Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
September 10, 2004

Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle received Mr. Nebojsa Covic, the
head of the Joint Coordinating Center of the State Union of Serbia
and Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohija
on Friday, September 10, 2004 in the Belgrade Patriarchate.
Mr. Covic
informed Patriarch Pavle regarding the latest developments in
Kosovo and Metohija. The Serbian Patriarch took advantage of this
meeting with Mr. Covic to familiarize him with the Appeal of the
Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox church for the
protection of human rights in Kosovo, the return of displaced
persons, and the rebuilding of destroyed homes, holy shrines and
patrimonial sites from its just completed autumn session.
meeting between the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the
head of the Kosovo and Metohija, like others before it, was marked
by a common concern for the fate of the Serbian people in the
south Serbian province.

Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle will serve Holy Hierarchal Liturgy
on Saturday, September 11, 2004, the feast of the Beheading of
St. John the Baptist, in Belgrade’s church of the Nativity of
St. John the Baptist, Zaplanjska Street number 41.
On Sunday, September 12, 2004, the feast of St. Aleksandr Nevsky,
His Holiness will serve Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church
dedicated to this saint, which celebrates this feast as its patron
saint’s day. After Liturgy, Patriarch Pavle will cut the slava
cake and head the festal religious procession.

Pavle (secular name Gojko) was born of the feast of St. John the
Baptist, on September 11, 1914, in the village of Kusanci, district
of Donji Miholjac, Slavonia. He completed secondary studies in
Belgrade, attended the six grades of the Sarajevo Seminary, and
the Theological Faculty in Belgrade. He was expelled from his
home and a refugee during World War II in the monastery of the
Holy Trinity in Ovcar and a religious instructor to refugee children
in Banja Koviljaca. He also spent a period of time in the monastery
of Vujan. He took monastic vows in the monastery of the Annunciation
in 1948 and was ordained a hierodeacon.
From 1949
to 1955 he was a brother of the monastery of Raca where he fulfilled
various duties. He spent the 1950/51 school year as a teacher
in the Prizren Seminary. He was ordained hieromonk in 1954, protosyncellos
in 1954 and archimandrite in 1957. From 1955 to 1957 he undertook
postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Theology in Athens. He
was elected Bishop of Raska and Prizren on May 29, 1957 and consecrated
on September 22, 1957 in the Belgrade Cathedral. The vestment
was conducted by Serbian Patriarch Vikentije. He was enthroned
Bishop of Raska and Prizren on October 13, 1957 in the Prizren
In the much
persecuted and suffering Diocese of Raska and Prizren he built
new churches, renewed old and destroyed ones, ordained and tonsured
new workers in the vineyard of the Lord. He took paternal care
of the Prizren Seminary, occasionally lecturing there. He frequently
traveled, visiting and serving in every location of his Diocese.
As Bishop of Raska and Prizren he testified before the United
Nations before numerous heads of state regarding the suffering
of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.
He is also
involved in research work. He has published a monograph on the
monastery of Devic. In the Glasnik (Herald), the official publication
of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in many issues from 1972 he has
published entire studies in the question and answer format. He
prepared an updated edition of the “Srbljak”, which was published
by the Holy Assembly of Bishops in 1986. He also prepared “Hristijanskije
prazniki” by M. Skabalanovitich. Other works include editions
of the Trebnik, Sluzebnik, Molitvenik, Dopolniteljni Trebnik,
Veliki Tipik and other liturgical books, published by the Holy
Assembly of Bishops.
Patriarch Pavle is the 44th heir to the throne of St. Sava.

