Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
November 5, 2004

largest religious building in Montenegro, the church of the Resurrection
of Christ whose construction began in 1994 and is now almost complete,
will soon be destroyed if Podgorica’s Franjo Tahi* (read: Miomir
Mugosa) has anything to say about it. This strange and foolish,
for many incredible, “disposition” on the part of Mugosa has shaken
up the up the entire Orthodox community in little Montenegro and
Ten years
after the beginning of construction Mugosa’s administration has
determined that the decision waiving the payment of communal taxes
for the construction of the church by the Metropolitanate of Montenegro
and the Littoral was illegally passed. The Byzantine appearance,
beauty and imposing presence of the largest church in Montenegro
have begun to bother Mugosa probably because it does not reflect
his future in office.
The church
of the Resurrection of Christ is bothering Mugosa because of the
supposed lack of a license while at the same time no one is asking
where are the licenses of housing buildings springing up all over
Podgorica like mushrooms since he assumed office. The only thing
not known is whom he intends to house in these buildings (he probably
plans to have all the supporters of independence in the same housing
“Long ago, on December 26, 1994” then president of the executive
board of the Public fund for construction sites, commercial property
and roads Mihailo Banjevic made the decision to waive the payment
of communal taxes for the building of the church by the Metropolitanate.
At that time, this was the donation of the Municipality of Podgorica
toward the church’s construction. Today that document, according
to the interpreters of Mugosa’s Agency for building and development
of Podgorica (the former Public fund for construction sites, commercial
property and roads) is null and void regardless of the fact that
the decision was made by the same institution, while Mr. Banjevic
today does not dare to confirm the decision he himself signed,
thus trampling on his former decision and exchanging it for the
many executive posts he has held in recent years.
The Metropolitanate
of Montenegro and the Littoral has in its possession original
proof of the regulated communal taxes for the Church; consequently,
all subsequent decisions of the present Agency are nonbinding.
All the papers Mugosa and those of his ilk are waving around these
days in the Montenegrin parliament are obviously created to deceive
the gullible; whether they will have the courage to carry out
this dirty task they have begun remains to be seen. The faithful,
who by a miracle still exist in Montenegro despite the tyrannical
policy of the ruling regime, will certainly defend the church
because by doing so they will be defending their personal identity
for they know who they are and what are their origins.
Medieval feudal lord whose oppression of the common folk led to
the Peasant Revolt of 1573

November 4, 2004
From our sixth
meeting, held on November 4, 2004 in Trebinje, we, the Bishops
of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, hereby state our view on selected common
and current issues of our respective Churches. Aware and proud
that Bosnia and Herzegovina is our common homeland, it is because
of its current problems that we state our common willingness,
to which call on our faithful and on all people of goodwill, to
give their contribution to the well being and prosperity of all
people in it. In order for these efforts to bear fruit, we call
on all responsible domestic representatives of the Bosnia and
Herzegovina government together with representatives of the international
community to respect and implement, and not to obstruct, the laws
they themselves have passed, and which comprise the highest standards
of human rights and religious freedoms. We do not understand or
accept that the Law on freedom of confession and the legal position
of the Churches and religious communities still has not been implemented,
eight months after its ratification.
As a result,
in addition to violations of other fundamental human rights and
freedoms such as the right to return, the right to property, and
the right to elementary conditions for living, it is possible
ten years after the war for continuous and unsanctioned physical
attacks, unfounded defamation of church and religious officials,
and desecration of churches, holy shrines, cemeteries and other
sacred objects to occur.
We again reiterate
our “common Christian and evangelical commitment to justice and
freedom for every person and people, and openness to cooperation
with other traditional religious communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.
In that spirit, we consider it our moral duty to seek and push
through concrete forms of mutual dialogue, which will be in the
service of human dignity and coexistence in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For that very reason, we cannot but express our regret and concern
due to the persistent, ill-intentioned treatment and distortion
of Christianity and its values, which have been woven into the
being of this land for centuries.
We, the Serbian
Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bishops, demand of the social community
and the Office of the high representative that unjustly appropriated
buildings without which basic and regular activities cannot be
organized finally be returned to the Churches and religious communities,
as well as to all others. We ask that a decade-old injustice be
rectified and that the seminary building in Sarajevo be returned
tot he ownership of the Serbian Orthodox Church so that the training
and education of priest-candidates may be organized in it.
call on the priests and faithful of our respective Churches but
also on all sons and daughters of our dear homeland, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, to meet, help and encourage in the effort to return
and survive in this land of our forefathers in mutual love, not
fearing self-sacrifice, with the strength of their faith in God
and love toward humanity and their native land. Let them not leave
their centuries-old hearths easily; let them instead fill them
with life in their families. Together with us, let them, too,
seek from their political representatives, domestic and international,
that return and survival be enabled for all to whom this is a
dear homeland. We wish to inform you at this time that we will
be issue a joint epistle on the eve of the most joyful Christian
holiday – Christmas. We invoke the wealth of the Lord’s blessing
and prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos upon all.

On Tuesday,
November 9, 2004, at 8:00 a.m. a Conference of Orthodox Journalists
will be held at the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University
of Belgrade. Representatives of church media and reporters from
the secular media who write about church issues will attend this
unique gathering.
The theme
of the Conference of Orthodox Journalists will be Church and media
relations. The gathering will last from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Conference of Orthodox Journalists is organized by “Pravoslavlje”
(Orthodoxy), the official publication of the Serbian Patriarchate,
with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro
and the Littoral, in cooperation with the editorial board of the
magazine “Dveri srpske” (Serbian Portal).

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the Serbian Orthodox Church
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