Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
March 10,

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle consecrated the new parish
home of St. Sava Memorial Cathedral in Vracar (Belgrade) at 11:30
a.m. today with the concelebration of church elder, Protopresybter-Stavrophor
Stevan Vlacic, and the clergy of St. Sava Cathedral.
The consecration ceremony was attended by the President of the
Republic of Serbia, Mr. Boris Tadic, in his capacity of chairman
of the St. Sava Church Building Society; Professor Dr. Vojislav
Milovanovic, the master builder of St. Sava; members of the St.
Sava Church building society, directors of some of the most successful
companies and banks in Serbia, representatives of companies that
participated in the construction of the parish home, and numerous
In his sermon, His Holiness the Patriarch expressed his joy
that such a beautiful memorial cathedral to St. Sava had been
built, along with the parish home, and spoke of his hope that
a new Patriarchate will be built, to the glory of God and the
good of the people, in St. Sava Square in Belgrade. Following
the example of our holy forebears who, placing their faith in
God, endured five centuries of enslavement under the Turks and
all the misfortunes that befell them in their battle for liberation
and transcended all obstacles and challenges, it is important
that like them we overcome, with God’s help, all obstacles and
challenges that befall us in our lives. It is by doing this that
our forebears will recognize us. His Holiness also spoke of the
narrow path and the narrow gate leading to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Citing the words of Christ, that your light may shine before
men, that your good deeds may be seen, which will be the only
measure according to which we will be recognized both by our
forebears and in God’s eyes. At the end of his sermon, His Holiness
cited philosopher Bozo Knezevic who says “man is a being in whom
God can rejoice but also a being who can shame the devil”. The
Patriarch ended his address with the prayer that we may join
those in whom God can rejoice.
At the conclusion of this exceptional prayerful event, His Holiness
Patriarch Pavle address a few sincere words to the President
of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Tadic, thanking him for his efforts
with respect to the building of St. Sava Church, and wishing
him a safe trip and much success in representing Serbia at the
summit on Southeast European Cooperation to be held in Skoplje,
where he is to participate with some 150 heads of state and prime
ministers, political leaders, ministers and business people.
Prior to the ceremony of consecration, the regular annual assembly
of the St. Sava Church Building Society was held in the parish
hall and chaired by Mr. Tadic. The assembly was attended by presidents
and directors of the largest Serbian companies and banks. On
this occasion, a report was submitted on the previous period
and plans were defined for the coming year. President Tadic emphasized
that the completion of St. Sava Church is a priority task for
the state and the nation, and stressed the importance of the
Serbian Orthodox Church in modern Serbian society.
The ceremony was enhanced by the grand chanting and singing
of the Mokranjac Singing Society (a member of the Association
of Serbian Choirs) under the direction of Miss Jelena Jez.
 BISHOP OF BACKA TO MEET WITH SERBIAN PRESIDENT On Friday, March 11, at 10:30 a.m. His Grace Bishop Irinej of
Backa is to receive the President of the Republic of Serbia,
Mr. Boris Tadic, in the bishop’s residence in Novi Sad. Also
present at the reception will the senior representatives of all
traditional Churches in Serbia, who will also be taking part
in the discussion.
Topics that are expected to be discussed include social and
status-related issues connected with the church and religious
communities, the enhancement of religious instruction in public
schools, and the restitution of nationalized church property.
 PRE-PASCHAL LETTER By the Commission of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox
to the members of UACORO (the Union of Western Rite Orthodox
Cult Associations)
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
As the Chairman of the Commission of the Holy Synod of the Serbian
Orthodox Church established for dialogue with UACORO, which is
in process, it is my wish to send you a brief message before
the Pascha of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of all.
The salvation of humanity and the world was carried out by the
Cross and Resurrection of the Only Son of God, who was incarnated
because of us. This means that our personal salvation begins
with the Cross and is fulfilled through Resurrection. The Cross
to us means our repentance (metanoia). That is the reason why
we began dialogue with you, telling you that the Gospel of our
salvation began with the words of St. John the Baptist (Mat 3:8,
Mar 1:4) and with the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: “The time
is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and
believe in the gospel.” (Mar 1:15, Mat 4:17). Repentance is not
just the beginning but also the middle and the end of our salvation:
it should be present throughout the course of our life on this
earth. That is the second period before Pascha in the Orthodox
Church, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, is filled
with repentance.
During this period it is my hope and my recommendation that
you will prepare yourself before the Cross and the Resurrection
of Our Lord by repenting and confessing, and that you will join
the full community of the Orthodox Church and, each of you individually
will join one of the Orthodox parishes according to your choice
located in Paris, in France, in Europe, in the West and in the
East, asking to be accepted since you profess the Orthodox faith,
are baptized and anointed. All for this reason: lest you lose
precious time and deny yourself full community (=communion) in
the blessing of the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ given
only during the Liturgy of the Community of the Orthodox Church.
Our dialogue with UACORO continues. But because of numerous
difficulties and obstacles coming less from our side than your
own (e.g. seclusion in a community that has not succeeded over
the course of decades in gaining acceptance into the full community
of the Orthodox Church – for which you should not place responsibility