(“Orthodoxy or death”, NIN weekly, Belgrade, issue 2801, September
2, 2004)
Ladies and
In NIN’s issue
of September 2, 2004 (number 2801, pp. 30-31 your reporter Vladan
Stosic presents the “Old Calendar School” whose slogan is “Orthodoxy
or death” and according to whom “the Serbian Orthodox Church has
committed heresy”. An entrefilet also gives a bombastic statement
by their self-appointed and self-proclaimed “head” Akakije “that
the Patriarch (Pavle) indulges in fatty foods during fasts”!
Your article
is obviously favorably inclined toward this newly hatched sect
in our society, where the Serbian Orthodox Church has followed
the “Old Calendar” long before they did and that, of course, is
your business. However, your presentation of this sect in NIN
is not only completely unprofessional but also inaccurate and
For example,
you cite a statement by “their sympathizer Petar Nikolic, the
son of our late director Zivko Nikolic” (and actress Vesna Pecanac,
who is a member of their group, a fact you failed to mention).
This unfortunate young man is a textbook case of a psychological
patient, which anyone who has met him even once can easily see.
However, your reporter apparently couldn’t see it or even read
it in his own article where he quotes the young man (whom I sincerely
pity because his teeth are going numb because someone before him
ate sour grapes) as saying: “My father was religious but he didn’t
believe in God”(!?!) This is followed by a longer citation from
“hieromonk Akakije, the unofficial head of the Church of true
Christians” chock full of lies and slander against the Serbian
Church and her Patriarchs: German (“appointed head of the SPC
by the Titoist antitheistic government” referencing a trashy pamphlet
by Dragoljub /your reporter calls him Dragan/ Vurdelja, a multiple
(including Communist) intelligence agent from Trieste); and Pavle,
who while in Greece “indulges in fatty foods while there is still
a fast” in Serbia, etc. How could a former skinhead and sect member
such as Akakije, and you with him, determine that Patriarch Pavle
“indulges in fatty foods during fasts” when he practically does
not eat fatty foods even during non-fasts? And does this unfortunate
sect member not ask himself whether love in Christianity and unity
in faith and Liturgy of the entire Orthodox Church is not more
important than any fast and especially, than any Pharisee-like
“purity” characteristic of these and all other sect members?
But to keep
this brief (and not get into the truly absurd statement of defrocked
nun Efrosinija (Nikolic) regarding the alleged “signing of an
Ecumenical charter on joint communion” nor your conclusion that
these sect members “are not fanatics but simply more devoted believers
than others”), I would like to point out the extreme lack of professionalism
of your reporter, who mentions “a brochure by bishop Atanasije
Jeftic /his family name is Jevtic/ entitled “The Errors of the
Schismatics Called the ‘Old Calendar School’” in which the bishop
allegedly “did not want to get involved in polemics with the “Old
Calendar School” and also how Deacon Rados Mladenovic “despite
his promise failed to provide a response” to your reporter.
First of all,
Deacon Rados Mladenovic, whom I know personally, referred your
reporter to Bishop Atanasije’s book and that was his “answer”.
If your reporter had wanted to, he could have obtained it (so
far two editions have been published and the second has been expanded)
and seen for himself that it is no “brochure” but a meticulously
researched theological-ecclesiastic study abounding in detailed
and precise facts and irrefutable arguments, which cites all relevant
sources and concrete responses to all clerical-canonical and theological
issues postulated to create discord among the people by the members
of the sect known as the “Old Calendar School”. This sect was
transplanted among us from Greece and financed well by the Esphigmenou
Monastery, which is in apostasy with all of the Holy Mountain
and with our own Chilandar Monastery. Bishop Atanasije’s book
is available to everyone in Belgrade and elsewhere and it lists
in detail all major leaders of this newly hatched and newly imported
sect in Serbia. Bishop Atanasije also spoke about this at a student
forum held at the Faculty of Machine Engineering in Belgrade (March
2003) before at least 2,000 students but does this interest your
publication which by the pen of reporter Janjic in September 2003
attempted in very crude fashion to discredit Bishop Atanasije
following the publication of the “Memorandum of the Serbian Church
on Kosovo and Metohija” when you refused to publish the full response
of the SPC Information Service (and then you are surprised when
they refer you to others when you ask for collaboration).
Since I meet
with similar sect members and similar manipulation by the anathemized
and turned over to damnation defrocked priests of the so-called
“Montenegrin police church” registered in the Cetinje police station
two thousand years after the incarnation of Christ) in Montenegro,
I had hoped that at least NIN, which I read regularly, still had
some common sense capable of refusing to go along with self-proclaimed
anonymouses and thus transforming NIN into a “media longing for
sensations”, as reporter Stosic admitted in the introduction to
his article.
Velibor Dzomic,
Parish priest of Podgorica

