initiate several television projects in cooperation with the
Russian Orthodox Church to be based on an explanation of the history
of Christianity. At a meeting with several eminent cultural workers
and initiators of this project, including Nikita Mihalkov, Mikhail
Shvydkoy and Aleksandar Golutvin, His Holiness Patriarch Alexey
II of Moscow and All-Russia spoke of the need for such programs
on television in order to spread the good word among the younger
generations. The series of programs will begin with descriptions
of Palestine and Italy at the beginning of the Christian period
in the history of humankind and will continue with a description
of the historical events in the Russian Orthodox Church.

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