Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
16, 2005

The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church
convened on Sunday, May 15, 2005 in the monastery of Zitomislic
in the Diocese of Zahumlje and Herzegovina, which was founded
in 1219 by St. Sava. On this occasion the Archpriests and faithful
also gathered on the occasion of the restoration of Zitomislic
Monastery. The original church was built in the fourteenth century
and rebuilt in 1563 on the foundations of the old church, and
decorated with frescoes in 1609. All the monks of this monastery
were slain by the Ustashe in 1941. The monastery was restored
in 1963 and the holy relics of the martyred monks were removed
from an abyss in 1990 and buried on February 3, 1991 in a marble
tomb behind the altar. The peaceful life of the monastery was
again interrupted by suffering. In June 1993 members of Croatian
armed forces dynamited the monastery and reduced it to rubble.
On Sunday, May 15, 2005 His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle
served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy next to the newly consecrated
and restored monastery with the concelebration of the Archpriests
of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Concelebrants during the Holy
Liturgy included Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the
Littoral, Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabro-Bosnia, Bishop Lavrentije
of Sabac and Valjevo, Bishop Irinej of Nis, Bishop Vasilije of
Zvornik and Tuzla, Bishop Georgije of Canada, Bishop Longin of
America and Canada, Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren, retired
Bishop Atanasije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina, Bishop Lukijan
of Osijek Polje and Baranja, Bishop Konstantin of Central Europe,
Bishop Jovan of Sumadija, Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje and Niksic,
Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina, Bishop Milutin
of Australia and New Zealand, Bishop Teodosije of Lipljan, Bishop
Jovan of Dioclea, Bishop Maksim of Hum, as well as Metropolitan
Jovan of Veles and Povardarje, Bishop Joakim of Polog and Kumanovo,
and Bishop Marko of Dremvic. During Holy Liturgy 29 newly glorified
confessors and hieromartyrs were added to the Diptych of Saints
of the Orthodox Church, who died a martyr’s death for the Living
Faith in the First and Second World Wars, as well as those who
perished during post-war Communist rule. In his sermon the Patriarch
emphasized that today everyone needs justice, peace and freedom.
He pointed out the necessity for the biological, moral and spiritual
survival of the Serbian people. He also said that it is essential
to follow Christ’s evangelical messages of peace and love. During
the course of Holy Hierarchal Liturgy, Abbot Danilo of Zitomislic
Monastery was elevated to the office of Archimandrite, and Protopresbyter
Savo B. Jovic received the honor of wearing a pectoral Cross
and became Protopresbyter-Stavrophor.
The meeting of the Holy Assembly of Bishops began with Holy
Hierarchal Liturgy.
The ceremony was attended by Serbian President Boris Tadic,
representatives of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation, Borislav
Paravac, President of the Presidency; and Sulejman Tihic, Member
of the Presidency; members of the Council of Ministers, as well
as many ministers of the Federation. The ceremony was also attended
by Dragan Cavic, President of Republika Srpska; Pero Bukelic,
Prime Minister of the Government; members of the Government and
ministers; Their Royal Highnesses Princess Jelisaveta, Princess
Linda and Prince Mihajlo; numerous representatives of the International
Community, as well as representatives of the Catholic Church
and the Muslim and Jewish religious communities, members of the
diplomatic corps in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation, and
many business people, public and cultural figures.
Welcoming His Holiness, brother Archpriests, eminent guests
and representatives of the Karadjordjevic family, donors and
philanthropists and the faithful, His Grace Bishop Grigorije
of Zahumlje and Herzegovina said that this was a great day for
the Serbian people and the Serbian Church, especially because
of the restoration of Zitomislic Monastery. The Bishop went on
to emphasize that it was a great honor to have Serbian President
Boris Tadic present in the monastery to celebrate the restoration
of this holy shrine.
Republika Srpska President Dragan Cavic emphasized that the
event at Zitomislic is an example of how a great event can be
organized with dignity and without injury or insult to anyone.
Retired Bishop Atanasije (Jevtic) of Zahumlje and Herzegovina
welcomed those present, explaining that, according to their name,
the monastery and village of Zitomislic are dedicated to Christ
himself, since wheat [“zito” in Serbian] is the “bread of life”
and God’s thought [“misao” in Serbian, deriv. “mislic”] is “Logos”,
which is Christ. The Bishop added that when the people suffer,
its holy shrines also suffer; and when the people undergo renewal,
its holy shrines are also restored. The message of Bishop Atanasije
is that the restoration of this holy shrine in the Neretva River
Valley should serve the people for the renewal of everything
human, divine and dignified within them, just as this holy shrine
has been restored from the ashes.
  A formal academy was held which included performances by some
of our best known artists: Bora Dugic, Katarina Radivojevic,
Ljiljana Blagojevic, Marija Karan, Hor, the Cultural and Arts
Society from Crkvina and the Singers’ Group from Gacko.