Montenegrin ruling oligarchy, through its Ministry of Education
and Minister, Mr. Slobodan Backovic, has arrogantly persisted
in its attempt to rename the subject “Serbian language and literature”
into “mother language and literature” and in introducing its “mother”
literature and history programs, tailored with the scissors of
anti-Serbian censorship, in the spirit of the totalitarian Communist
ideology whose laws they unhesitatingly cite even today in decisions
about language (as in the recent past on restitution). Such and
similar acts are only further proof of the primordial Christian
experience that those who “progress in their godlessness” “draw
further from the truth”, and their words and especially their
deeds “fester like an ulcer”. He who starts with a lie and builds
upon it sinks ever deeper into falsehood, from false morality
to false policy, from false policy to false faith and education,
from pseudo-faith and pseudo-education to true destruction of
self and the people. The fact that this renaming was done during
the summer break despite the opinion of experts in the field;
despite concerned public opinion and the 1992 Constitution, which
states that the official language in Montenegro is ijekavian (dialect)
Serbian; despite the Orthodox Church in Montenegro herself, which
put it in written form and cherished it, using it for centuries
as the language of its religious services and sermons; despite
the ancestors by whom our regime treacherously swears; and despite
the results of this year’s census in which more than 60 percent
of the people they govern (over 400,000 souls) indicated that
their language is Serbian. All this is not just a sign that our
rulers have lost all human correctness but that they are also
losing basic common sense after which only madness remains. This
is further borne out by the statements of the Education Minister
made on the “Living Truth” show on TV-IN, a twin of the regime
media, that really are the living truth about the madness, completing
by this most recent “reform” violence and by its own admission
the “new identity” of the “new man” forged in Montenegro, and
stripped of the holiest ancestral truths and sacred things.
One of these
sacred things for every people is its language. The essence of
the current retrograde “reform” is that the language we have called
from time immemorial by one name must no longer be called by that
name in our schools but instead referred to by other names such
as “mother language”, “south Slavic” or “Montenegrin, Bosniac,
Croatian or Serbian” and probably at some point in the future,
“Illyrian”!? Furthermore, classes in this language, which can
no longer be clearly identified as Serbian, and its literature
will be taught in the official state language, called by that
very name!? This construction could only have come from the head
of the lowest political voluntarism, which in its lack of education
and arrogance rejects every competent lesson of its contemporaries,
and does not wish to see or hear anything in the past except for
the ghosts of its own illusions. If it was ready to see and hear
reality, the following two among many valid historic sources would
be enough even for its non-Orthodox criteria to teach it the identity
of the people to whom the Church belonged, creating the people
in its Orthodox likeness and sustaining it on the territory of
Montenegro, what language this people spoke, and what language
must therefore be spoken by its present generations. According
to the learned Jesuit Farlatti (Farlatti, Sacrum Illyricum, vol.
6, p. 430) in the 18th century, a favorite source but regularly
censored in his testimony and much misused as a source of Montenegrin
historiography, at an assembly of Serbian and Croatian rulers
and representatives of Rome and Constantinople held near present-day
Duvno in the ninth century, in 877, after the division, the renewed
Dioclean Church, i.e. the Church of the city of Dioclea, the largest
Serbian city (Dioclea ljuae civitas erat Serblorum praecipua)
was, literally, “the Serbian Church” (Ecclesia Serbliana). Similarly,
official Venetian documents from the beginning of the 16th century,
referring to the testament of Djuradj Crnojevic of 1499, consistently
state that the original testament, preserved in Latin translation,
was written “in the Serbian language and Serbian (Cyrillic) script”
(in lingua et littera Serva). Thus, the language of the residents
of Dioclea – the Diocleans, who were later called Zetans and Montenegrins
– was and remains Serbian and their script Cyrillic, which during
the last decade in Montenegro, thanks to the oligarchic “establishment”,
has been practically wiped out by the Roman alphabet of Ljudevit
Gaj, the legally patented Croatian state script, and isolated
to spheres that are not subject to its control.
As far as
the methods in implementing these goals, which the reformers of
the Montenegrin school system, foreseeing resistance, have recommended
to school administrations (firings, purging of domestic teachers
who speak in the ekavian dialect and rigorous “Montenegrin” selection
of faculty staff from without, as well as calling on students
and parents to denounce suspicious Serbophiles in education),
these methods of merciless use of force against those with different
opinions also remind us of the darkest Communist practices. The
attempt is being made to tyrannically demonstrate the revolutionary
principle of “submit or disappear” from your job by demonstratively
punishing the honorable and courageous professors of the Niksic
general secondary school, who have opposed the fraud and refused
to renounce the language of their profession, their Church and
their ancestors. Breaking the chains of fear that have bound Montenegrin
educators to deception, contrary to the practice of democratic
Europe and the “Montenegrin” legislature, six general secondary
school professors and three others from other high schools in
Niksic have risen in decisive battle for the language of their
people as the symbol and guarantee of its survival in the Balkan
windstorm. Incorruptible and resolute, everyone knows, even those
who threaten them with their lawless laws, that they have launched
a defense around which all of our people will rally without invitations,
not wishing to disappear in the chasms of the Montenegrin ethnogenetic
accusing the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral
in his TV-IN interview of being behind the Niksic professors’
rebellion, just it was supposedly behind many similar demonstrations
of popular disobedience against the dictatorship of the ruling
minority, the Education Minister has demonstrated that he understands
Christ’s Church to be a sort of competing political party upon
which he has projected the methods and practice of the ruling
coalition such as plotting and scheming through the so-called
“independent” media, supposedly “non-governmental” organizations,
and actual pseudo-churches comprised of defrocked priests. He
has also demonstrated that he is so alienated from his people,
his own soul and traditions that he does not even know that the
Church and its pastors have never stood nor can they stand behind
their people. Like the Bishops, monastics and priests of the crucified
people of Kosovo and Metohija or St. Peter of Cetinje, without
going further, the Church in its divine and secular growth stands
ever in front and above the people, lighting its path on earth
with divine justice and truth, and when need be, laying down its
life for the people. Calling the authorities once more to reason
and peaceful and fraternal action, to abandonment of senseless
violence, the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral reminds
its people of the dignity and resoluteness to which we ourselves
are called in defense of our sacred things.

Monday, September 13, 2004 Serbia and Montenegro Chief of Staff
General-Colonel Branko Krga and his associates will visit His
Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle and present him with the donations
collected by members of the Serbia and Montenegro Army for the
renewal of Chilandar Monastery.

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