Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
March 28,

The following text of the Memorandum of Understanding on agreed
general principles for the reconstruction of Serbian Orthodox
religious sites was signed on March 24, 2005 by His Holiness
Serbian Patriarch Pavle on behalf of the whole Serbian Orthodox
Consistent with the spirit of the Memorandum of Understanding
reached between the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports, Provisional
Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo (“PISG”) and the Serbian
Orthodox Church in June 2004 regarding the performance of urgent
intervention measures on the churches and other Serbian Orthodox
religious sites and buildings in Kosovo damaged in March 2004,
the PISG and the Serbian Orthodox Church now agree on the following
in order to re-commence the reconstruction process:
1. A five-member Commission will be constituted. An international
expert to be nominated by the Council of Europe or European Commission
or any other international agency will head the Commission. The
other four members will be a representative of the Serbian Orthodox
Church, a representative of the IPM (Institute for the Protection
of Monuments) Belgrade, a representative of the IPM Kosovo, and
a representative of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports,
2. UNMIK shall facilitate the Commission’s work by coordinating
security issues and liaising between the parties as and when
required. UNMIK will arrange technical assistance, whenever required,
through an appropriate agency.
3. This Commission will implement the recommendations of the
Council of Europe (CoE) and UNESCO for intervention, restoration
and reconstruction of the churches, monasteries and other religious
sites damaged in March 2004. The Ministry of Culture, Youth and
Sports and/or Serbian Orthodox Church authorities may suggest
their changes to the CoE and UNESCO recommendations, which will
be reviewed by the Commission. The Commission should give the
highest regard to the opinion of the Serbian Orthodox Church
authorities in prioritizing the works to be undertaken with the
money to be provided by the PISG and any other donor.
4. The Commission will prepare tender papers in cooperation
with local experts and other relevant partners.
5. The Commission will issue global tenders to attract the companies,
which have experience in construction and restoration of Orthodox
churches and monuments. Such qualifications and experience will
constitute an essential condition for a company to win a tender.
6. The Commission will finalize the selection of appropriate
companies following the procurement rules of the PISG.
7. Once the Commission makes its selection of a company to work
on a site, the decision of the Commission will be sent to the
Serbian Orthodox Church authorities, who may request the Commission
to reconsider its decision on certain grounds. The Commission
may consider the views of the Serbian Orthodox Church authorities
if they are in accordance with the standard procurement procedures.
However, the final decision rests with the Commission. If such
a decision is not accepted by the Serbian Orthodox Church authorities,
the funding of the site in question will not be done using PISG
8. Once the Commission makes the decision, which is confirmed
by the representatives of Serbian Orthodox Church, the Ministry
of Culture, Youth and Sports/PISG will ensure that the funds
are committed and released to ensure the smooth performance of
construction or reconstruction works.
9. The PISG will ensure that the 4.2 million Euro, already committed
for the construction or reconstruction of churches damaged in
March 2004, is used for this purpose, in accordance with this
Memorandum of Understanding. If any additional funds are allocated
by the PISG for the Serbian Orthodox religious sites damaged
in March 2004 they may also be expended under the procedures
set out in this Memorandum of Understanding.
10. The Commission will also supervise the works. The Commission
will seek, in the supervision of these works, as deemed necessary,
the expertise of international experts or experts from Belgrade
and Kosovo who have experience in the restoration, reconstruction
or construction of Orthodox churches and monuments. In dealing
with Protected Monuments, the Commission will follow the existing
rules and procedures in supervision of works on such monuments.
To monitor other sites, the Commission is responsible for supervising
11. Contacts with the media by all members of the Commission
regarding reconstruction must be channeled through the head of
the Commission.
12. Through the provision of PISG funds for the reconstruction
or construction of Serbian Orthodox churches and other religious
sites in accordance with this Memorandum of Understanding, the
ownership, identity and original function (as objects of worship)
of these sites will not be altered in any way.
13. In the event of any inconsistency between the Serbian and
English versions of this Memorandum of Understanding, the English
version will prevail.
On March 27, 2005, the second Sunday of Great Lent dedicated
to St. Gregory of Palama, the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church
delegation to the United States of America, His Grace Bishop
Grigorije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina, served Holy Liturgy in
the church of St. Sava in New York, while His Grace Bishop Teodosije
of Lipljan served in the church of the Ascension of Our Lord
in Elizabeth, New Jersey. After Liturgy, which was also attended
by HRH Princess Jelisaveta Karadjordjevic, Bishop Grigorije expressed
his pleasure to visit with the faithful in New York and asked
for their prayers for the success of the SPC delegation’s mission.
St. Sava Church in New York City is considered to be the fourth
most important church in the city and is under the direct care
of the Institute for the Protection of Monuments in New York.
The church was built in 1859 and converted by the Serbs for their
own use in 1950. It is the largest Serbian Orthodox church in
the Diaspora.
Services were followed by a banquet for the guests during which
Professor Bogoljub Sijakovic explained to those present the goals
of the delegation of the Holy Synod of Bishops. His fundamental
message was that, historically, it has sometimes proved necessary
to humble oneself for the good of the people. Professor Sijakovic
provided a concise summary of the situation of the Serbian people
in Croatia, Republika Srpska, Montenegro, and Kosovo and Metohija,
underscoring that the delegation would seek assistance for the
return of the displaced, the restitution of property, and respect
for human, civil and religious rights.
Afterwards the guests answered the numerous questions of the
faithful in attendance. The concise and rational explanations
of Bishop Grigorije drew much attention and approval as he explained
the desire to establish permanent contact with decision makers,
and the necessity for great wisdom and appreciation of the seriousness
of the present position of the Serbian people, together with
the need to demonstrate to USA officials that their collocutors
are normal and serious people capable of viewing the situation
realistically. “The most important thing,” emphasized Bishop
Grigorije, “is to ensure the survival of our people in Kosovo
and Metohija because insisting on respect for property rights
and other human rights then makes sense.” Responding to expressions
of concern following attempts to redefine Serbian heritage as
Kosovan, Byzantine, Balkan, etc. the Bishop said: “As long as
our monks and nuns remain in Decani, the Pec Patriarchate and
Gracanica, there can be no question whether these monasteries
and convents are a part of the Serbian cultural legacy. That
is why it is so critically important that we remain there.” Those
present expressed strong support for the plans of the Serbian
Orthodox Church delegation as presented.
The delegation is scheduled to hold its first official meeting
tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. when it is to meet with United Nations
Secretary-General Kofi Annan. During the course of the day the
delegation will also be received by Dr. William Wendley of the
World Conference on Religions for Peace and Rabbi Arthur Schneier,
the president and founder of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation.
They may also be visiting the St. Vladimir Orthodox Theological
Seminary in New York.
Scheduled events for March 28
Today at approximately 11:00 a.m. EST members of the Serbian
Orthodox Church delegation are scheduled to meet with UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan in the UN building on the East River. After the meeting
the SPC delegation will provide a separate statement for the

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