Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
Avgust 20, 2004
His Holiness Patriarch Pavle received Mr. Dragan Kojadinovic,
the Minister of Culture and Media of the Republic of Serbia and
his closest associates, Mr. Vlajko Senic, Mr. Andjelko Trpovic,
Mr. Dragan Selic and Ms. Mirjana Menkovic, in the Patriarch’s
residence today.
Minister Kojadinovic informed Patriarch Pavle regarding the
current activities of the Ministry of Culture and Media, especially
those related to the protection of the Serbian cultural heritage
in Kosovo and Metohija. The goal of these activities, he emphasized,
was for the Declaration on Kosovo and Metohija unanimously adopted
by the Republic of Serbia Assembly to yield concrete results.
For that reason a special Committee for Protection of Cultural
Heritage was formed, which produced a status report on the state
of cultural monuments and church buildings in the southern Serbian
province as well s a plan for concrete activities. The intent
is to creation conditions for monastery life as soon as possible,
especially in monasteries that were destroyed during the March
pogrom. Funds necessary to do this have been set aside. The Ministry
of Culture has established direct cooperation with international
institutions for the purpose of protecting this heritage in Kosovo
and Metohija, especially UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the
European Commission.
Patriarch Pavle expressed his satisfaction with the aforementioned
activities of the Ministry of Culture and emphasized that, in
addition to concern for the renewal and protection of holy shrines,
all of us must keep in mind the exceptionally difficult position
of displaced and expelled persons. In order to resolve these
and other problems, it is necessary that every member of our
state and society accept full responsibility and give his or
her contribution to its resolution. That is the only way we can
survive both biologically and as God’s people.
CHARTER OF THE SERBIAN YOUTH ASSEMBLY 2004 The fourth Serbian Orthodox Youth Assembly took place under
the slogan “I believe in God and Serbdom.” The event, which brought
together participants from the homeland and abroad, was organized
by the Orthodox Youth of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and
the Littoral, the Diocese of Zahumlje and Herzegovina, the Diocese
of Budimlje and Niksic and the Dver Serbian Assembly Association.
This year’s working portion of the Serbian Orthodox Youth Assembly
on the theme of Humanity and heroism – St. Peter of Cetinje and
Karageorge – began on August 15 in Orasac with the commemoration
of the two hundred year anniversary of the First Serbian Rebellion.
It continued in the Seminary in Cetinje and the monastery of
Ostrog, and completed its work in Trebinje on the feast of the
Holy Transfiguration. Assembly participants visited the Dioceses
of Milesevo, Budimlje and Niksic, and Sabac and Valjevo. Metropolitan
Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, Metropolitan Jovan
of Povardarje and Veles, Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina,
Bishop Jovan of Dioclea and retired Bishop Atanasije (Jevtic)
participated in the work of the Assembly, as well as eminent
Serbian intellectuals from Serbia and abroad. We wish to specially
emphasize the address of Mr. Sergei Yevghenyievich Sheblin, a
senator of the Upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament, who promised
the further cooperation between Serbian and Russian Orthodox
youth; as well as the presence of Mr. Alexander Vladimirovich
Melnyk, the president of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called
Fund. Representatives of Orthodox Youth from (FYR) Macedonia
also took part in the Assembly.
The Assembly brought together 123 representatives from over
60 youth fraternal organizations and non-governmental associations
of Orthodox-national orientations. Presenters opened many important
topics related to the endangerment of Serbian national being:
the “white plague” (low birth rate), issues of language and tradition,
spirituality, secularism and globalism, as well as the technological
and informational civilization.
With the intent of more actively engaging in the implementation
of decisions that have been adopted between Assemblies, the Assembly
will form working groups for the implementation of concrete projects.
After discussion of the Principles of Serbian Youth, a document
concretely profiling the choices of the gathered young people
at the beginning of the 21st century, the Assembly adopted the
following nine points:
1. Fight for the biological and spiritual renewal of ourselves
and our people and the people around us. As part of this principle,
the fight against the “white plague” is the priority task of
all social institutions in Serbia and abroad. The Serbian Youth
Assembly commits itself to doing more to inform the people
of the destructive influence of the “white plague” and infanticide
(abortion), as well as to implement a program under the working
name of Beba zna (Baby Knows) which seeks to fight against
the “white plague” in a creative and positive manner by emphasizing
the value of life. In connection with this program we hope
for the blessing and assistance of the Holy Assembly of Bishops
of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
2. The Serbian Youth Assembly commits itself to do everything
to help their endangered brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija,
as well as others in need: the poverty-stricken, the parentless,
those expelled from their homes and disabled war veterans. Toward
the end the Assembly, with the blessing of Bishop Artemije of
Raska and Prizren, will help in the establishment of a Spiritual
Center in Kosovska Mitrovica. As well, we will present Bishop
Artemije a concrete plan for the renewal of the monastery of
Zociste for his review, and offer assistance in its realization.
3. With the blessing of the appropriate Bishop, every youth
association bases its work in the parish and diocese to which
it belongs, and participates in synchronized work with other
organizations on projects being implemented in all Serbian lands
that have been adopted by the Serbian Youth Assembly.
4. We support the reinstitution of Church-People’s Assemblies,
which would make decisions regarding all important issues for
the survival of the state and the people.
5. We reiterate our insistence on resolution of the issue of
the identification of victims of Communist terror and that
the remains of Serbian victims be recovered, given proper religious
services and buried wherever that has not already been done.
According to the legal stipulation that crimes have no statute
of limitations, those who physically and spiritually murdered
tens of thousands of people in the name of Communism and “the
new humanity” must be brought to justice.
6. We ask the state institutions of the Serbian people to follow
the path of the Serbian Orthodox Church and all those who have
risen up in defense of the Serbian language and Serbian script
– Cyrillic, as one of the fundamental principles of national
7. Aware that we live in the time of the technological and information
civilization with all its advantages and shortcomings, we accept
the computer and the Internet as a working tool. The issue of
digitalized personal and other identity cards has been insufficiently
explored; therefore, because of the dangers of abuse, the Serbian
Youth Assembly supports the urgent initiation of a public debate
on this topic to involve all relevant state institutions, respected
intellectuals from this field and representatives of the Serbian
Orthodox Church.
8. We appeal to the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian
Orthodox Church to consider the idea of the establishment of
a National Institute. Gathering Orthodox experts from various
fields, this Institute would be tasked with helping our people
and the Church respond in timely fashion to the challenges that
confront us in the globalization process.
9. We will work on establishing contacts and closer cooperation
with Orthodox youth organizations throughout the world.
The Serbian Youth Assembly concludes this year’s session on
Mt. Cer as part of the commemoration of the 90th anniversary
of the Battle of Car. May St. Peter of Cetinje, Karageorge’s
rebels and the heroes of Cer and Kolubara serve as our example
of self-sacrifice in the fight for the freedom of their people
and the Homeland. Glory to them and our thanks.
Monastery of Tvrdos
On the feast of the Holy Transfiguration 2004
Public Relations Office of the Serbian Youth Assembly
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