Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
Oktober 11, 2004

home-made bomb exploded overnight in front of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
in Constantinople (Istanbul) sources reported on Thursday, October
7, but no was hurt in the explosion. The bomb was lobbed from
the street over the fence wall and exploded in the garden. Several
windows were shattered and the roof of a nearby cathedral was
damaged. In early September about 1,000 people, primarily Turkish
ultra-nationalists, demonstrated in front of the Patriarchate
and burned a puppet representing His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew of Constantinopole.

Saturday, October 9, 2004 in the church of St. George at Oplenac,
His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija and His Grace Bishop Profirije
of Jegar served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration
of Archimandrite Makarije, the elder of the monastery of Banja
near Priboj, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Zivorad Jakovljevic, the
hierarchal deputy of Kolubara, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Miladin
Mihailovic, the hierarchal deputy of Oplenac, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor
Dragoslav Senic, the hierarchal deputy of Jasenica, Protonamesnik
Tihomir Andjelkovic, Protonamesnik Slobodan Bogojevic, Hieromonk
Irinej Dobrijevic, consultant to the Holy Assembly of Bishops,
Priest Radovan Maric, Priest Aleksandar Petrovic, Deacon Vladimir
Rumenic and Deacon Rajko Stefanovic.
His Grace
Bishop Jovan of Sumadija will serve Liturgy for the deceased at
9:00 a.m. and a short memorial service at 10:30 a.m. in the church
of St. George the Great-martyr in Oplenac in the presence of His
Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander II, and with the concelebration
of His Grace Bishop Profirije of Jegar. At 11:00 a.m. academician
Matija Beckovic will speak in front of the church at Oplenac about
the King and his death followed by the opening of an art exhibition
in the Royal Villa.
the service a short memorial service was held in memory of the
late Serbian King Aleksandar I Karadjordjevic. The memorial service
was attended by Crown Prince Alexander II Karadjordjevic and Princess
Katherine, Princess Linda, the widow of the late Prince Tomislav,
and their sons Djordje (a cadet of the 129th Class of the Serbia
and Montenegro Military Academy) and Mihailo, the clergy and monastics
of the Diocese of Sumadija, representatives of the Royal Council,
the diplomatic corps, the city of Paris, the Serbia and Montenegro
Army, Police and Gendarmerie, and figures from cultureal and public
life in Serbia and Montenegro and abroad. Parish Priest Dr. Marko
Colic represented the Roman Catholic Church on behalf of Monsignor
Stanislav Hocevar. The memorial service was also attended by several
hundred faithful.
the memorial service Bishop Porfirije addressed those present
as follows: “We are gathered here in this holy church for Holy
Liturgy, which means we are gathered here under the wing of the
Kingdom of Heaven for Holy Liturgy itself is the presence of the
Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth... We are gathered here today
to serve a memorial service for the late King Aleksandar. We know
that he has fulfilled the commandment of God and that there is
no greater love than to give one’s life for those closest to us.
The life of King Aleksandar of blessed repose was filled with
love towards those closest to him and his people... His love was
in response to God’s love and that is why we pray to God for the
repose of his soul, and the repose of the souls of all our fathers
and forefathers, our brothers, who triumphed over death and gave
us eternal life.”
faithful were excited upon exiting the church to welcome Their
Royal Highnesses. Those present were addressed by academician
Matija Beckovic and Crown Prince Alexander. An exhibition was
then opened in the house of King Peter I, including exponents
such as the crown, robe and scepter of King Peter I, the Constitution
of the Kingdom of Serbia of 1888, the war diary of King Peter
I, the admiral’s uniform of King Aleksandar in which he died,
and many others.

The last days
of September will be remain in the memories of both present students
of the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox School of Theology in Libertyville,
Illinois, U.S.A., and alumni of this institution. Namely, the
Alumni Association of St. Sava Seminary organized the First Alumni
Meeting with the goal of bringing together former graduates, present
students and friends of St. Sava.
The St. Sava
Serbian Orthodox School has existed for 18 years and in that period
50 students have graduated, almost all as deacons or priests who
are now serving in the United States and Canada, as well as in
Europe. For some time there has been a desire to form an association
that would bring together former and current students, and professors
and friends of the school. At the same time there was a desire
to have an association that would take part in the work of the
school as its integral part. The goal of the Alumni Association
is the promotion and affirmation of this School of Theology among
Orthodox schools throughout the world, working with and assisting
the students, and the enhancement of the spirituality and educational
character of the school. Furthermore, every U.S. education of
higher learning has such an alumni association. The desire to
form one at St. Sava Seminary was finally realized at last year’s
Church-People’s Assembly in Alhambra, California, U.S.A. A group
of former students met with Presbyter Mile Subotic, who invested
tremendous effort in order to make the founding of the body possible.
First, His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher was asked for his
blessing. The organization was formed and officially began its
work on November 29, 2003. An initial letter was sent to all former
graduates. Bylaws were prepared following the model of neighboring
schools of theology and the organization began work under the
name of the Alumni Association of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox School
of Theology. Soon there appeared a desire for a first reunion
of alumni, which was realized thanks to the great dedication of
our alumni. The organization board consisted of two members: Presbyter
Radovan Jakovljevic and Mr. Sasa Nedic.
The First
Alumni Reunion of St. Sava Seminary began on Thursday, October
24, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. with religious service in the monastery
of St. Sava. The first lecture was held by the Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter
Miroljub Ruzic, a former professor of Patrology, on “St. Paul
the Apostle as Cross-Bearer and Model of Restraint”. Through his
rich pastoral and theological experience, Father Miroljub brought
us closer to the Apostle Paul, whom he picturesquely described
as the servant of the Almighty and the honorable pastor of his
flock. After dinner and a brief interlude, those attending had
the opportunity to ask questions. Father Miroljub was kept late
into the night answering questions asked students who sought answers
to them as future emissaries in the field of the Lord.
At the beginning
of the second day morning services were held with a canon in continuation
to St. Nikolaj of Zica. After breakfast the second lecture began
on “A pastoral mission among prison inmates”. The lecturer was
the Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Dr. Rodni Torbic of the church of
St. George, who spent twenty-five years among prison inmates as
missionary and confessor. Questions from the audience and a brief
interlude were followed by lunch. This concluded this two-day
long reunion.
On behalf
of the Alumni Association we would like to thank all those who
were able to attend this unique event, which is of great importance
for our School of Theology. We would also like to thank the professors,
guests and donors, alumni and the honorable clergy from the Chicago
(Illinois, U.S.A.) area, as well as the students who enhanced
this seminar by their presence.
Damjan S. Bozic

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