Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
September 3, 2004

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle will preside over the regular
autumn session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian
Orthodox Church to begin on Monday, September 6, 2004 in the
Patriarch’s residence in Belgrade.
All bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church will take part in
the work of the session. A public communique will be issued upon
its conclusion.

of the Kosovo district Dragan Velic stated on Thursday, September
2, 2004 that in several locations in Kosovo where Serbs
are in the majority, elementary and secondary school students
are not able to regularly attend classes. Velic mentioned a case
in the municipality of Strpce where, in one of the villages where
the Serbs are the majority population, an attempt was made to
physically occupy the school building. The international community
helped the Albanian students in this, said Velic. "This
is a clear signal and pressure on the Serbs to leave," assessed
Velic. He added that the disturbance of the Serbian students
in Strpce continues today.
There were also problems with the beginning of classes taught
in the Serbian language in Kosovo Polje because the keys of the
renovated school, which was torched during the March violence,
still have not been received.
In Lipljan, said Velic, children have been receiving instruction
in the Serbian language for the past five years in private houses
because the portable containers promised for an improvised school
still have not arrived. Classes also have not begun for secondary
school students of four satellite campuses in Kosovsko Pomoravlje
because of transportation problems.
"The problem is that the only schoolbus for the transportation
of students and teachers to these schools was confiscated at
the end of the last school year by the Gnjilane Municipal Court.
The bus has not been returned and the students do not feel safe
trying to get to class without organized transportation," said
the education director for the Kosovsko Pomoravlje district,
Dragoslav Vidic. The confiscated bus was used to transport students
and teaching staff to the Gymnasium (general secondary school)
and the Medical Secondary School satellite campuses in Pasjane,
and the Technical and Economic Secondary Schools with satellite
campuses in Partes. Classes began normally on September 1 in
the Technical Secondary School in Kusac, the Gymnasium in Silovo,
the Economic Secondary School in Ranilug, the Medical Secondary
School in Ropotovo, as well as in all 19 elementary schools in
the municipalities of Gnjilane, Kosovska Kamenica, Kosovska Vitina
and Novo Brdo.

ORTHODOX CHURCH On August 28, 2004, the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy
Mother of God, the representative delegation of the Roman Catholic
Church led by Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical
Council for Promoting Christian Unity, presented His Holiness
Patriarch Alexey II of Moscow and All-Russia a copy of the icon
of the Holy Mother of God of Kazan after a solemn divine service
at the Cathedral of the Dormition in Moscow.
This icon is a copy of an original icon painted in 1579, decorated
in silver and precious stones, has been in the Vatican for the
past 11 years. A group of Christians from the United States of
America bought the icon for one million dollars and presented
it to the Pope as a gift. The icon disappeared after the Russian
revolution in 1917.
Commenting on the return of the miracle-working icon from the
Vatican to Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Alexey II said that
the icon had passed a long and difficult journey and that on
the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God it
was returning to its home in Russia. “We are grateful to His
Holiness the Bishop of Rome, Cardinal Kasper and all the members
of the delegation of the Roman Catholic Church that the icon
of the Mother of God of Kazan has been returned to Russia. We
ask that you convey our warmest regards to Pope John Paul II.
We hope that this should be evidence of the firm intentions of
Vatican church senior officials to restore true relations between
our Churches.”
His Holiness Patriarch Alexey II also addressed a letter to
Pope John Paul II including the following excerpt: “I wholeheartedly
thank you for having handed the Kazan Icon of our Most Holy
Lady, the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary over to the Russian
Orthodox Church. The transfer of this holy icon brought over
by your envoys is seen by the Plenitude of the Russian Orthodox
Church as both an act of the restoration of justice and an
act of good will on the part of Your Holiness. I believe that
your decision to hand over the icon points to the sincere desire
to overcome the difficulties existing in relations between
our two Churches. Once again, I would like to thank Your Holiness
from my heart for the gift and to express hope that the Most
Holy Theotokos as "a swift and selfless healer of infirmities
and divisions" (Akathistos to the Kazan Icon of the Theotokos)
will send Her grace and mercy upon the faithful of our two

ENTRY TO FYROM Recently at the border crossing Tabanovci border officials of
FYR Macedonia prohibited Belgrade publicist Miodrag Miso Vujovic
from entering their country. Mr. Vujovic sent an open letter
to FYR Macedonia president Branko Crvenkovski regarding the incident,
stating the following:
“Esteemed Mr. President, you are aware that all regimes that
persecuted freedom of speech and confession have ended ignobly.
Our generation learned from Njegos: “He whose law is written
by his cudgel leaves behind...” [Trans. note: “...the stench
of inhumanity.” Petar II Petrovic Njegos, “The Mountain Wreath”]
You will agree that it is very important what we leave behind
us. I look upon what I leave freely. That is why I was shocked
a few days ago to be welcomed before the gates of your country,
which I approached as a well-intentioned traveler or transiting
tourist, as an enemy of the state.
Namely, on August 23 of this year, while traveling with my wife
and child, I was informed at the Tabanovci border crossing that
I have been prohibited from entering FYROM for one year. Upon
my stubborn insistence, the police chief at the border crossing
advised me that this was sentence was issued by the Secretariat
of Internal Affairs in Bitolj for allegedly taking prohibited
photographs. Upon my request that he provide a written statement,
I received the reply that unless I left, an intervention unit
would be coming for me from Skoplje, which will, I quote “address
your forcible entry into Macedonia.”
On March 17, after meeting with Metropolitan Jovan of Veles
and Povardarje – whom you yourself greeted on August 2 of this
year in Prohor Pcinjski (and who was subsequently sentenced to
18 months in prison) – in downtown Bitolj, as I was standing
next to my car by the fountain located 20 meters from the police
station, I was jumped by two plain clothes policemen, who confiscated
my video camera and detained me for questioning.
In a very brief period of time the entire content of my video
tape was established – two mosques, one church, the market place
and the fountain – and on the film in my camera, which contained
details of the burned monastery of Chilandar, filmed a few days
previously. My car was thoroughly searched and my briefcase,
my passport was photocopied...
As I supposed, the motives for my detention were of an entirely
different nature and I wrote about them in the April issue of
“Princip” magazine.
The two and a half hour conversation in the police station in
Bitolj was conducted on the topic of Metropolitan Jovan and his
followers. In fact, this was the sole reason for my detention.
The state security inspector interrupted me several times not
to call him a metropolitan because the so-called Macedonian Orthodox
Church had defrocked him.
“Yes, he was defrocked by schismatics. He is acknowledged by
everyone and they are acknowledged by no one,” I replied rather
In the end, when I asked for the third time to call the Serbia
and Montenegro Embassy in Skoplje, my passport was returned to
me. We parted warmly, everyone maintaining his original position,
brought a little closer by Yugo-nostalgia and our common western
Macedonian and southern Serbian trials.
Such an action is characteristic of the timid and powerless
and certainly will not recommend you where you are determined
to go.
In conclusion, I would like to inform you that it is not amnesty
I am looking for. This letter, translated into several languages,
will be delivered to all the relevant addresses worldwide. That
is enough for me for the sake of the truth, which remains my
only ideal.
I will avoid your country and leave it up to you to impose democracy
until you are asked to do otherwise. May the Almighty Lord help
Wishing you all the best,
Miodrag Miso Vujovic
Reporter, Belgrade

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