Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
September 8, 2004

second regular session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the
Serbian Orthodox Church was held from September 6-8, 2004 in the
Patriarch’s residence in Belgrade. The session was presided over
by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle and included participation
by most hierarchs from Serbia and abroad.
Assembly deliberated the most urgent and prevalent spiritual and
existential problems of the Serbian Orthodox Church at this moment
and made the appropriate decisions. First and foremost, in connection
with the tragic events and difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija,
the Assembly addressed an appeal to domestic state officials,
international factors and the general public for the protection
of the endangered Serbian people and non-Albanian ethnic communities
in Kosovo and Metohija, and the no less endangered Orthodox holy
shrines and monuments of Serbian and global cultural heritage.
The Assembly then prayed for the repose of the souls of the murdered
innocent children and other victims in the city of Beslan (Ossetia,
Russia) and sent a telegram of condolence to His Holiness Patriarch
Alexey II of Moscow and All-Russia regarding the recent crime
by terrorists in that city.
Assembly also devoted due attention to the position of the autonomous
Archdiocese of Ohrid, as well as to further efforts for finally
overcoming the church schism in the FJR of Macedonia. With the
goal of fully regulating the life and work of the Archdiocese
of Ohrid, the Assembly decided to prepare an official Tomos [proclamation]
on autonomy. The Assembly also established that the Archdiocese
of Ohrid, as an autonomous Church, has the right to canonically
try those who remain steadfast in apostasy but also expressed
its prayerful wish that canonic awareness and responsibility may
prevail in circles of the champions of apostasy instead of further
such trials so that the schism may become a part of the painful
past and complete, blessed unity our common future. For that purpose,
the Assembly yet again calls with love on all Orthodox faithful
in the FJR of Macedonia to canonic unity under the wing of the
ancient and glorious Archdiocese of Ohrid lest they be completely
and finally excommunicated from the community of the Orthodox
Church, the essential prerequisite for spiritual life and salvation,
in the hope that they, together with the flocks and other local
church archpastors and pastors will return to the canonic order
of the ecumenical Church, and thus to the eucharistic community
and holy unity.
Assembly further deliberated relations with other local Orthodox
churches as well as with other Christian Churches and communities.
made the decision to promote the St. Basil of Ostrog Spiritual
Academy in Srbinje (Republika Srpska) to the level of a Theological
Assembly also discussed the pre-draft of the Law on Religious
Freedoms and the legal position of the Churches and religious
communities. The position adopted by the Assembly is that further
time is needed for more in depth analysis and enhancement of the
proposed text with mandatory consultations between appropriate
officials of the republic of Serbia and appropriate services of
the Serbian Orthodox Church and all other traditional Churches
and religious communities in the country.
Assembly calls on the Government of Serbia and the Government
of Montenegro to enact just laws for the return of illegally confiscated
property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, other Churches and religious
communities, and citizens as soon as possible, and in the interim
to prohibit the sale and destruction of church property to be
Assembly also discussed the need to prepare for possible new solutions
with respect to the number and scope of dioceses in the Serbian
Orthodox church in order to adequately address new spiritual and
pastoral circumstances.