OF CULTURAL HERITAGE OF KOSOVO AND METOHIJA The UNESCO International Donors Conference for the protection
and restoration of the cultural heritage was held at UNESCO headquarters
in Paris on Friday, May 13, 2005. The official delegation of
Serbia and Montenegro was comprised of Hieromonk Irinej (Dobrijevic),
Ministers of Foreign Affairs Vuk Draskovic and Minister of Culture
Dragan Kojadinovic.
Together with His Excellency the Ambassador of Serbia and Montenegro
to UNESCO, Mr. Dragoljub Najman, the delegation visited His Excellency
the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr. Koichiro Matsuura. During
the conversation Mr. Matsuura said that some of the necessary
funding would be collected at the conference, and that this was
not the end but just the beginning.
Hieromonk Irinej Dobrijevic spoke about the recent visit of
the delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church to the United States
of America, and about requests with regard to refugee returns,
the redefinition of returns in compact zones around monasteries
or in places where Serbs are in the majority; about restoration
of destroyed holy shrines and other buildings and the employing
of returnees to restore holy shrines; about restoration of confiscated
property,; about the establishing of a protective zone around
Decani Monastery that will serve to preserve the monastery property,
local natural resources and the continuity of monastery life;
and about local self-government in accordance with the decentralization
UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura called on countries,
foundations and private donors to help in restoring the cultural
heritage of Kosovo and Metohija in order to preserve it for future
generations. Opening the First International Donors Conference
for the protection and restoration of cultural heritage in Kosovo
and Metohija organized by UNESCO in Paris, Matsuura said that
“this is a special opportunity for international organizations
to join forces toward such a valuable and important goal. The
preservation of monuments and cultural heritage in Kosovo and
Metohija is an important, urgent and high priority for the international
community” and that UNESCO is the only organization with a mandate
at the international level to protect the world’s cultural heritage.
He emphasized that “cultural heritage is key to the achievement
of reconciliation and the achievement of lasting peace. Time
is passing and the international community must react in order
to protect the cultural heritage of Kosovo and Metohija and restore
it where necessary,” said the UNESCO Director-General.
Minister Draskovic said at a press conference that the Serbian
side is asking not only for restoration but also for the establishment
of “protected zones” around monasteries, such as the one around
Decani Monastery because, he said, Serbs want to go back to areas
around the monasteries. He again called on Kosovo Serbs to join
the work of Kosovo institutions and for Serbian-Albanian dialogue,
saying that they knew the position they were living in better
than Belgrade.
This First International Donors conference for the protection
and restoration of cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija was
organized in Paris by UNESCO in order to collect funding for
the restoration, protection and preservation of numerous Christian
(48) and Islamic (14) monuments, as well as other monuments of
great historical significance (13) which have been destroyed
in recent years. During the first meeting in the morning, monetary
donations were pledged by the European Commission, the Kosovo
Provisional Government, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Germany,
the USA, Sweden, France, the Czech Republic and Hungary, while
technical and expert assistance was offered by Greece, Albania,
Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria,
the Netherlands and Portugal.

On May 10, 2005 the Ministry of Education and Sports of the
Republic of Croatia decided that the Kantakuzina-Katarina Brankovic
Serbian Orthodox General Secondary School in Zagreb can begin
work. The Serbian Orthodox church parish of Zagreb has been working
for almost two years on plans for the opening of this school.
His Eminence Metropolitan Jovan of Zagreb and Ljubljana first
began negotiations with the most senior officials in the Republic
of Croatia, and when the right political climate was created,
work on the realization of this ambitious project began. It is
expected that the school will begin the 2005/06 school year with
one class according to the so-called “A model” (instruction in
Serbian language and script). This school will function according
to the program for General Secondary School as a public institution.
Upon completion of schooling graduates will have the right of
registration at any faculty. The school is equipped with state-of-the-art
audiovisual equipment for instructional purposes. The teaching
staff has been selected after a long and careful process and
the majority of instructors have taught at the university level,
while instructors of languages are native speakers. All future
students in the next school year will be provided with free lodging,
meals and textbooks. On top of this the Serbian Orthodox church
parish of Zagreb is ready to provide scholarships for talented
students. The long tradition of church education within this
church parish has again been revived. Talented Serbian children
from throughout the Republic of Croatia will have the opportunity
within the framework of this school to be educated according
to the most modern pedagogical models based on the spirit of
the Orthodox faith and national tradition. At the same time,
future students will develop their sense of tolerance, multiethnicity
and all that will assist the integration of young people into
modern European society.
Father Milan Topic
Parish priest of Zagreb

FORCED ENTRY INTO CHURCH IN BAJICE The Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral has filed
a report with the Cetinje Security Department that on May 14,
2005 at approximately 2:00 p.m. persons defrocked and anathemized
by the Orthodox Church forced their way into St. John the Baptist
Church in Bajice.
“Led by Miras Dedeic, Milutin Cvijic, Nedjeljko Furtula and
numerous unknown persons who are not from Cetinje broke into
the church in Bajice. There, they attempted to perform acts they
are not authorized to perform and on this occasion they forcibly
disturbed the internal arrangement and money that was in church.
We ask that you prepare an on the scene investigative report
and turn the case over to judicial authorities for the further
prosecution,” it is stated in the Metropolitanate’s report.
Source: Svetigora Press

