Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
September 1, 2004

Wednesday, September 1, 2004 His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle
received His Excellency Archbishop Eugenio Sbarbaro, the Apostolic
Nuncio in Belgrade, and the secretary of the Nuncio’s Office,
Monsignor Kevin.
behalf of the head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul
II, and in his own name, His Excellency congratulated Patriarch
Pavle on his ninetieth birthday and expressed wishes for his good
The Apostolic Nuncio presented Patriarch Pavle with a panagia
as a gift for the occasion and expressed his wishes for the Lord’s
blessing in the work of the upcoming session of the Holy Assembly
of Bishops.

the destruction and damage of 30 Orthodox churches and monasteries
during the March violence, the looting of desecrated holy shrines
in Kosovo and Metohija continues because some of the destroyed
and devastated buildings remain unprotected.
Info Service received information from well-informed sources that
in the last few days unknown persons removed the lead roof from
a section of the altar chapel on the south side of the burned
remains of the church of St. Nicholas.
after the March violence vandals and religious looters in Prizren
destroyed the bell tower of the church of St. George, used tools
to break through its cupola and cut through the metal framework
in order to remove the bells. The stolen bells were later found
in an Albanian house not far from Prizren.
the latest theft of the lead roof from the chapel of St. Nicholas,
the Diocese of Raska-Prizren expresses its strongest protest and
concern that despite very intensive rhetoric that destroyed holy
shrines must be rebuilt and protected, the theft of remaining
material and valuables continues because of the fact that this
church, located in the very center of Pristina's old town, is
protected by no one.

On August
27 in the village of Vrbica, located in the Livanjsko Polje region
between Livno and Bosansko Grahovo, the ownership of a church
was transferred from endower Mrs. Marlee Leger through her legal
representatives to representatives of the church parish of Vrbica.
An unremarkable
bit of news, which would not draw much attention if it were not
a great act of love on the part of a woman who after the tragic
death of her husband decided to do a good deed and help those
who loved her husband.
The first
returnees to Vrbica faced a multitude of problems in their everyday
life. One of the SFOR soldiers, sergeant Marc Leger, will remain
forever in the hearts and memories of the local residents of Vrbica.
During his two-year mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he visited
the Vrbica returnees, befriended them and told his wife and friends
in Canada about his life in the Livanjsko Polje region. The local
residents of Vrbica took such a liking to Marc that they considered
him their own son, said Mr. Petar Vujanovic, the president of
the church parish of Vrbica, and they wanted him to become the
mayor of their local community.
Upon completing
his mission, Marc went to Afghanistan where, unfortunately, his
life ended tragically. Marc was killed in clashes with the Taliban
not far from Kandahar. When they heard the news, the local residents
of Vrbica grieved and immediately sent a telegram of condolence
to Marc’s wife Marlee in Canada. Touched by their concern and
love, Marlee decided to help the villagers and restore in her
husband’s memory a communal building for the use of the whole
village. It was decided to renew the parish home, originally built
in 1925, which served as a school at one time and where villagers
gathered for religious services, as there was an improvised chapel
in the parish home. During the transfer ceremony for the parish
home, Marlee herself arrived in Vrbica and promised the local
residents that she would also rebuild the burned down church in
Vrbica. And truly, she kept her word.
at the transfer ceremony for the church, originally built in 1930,
destroyed in World War II and again built in 1989 only to be burned
down again in 1994 were His Grace Bishop Hrizostom of Bihac and
Petrovac, the parish priest of Vrbica Presbyter Zeljko Djurica,
Presbyter Milan Perkovic, the president of the church parish Mr.
Petar Vujanovic and the builder, Mr. Sinisa Bilbija of Bosansko
Grahovo. Also present were Canadian Army general Bill Stewart,
who commanded the late Marc’s brigade in Afghanistan, and major
Bob Bulman from New Zealand, who worked on implementing the plan
for the restoration of the church. Prior to the transfer ceremony,
Bishop Hrizostom, the clergy, SFOR representatives and the people
in attendance prayed in the church.
the ceremony Bishop Hrizostom greeted the present guests and said
that this act of love on the part of Mrs. Marlee Leger would remain
forever in the memory of the people of this region, as will their
memory of her late husband Marc, whose soul surely must be rejoicing
at this great deed. Thanking Marlee for her kindness, Bishop Hrizostom
noted that the people of this region returned love for love, considering
Marc as their own son and his wife as their dear daughter.
Sofronije Nikic

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the Serbian Orthodox Church
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