Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
April 13,

the positive assessment of the Feasibility Study on reaching an
agreement on stabilization and accession to the European Union,
His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle addressed the following letter
to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Dr. Vojislav
Mr. Prime Minister:
is my great pleasure to send you my sincere congratulations with
respect to receiving a Feasibility Study for our country.
great effort invested by the Serbian Government and all other
state institutions so that our country can grow closer to the
European Union are now yielding concrete results. After long tragedies,
wars and isolation, thanks to long-lasting and patient work on
normalizing conditions in the country, we have now arrived at
this event where our country is recognized by Europe and where
it has begun on the road to European integration.
President, we hope that the received Study will contribute to
improving conditions in our country and that it will offer the
state even more possibilities to consistently and wisely conduct
a policy to keep Kosovo and Metohija within the borders of our
Homeland and enhance the state union of Serbia and Montenegro.
you are aware, the Serbian Orthodox Church on its centuries-long
evangelic path has been and remains an active advocate of unconditional
respect for friendship and understanding toward all nations and
peoples, as well as every unification, which at the same time
enables both unity and the nurturing of one’s own identity. By
receiving the Feasibility Study, we recognize an important step
forward on this path common to us all.
+ Pavle (by his own hand)

in the Bishop’s residence in Novi Sad a long meeting of the Holy
Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the International
Bishops Conference of Sts. Cyril and Methodius (earlier the Bishops
Conference of Serbia and Montenegro) took place.
to this meeting His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle served the
Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in the Orthodox cathedral of St.
George the Great-Martyr with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop
Irinej of Backa, His Grace Vicar Bishop Porfirije of Jegar and
the Novi Sad clergy, which was attended by the members of the
Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the members
of the Bishops Conference of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, as well
as the His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel of Paris and France,
the head of the Office of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the European
Union in Brussels, and Monsignor Eugenio Sbarbaro, the Apostolic
Nuncio in Belgrade. At
the end of Holy Liturgy, the faithful were first addressed by
Bishop Irinej, the host of the meeting, who welcomed Patriarch
Pavle, the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops, Archbishop Stanislav
Hocevar, the president, and the members of the Bishops Conference
of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, especially the envoys of the Old
and New Rome, Archbishop Eugenio Sbarbaro, envoy of the Holy See
to Belgrade, and Metropolitan Emmanuel, the envoy of His All-Holiness
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Bishop Irinej also welcomed
Mr. Zoran Vucevic, the president of the Assembly of the City of
Novi Sad, who also attended Holy Liturgy.
Pavle then addressed the faithful, who filled not only the cathedral
but also the churchyard with a spiritual message about the need
for all of us to grow closer to God by observing the fast and
through prayer, and to thus win spiritual bliss, which is not
mere happiness, which of this world, unstable and transient, but
true spiritual bliss, joy in the Kingdom of God, which is eternal
and intransient. The Patriarch also expressed joy at the presence
of guests from the Roman Catholic Church in the Orthodox cathedral
of Novi Sad, and the expectation that this second meeting will
be good for both Churches and God’s faithful.
faithful were then addressed by Archbishop Hocevar, who expressed
his thanks to the host of the gathering, Bishop Irinej, and to
Patriarch Pavle on his words of welcome, encouragement and blessing.
“The greatest joy is to announce the Savior of the World, Our
Lord Jesus Christ. That is why we, His students, humble but brave,
gathered toward that end, are full of gratitude but also of fear
of the responsibility to preach Him. We pray to Our Heavenly Father
that His Spirit may fill our thoughts and our deeds.”
these brotherly greetings, official talks were held in the Bishop’s
residence which began with the welcoming remarks of Archbishop
Sbarbaro, the representative of the Old Rome, and the introductory
lecture of Metropolitan Emmanuel, the envoy of Patriarch Bartholomew
and the New Rome.
theme of the lecture was the mission of the Orthodox Church and
the Catholic Church at this historic moment from the aspect of
the unification of Europe and the globalization process. The thoroughness
and comprehensiveness of the lecture on this most current theme
were a true inspiration for the discussion in which participants
on behalf of the Serbian Orthodox Church included His Holiness
Patriarch Pavle, Bishops Irinej of Nis, Irinej of Backa, Jovan
of Sumadija, Joanikije of Budimlje and Niksic and Vicar Bishop
Porfirije of Jegar, and on behalf of the Bishops Conference, president
Monsignor Stanislav Hocevar, Metropolitan and Archbishop of Belgrade;
Monsignor Zef Gasi, Archbishop of Bar; Monsignor Ivan Penzes,
Bishop of Subotica; Monsignor Ilija Janjic, Bishop of Kotor; Monsignor
Laslo Huzvar, Bishop of Zrenjanin; Monsignor Djuro Gasparovic,
Auxiliary Bishop of Djakovica and Srem; and Most Rev. Andrija
Kopilovic, consultant for catechization to the Bishops Conference.
the first part representatives of the two Churches spoke about
issues connected with their mission and pastoral work, which are
relevant to both Orthodox and Roman Catholics in the same or similar
measure. Cooperation between the two Churches during the period
since the last meeting was also reviewed.
the second part the discussion focused on concrete themes and
problems whose resolution is expected to contribute to the further
development of good inter-church relations. It was concluded that
the views of the two Churches correspond to a large degree, and
that in instances where there are differences of opinion, solutions
will be sought through dialogue which will last as long until
a common solution is found. A special tone was lent to the discussion,
in the context of the introductory lecture of Metropolitan Emmanuel,
by the words of the recently deceased Pope John Paul II that Europe
needs to breathe with both lungs and that in this the Orthodox
Church and the Catholic Church assume a special responsibility.
Representatives of both Churches emphasized that, building a vision
of the future of Europe, through unity in diversity of traditions
and cultures, the foundation of the united continent cannot be
placed without the key spiritual contribution of the Christian
Churches, with recognition and joint action of people belonging
to the Islamic and Jewish religious communities. Participants
in the discussion also discussed the completely unjustified and
unfounded accusations that through their cooperation the two Churches
want to impose the clericalization of society. Such positions
are coming from certain atheist circles and thus participants
in the meeting emphasized that they also consider as their brothers
worthy of respect all nonreligious people, no matter how few of
them there are, who also have their role and responsibility both
in building our society and in the future of Europe. It was concluded
by all that in the near future dialogue should also be continued
through the already appointed theological commissions of both
meeting concluded with a formal eucharistic service in the cathedral
of the Name of Mary which was served by Archbishop Stanislav Hocevar
with the concelebration of Bishop Ivan Penzes of Subotica and
Bishop Laslo Huzvar of Zrenjanin. The service was attended by
His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle with the bishops of the Serbian
Orthodox Church. In an inspired sermon Archbishop Hocevar emphasized
the meaning of dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic
Church. The Archbishop also emphasized that it is his honor to
greet His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle, Bishop Irinej of Backa
and the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox
Church in the Novi Sad cathedral. His Holiness Patriarch Pavle
addressed the faithful, who filled the grand Novi Sad cathedral
to the last seat, greeting them in the love of our common Savior
and emphasizing that the most important thing is for us to try
to be as close as possible to God, and through this we will grow
closer to each other in the best fashion.

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