with others – as well as a certain “great idea” regarding your
“vocation” (=calling) to create a local Church, which assumes
that other Orthodox do not aspire to the same thing even though
that is what we, too, wish to realize but through canonical and
ecclesiastic means and in full consensus of peace, cooperation,
love and blessing with the other Orthodox Churches), this dialogue
may take some time.
Why does each one of you remain outside the full community and
communion of the Orthodox Church unless you believe that only
in your isolated community can you find salvation identity, despite
the fact that your identity, like our own, can only be found
in the fullness of the Church of the Holy Apostles and Fathers
and Assemblies, whose heir and continuer is the Orthodox Church.
God willing – we hope that this will be the case and are working
on it – that one day the UACORO parishes will join the community
of the Serbian Church or some other Orthodox Church – which is
not yet the case – you will lose nothing and you can then return,
if you so desire, to the community that is now yours. We wish
to say that one should not isolate oneself in a single community
such as UACORO or any other like it, remaining outside the community
of the Orthodox Churches.
As we approach the Pascha of Christ, St. Gregory the Theologian
tells us all:
I was crucified with Christ, today I am glorified with Him;
yesterday I died with Him, today I am given life with
Him; yesterday I was buried with Him, today I rise with Him."
As a Christian and bishop, I wish the same for you.
Christ was crucified for our salvation and rose from the dead
for our own life eternal.
Bishop Atanasije (Jevtic),
Chairman of the Commission of the Holy Synod of the SOC
In Paris, March 8, 2005
de la part de la Commission du Saint-Synode de l’Eglise serbe
a l’intention des fideles de l’UACORO
(Union des Associations Cultuelles Orthodoxes de Rite Occidental)
Chers freres et s?urs en Christ,
En tant que President de la Commission du Saint-Synode de l’Eglise
serbe chargee du dialogue en cours avec l’UACORO, je veux vous
envoyer un bref message avant la Paque de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ,
Sauveur de tous les hommes.
Le salut
de l’homme et du monde est accompli par la Croix et la Resurrection
du Fils unique de Dieu qui S’est incarne pour
nous. Cela signifie que notre salut personnel commence par la
Croix et s’accomplit par la Resurrection. La Croix, pour nous,
signifie notre penitence (metanoia). C’est la raison pour laquelle
j’ai commence le dialogue avec vous : l’Evangile de notre salut
a commence par les paroles de saint Jean Baptiste (Mt 3, 8 ;
Mc 1, 4), puis de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ : "Les temps
sont accomplis et le Royaume de Dieu est tout proche : repentez-vous
et croyez a l’Evangile" (Mc 1, 15 ; Mt 4, 17). La penitence
n’est pas seulement au commencement, mais aussi au milieu et
a la fin de notre salut : elle doit etre presente pendant toute
notre vie terrestre. C’est pourquoi la grande periode de careme
avant la Paque, dans l’Eglise orthodoxe, une, sainte, catholique
et apostolique, est pleine de cette repentance.
Pendant cette periode, je vous souhaite et vous recommande,
devant la Croix et la Resurrection, de vous preparer, par la
penitence et la confession, a entrer dans la pleine communion
de l’Eglise orthodoxe en vous rendant, chacun personnellement,
dans une paroisse orthodoxe de votre choix — qu’elle se situe
a Paris, en France, en Europe, en Occident ou en Orient — et
en demandant a y etre recu, pour autant que vous confessiez la
foi orthodoxe et soyez baptises et chrismes. Tout cela pour ne
pas perdre un temps precieux et etre prives de la pleine communion
a la grace de la Croix et de la Resurrection qui se donne dans
la Liturgie au sein de l’Eglise orthodoxe.
Notre dialogue
avec l’UACORO se poursuivra. Mais a cause de beaucoup d’obstacles
venant moins de notre part que de votre
part (par exemple l’enfermement dans une communaute qui n’a pas
reussi, pendant des decennies, a etre acceptee dans la pleine
communion des Eglises orthodoxes — ce dont vous ne devez pas
rejeter la responsabilite sur les autres — et aussi, une "grande
idee" de votre "vocation" de construire une Eglise
locale en pensant que les autres orthodoxes ne veulent pas la
meme chose, alors qu’ils le souhaitent aussi, mais par une voie
ecclesiale canonique et dans la concorde de la paix, de l’amour
et de la grace), ce dialogue peut durer assez longtemps.
Pourquoi chacun de vous reste-t-il en dehors de la pleine communion
? A moins qu’il ne pense que c’est seulement dans votre communaute
isolee qu’on trouve le salut et l’identite, alors que votre identite
de meme que la notre se trouve seulement dans la plenitude de
l’Eglise des Apotres, des Peres et des Conciles dont l’Eglise
orthodoxe est l’heritiere et la continuatrice.
Si Dieu donne — et nous esperons et nous travaillons pour cela
— que les paroisses de l’UACORO entrent un jour dans la communion
de l’Eglise orthodoxe serbe ou d’une autre Eglise orthodoxe —
ce qui n’est pas encore le cas —, vous ne perdrez rien et vous
pourrez alors, si vous le souhaitez, regagner la communaute qui
est la votre actuellement. Nous voulons dire qu’il ne faut pas
s’enfermer dans une communaute comme l’UACORO ou une autre semblable,
en restant en dehors de la communion des Eglises orthodoxes.
Saint Gregoire
le Theologien, devant la Paque du Christ, nous dit a tous: "Crucifions-nous avec le Christ, mourons avec
le Christ, et soyons ensevelis avec le Christ pour ressusciter
avec le Christ." Je vous le souhaite aussi comme chretien
et eveque orthodoxe.
Christ est crucifie pour notre salut et Il est ressuscite pour
notre vie eternelle.
Eveque Athanase (Jevtitch),
President de la commission du Saint-Synode.
A Paris, le 8 mars 2005.

BISHOP GERASIM RECEIVES DELEGATION OF SKD PROSVJETA His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac received Mr. Cedomir
Visnjic, the president of the Prosvjeta Serbian Cultural Society
and the deputy minister for culture in the Government of the
Republic of Croatia, in the offices of the temporary seat of
the Diocese in Karlovac.
The meeting was held for the purpose of enhancing joint projects
by the Serbian Orthodox Church and SKD Prosvjeta related to the
preservation of Serbian culture and identity within the Diocese
of Gornji Karlovac.

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