Of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox
For the protection of human rights in Kosovo and Metohija, the
return of refugees and restoration of destroyed homes, churches
and monasteries, and patrimonial sites
Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church sends
the following appeal to the state officials of Serbia, the State
Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and the international community
from its regular session held from September 6-8, 2004 in Belgrade:
knows that the agony of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija
has lasted no less than five full years. Namely, from June 1999
to March 17, 2004 the greatest ethnic cleansing ever conducted
“in a time of peace” has been carried out under UNMIK’s rule and
in the presence of KFOR international peacekeeping forces. In
that period all the cities in Kosovo and Metohija were ethnically
cleansed (with the sole exception of Kosovska Mitrovica) as well
as entire regions (Metohija) because two thirds of the Serbian
people – over 200,000 Serbs – and 50,000 other non-Albanians were
expelled; over 1,300 Serbs were killed and as many kidnapped and
nothing has been discovered regarding their fate to this day.
Over 40,000 Serbian houses and homes of other non-Albanians were
looted, torched and destroyed; hundreds of Serbian villages have
been erased from the face of the Earth; thousands of acts of violence
and crime were committed (robberies, rapes, physical assaults)
against Serbs; and 115 churches and monasteries were demolished
and destroyed.
the same time the one third of the Serbian population that stayed
in Kosovo and Metohija struggled through its bitter fate in enclaves
large and small, ghettoes and camps stripped of all human rights
(the right to life, the right to freedom of movement, the right
to work, the right to adequate education of its children, the
right to medical care, the right to protection of property, etc.)
Living under these abnormal and inhuman conditions, exposed to
constant pressure and violence, humiliation and mistreatment at
the hands of the Albanian majority and terrorists, the Serbs were
forced to continue to leave from Kosovo and Metohija, and their
numbers gradually shrank even further.
all these difficulties and the intolerable conditions in which
they were living, the Serbs tried to cooperate with the international
community and officials of the Kosovo provisional government by
voting in elections and taking part in the institutions of government,
including the parliament. However, despite their participation
in the provisional institutions of government, the Serbs were
not able to solve a single one of their problems or improve their
position. These institutions, created and supported by UNMIK,
are exclusively solving the problems of local Albanians, including
tens of thousands of Albanians who, in the meanwhile, moved from
Albania to Kosovo, taking over the property and homes of the expelled
non-Albanian population. The passage of a series of other laws
and other activities of the same sort are creating conditions
for the separation of Kosovo from the constitutional and legal
framework of the State of Serbia and Montenegro, of which Kosovo
is an integral and inalienable part as reiterated by United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1244. The Serbian presence in these
institutions only served to give them legitimacy and created a
false picture of multiethnicity in them.
the entire world knows, instead of the resolution of their problems,
starting with security, the right to life and freedom of movement,
and the return of refugees to their homes, on March 17, 2004 Serbs
experienced a horrible pogrom at the hands of Albanian extremists
hitherto unseen and unprecedented in modern world history. In
just two days, March 17-18 (the anniversary of the torching of
the Pec Patriarchate by Albanian extremists in 1981), 4,000 more
Serbs were expelled from their homes, 19 people lost their lives,
and hundreds were injured and beaten up. Nine hundred sixty Serbian
houses were torched and looted, seven villages completely destroyed,
and 35 more churches and monasteries burned down and destroyed.
The Albanian terrorists did not spare UNMIK or KFOR, either, in
their wild rampage.
than five months have since passed. The situation has not changed
at all. Despite verbal condemnations of this violence and evaluations
that it was a well organized, synchronized and orchestrated pogrom
against Serbs, Roma and other non-Albanians, and despite promises
that everything torched and destroyed would be rebuilt during
the course of this year, and refugees returned to their homes,
everything remains as it was. After March 17 the violence, attacks
and murders, as well as the pressure, only resumed. Restoration
of what was destroyed in March, as far as homes are concerned,
is symbolic and serves primarily for manipulation and self-promotion
by Kosovo officials. As far as the renewal of destroyed churches
and monasteries is concerned, not a single stone has been moved
for the purpose of rebuilding. The only thing happening is the
removal of the last vestiges of all churches and monasteries destroyed
since 1999, many of them dating back to the 14th and 15th century,
not only those torched and demolished in March of this year.
into account this tragic situation and the existential endangerment
of the non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija, the impossibility
of refugee returns, the continuation of ethnic cleansing, and
the destruction of the cultural and the comprehensive historical
presence of the Serbian people in this region, the Holy Assembly
of Bishops feels it is its duty and responsibility to make domestic
officials and international factors aware of the following:
Supporting independence as the final status of Kosovo and Metohija
would not only mean sanctioning all instances of persecution,
destruction and crimes in Kosovo and Metohija listed above and
those not listed but also the legalization of all (World War II)
occupation (Fascist) and post-war (Communist) crimes, instances
of persecution, decisions and their consequences in this region
cited in our Memorandum submitted with this Appeal.
The Serbian Orthodox Church most resolutely demands that the United
Nations and UNESCO, as well as the European Union, not only enable
the return of all expelled persons and the restoration of their
homes and normal living conditions but urgently renew all churches
and monasteries – patrimonial sites in Kosovo and Metohija destroyed
during the administration of the international community, i.e.
UNMIK and KFOR, in Kosovo and Metohija. Kosovo and Metohija is
the only region in Europe and the world where so many monuments
of Christian culture and civilization have been destroyed in our
times, and in the presence of the international community! It
is good that the bridge over the Neretva in Mostar has been renewed
through joint efforts. However, the Church expects and hopes that
the United Nations and the European Union will live up to their
historical responsibility and undertaken commitments for the renewal
and protection of the spiritual and cultural heritage of Kosovo
and Metohija, which is undoubtedly of global significance. Failure
to meet this demand by the Church would be tantamount to rewarding
the perpetrators of crime and terror in war (by Fascists), the
post-war period (by Communists) and in modern times (by terrorists)
against the Serbian Church and people.
The Holy Assembly of Bishops expresses its satisfaction that all
political parties in Serbia and the Serbian Assembly have adopted
the plan of the Serbian Government for decentralization and self-government
of minority communities in Kosovo as the only realistic prerequisite
for the preservation of the multiethnicity of Kosovo and protection
of human rights. The Assembly wholeheartedly supports this plan.
We expect the international community, after its tragic experience
in recent years in Kosovo, to soberly and justly review this problem
and to contribute to an appropriate solution for the organization
of social relations in Kosovo and Metohija in the spirit of this
The Church in principle supports the democratic right of participating
in elections everywhere, including Kosovo and Metohija. However,
it is with sorrow that we must ask the following question of everyone
who insists that the Serbs and minority communities vote in the
upcoming October elections in Kosovo and Metohija: in what country
in the world can one demand participation in elections under conditions
where people are not only deprived of elementary security and
basic human rights, including the right to freedom of movement
and even the right to life? A slave must first be freed on the
bondage to which he has been subjected and led from the dungeon
that he might act freely and freely chose or be chosen.
In regard to the solution of this problem, the Church expects
the governments of Serbia and Montenegro individually, as well
as the highest officials of the state union, to reach a consensus
with respect to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija as an issue of
vital importance not just for us but for the sake of establishing
peace and order throughout the Balkans and beyond in Europe. We
consider the recent meeting and views of the leaders of the European
Union in Maastricht with respect to the state union of Serbia
and Montenegro to be an important stimulus and roadmap to all
those who truly want to embark upon European integration to create
all necessary preconditions for acceptance into the European Union
through joint efforts, by strengthening unity and the community
in European fashion. At the same time, such cooperation and reciprocity
on the part of the members of the state union of Serbia and Montenegro
would undoubtedly be of precious significance for resolving the
problem of Kosovo and Metohija as well as the advancement of every
aspect of social, economic and political life of Serbia and Montenegro,
and the Balkan peninsula as a whole.

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