Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
March 14,

Today is the first day of the pre-Paschal Great Fast.
The Christian fast originates from Our Lord Jesus Christ. The
Lord Himself fasted forty days before he began to preach the
Gospel, just as the Prophet Moses and other Prophets of the Old
Testament did before Him. The Apostles also fasted and all Orthodox
Christians throughout the ages. “Fasting guided the Holy Fathers
in life according to God,” says St. Basic the Great. The first
commandment of God in the garden of Eden was the commandment
to fast, i.e. to abstain.
The fast has two aspects, the physical and the spiritual. It
consists in abstention from rich and large means but first and
foremost in abstention from bad thoughts, wishes and deeds. The
fast increases love and prayer and readiness for evangelical
There are multiple day fasts (Great Lent, the Apostles Fast,
the Dormition Fast and the Nativity Fast) and one day fasts (every
Wednesday and Friday except during fast-free weeks, the eve of
Theophany, the Exaltation of the Cross and the Beheading of John
the Baptist).
The pre-Paschal Great Fast is also called the Holy Forty Days
and Great Lent.

HIEROMONK IRINEJ (DOBRIJEVIC) VISITS AUSTRIA On Thursday, March 10, 2005 in the Serbia-Montenegro Consulate
in Austria, Hieromonk Irinej (Dobrijevic), consultant to the
Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church was the
guest of the Serbian Unity Congress. The conference room of the
Consulate was overflowing despite the fact that there was little
time to organize the discussion with Fr. Irinej regarding his
experience and work in Washington and Belgrade. The purpose of
organizing the talks was to build bridges of cooperation between
the Serbian emigrant communities in America and Europe; to exchange
experiences and learn more about each other; and, finally, to
preserve Serbian culture in different places in the world. Fr.
Irinej also spoke about the measures necessary to ensure a suitable
position for Serbs living abroad.
At the beginning of the discussion Fr. Irinej was introduced
as the first member of the Serbian Unity Congress administration
to be introduced to the Serbian community living in Austria.
Father Irinej spoke for three hours on the above topics, and
then answered many questions.
This exceptional evening was attended by several eminent guests,
among them the Serbia-Montenegro Ambassador, Mr. Mihajlo Kovac.

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