On Saturday, May 14, 2005 in the amphitheater of the Orthodox
Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade a St. Sava’s
Academy was held on the occasion of the celebration of the patron
saint’s day of St. Sava Seminary in Belgrade. The formal academy
was attended by Bishop Konstantin of Central Europe and Bishop
Atanasije of Hvosno, Protopresbyter Predrag Puzovic, Dean of
the Theological Faculty of St. Basil of Ostrog in Srbinje, Protopresbyter
Radomir Popovic, Dean of the Serbian Orthodox Church Academy
of Art (Painting), Conservation and Restoration, Mr. Manojlo
Vukotic, director of Kompanija Novosti AD, and other eminent
guests of this church and educational institute. After his welcoming
remarks, Protopresbyter Dragan Protic, Dean of the Seminary,
presented achievement awards to the outstanding students of the
previous school year.
The St. Sava’s homily was delivered this year by Professor Sreten
Micic. Participants in the cultural part of the program included
the choirs of the Seminary, the Serbia-Montenegro Army, and Rastko
of St. Sava Cathedral. There was also an exhibition of copies
of the icons of Visoki Decani Monastery painted by the students
of the icon painting section of St. Sava Seminary on this occasion.

NEW MONASTERY IN DIOCESE OF DALMATIA  With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Fotije of Dalmatia a new
monastery has been founded in the Diocese of Dalmatia dedicated
to St. Basil of Ostrog and located in the village of Crnogorci
near Imotski. This is the fifth monastery in the Diocese of Dalmatia
and it will be the spiritual center of the Imotski region.

CONSECRATED IN BACKO DOBRO POLJE On the patron saint’s day of the church, on May 12 of this year,
to the joy of all residents of Backo Dobro Polje, the foundation
of the church of St. Basil of Ostrog the Wonder-worker were consecrated.
This is the first foundation of an Orthodox church in the area
where today there is a settlement and hence this year’s celebration
has not only a holiday but a historic significance. Six decades
after its migration to this region primarily from Montenegro
and Bosnia, the Serbian people have begun to build a church which,
God willing, will soon be completely finished and consecrated.
Only a few years ago the first religious services began to be
held in a church that the faithful prepared with the blessing
of His Grace Bishop Irinej for their spiritual and prayer needs.
Not long afterward, due to an increase in the number of the faithful,
the need appeared for a larger church, and Bishop Irinej of Backa
blessed the beginning of the construction of a new and larger
Holy church. Hence this year’s celebration and prayerful mention
of St. Basil of Ostrog the Wonder-worker has a double significance,
and just as the consecration of the foundation is the necessary
precondition for blessed construction, so is the intent of the
faithful to build a Holy church that is a unique cornerstone
of comprehensive spiritual renewal and rebirth of the present
as well as future generations.
The consecration ceremony was carried out by His Grace Bishop
Irinej of Backa with the concelebration of the clerics of the
Novi Sad officiate and with the prayerful participation of a
large number of residents of Backo Dobro Polje. Upon completing
the ceremony, Bishop Irinej addressed those present, expressing
his joy that this settlement has begun construction of a Holy
church. In his sermon His Grace expressed his prayerful wishes
for the speedy completion of the church to be built in dedication
to St. Basil of Ostrog, pointing out the strong ties between
present-day builders with their native heritage from which rocks
were brought which were placed, together with the cornerstone,
in the new foundation. Emphasizing the communal nature and universal
respect for St. Sava among the Serbian people, and even among
the heterodox, the Bishop pointed out a far stronger link than
one originating in this world, which is the link of spirituality
attained in the Church.
After the consecration ceremony Bishop Irinej presented hierarchal
grammata and recognitions to all institutions and individuals
who assisted in the building of the foundation thus attesting
to their unselfish love and philanthropy. On the foundation of
the church the Bishop blessed the slava cake and wheat prepared
by the slava hosts, the family of Stevan Vrekic of Backo Dobro
Polje. The new slava host next year will be Mr. Goran Grubisic.
Presbyter Petar Trivunovic

SLAVONIJA SERBS OFFER THANKS TO ST BASIL OF OSTROG The church and village patron saint’s day of a newly formed
parish whose patron and protector is St. Basil of Ostrog the
Wonder-worker was celebrated with Holy Liturgy in the village
of Petrova Slatina near Osijek.
In the presence of numerous faithful village locals Holy Liturgy
was served by Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dusan Kolundzic, and
Protopresbyters Branko Rogan and Rajko Cabunac.
Respect for the God-pleasing St. Basil among the Serbs is reflected
in building numerous churches in his honor. This thanks is also
present among the Serbs of Slavonija, where Milanka and Branko
Budalic of Petrova Slatina donated the land of their parents
to the holy Church and permitted the building and founding of
a new church and parish dedicated to St. Basil.
The parish of Petrova Slatina was founded with the blessing
of His Grace Bishop Lukijan by Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dobrivoj
Filipovic, parish priest of Markusica, who invested great effort
in organizing church life in this village.
Upon completion of holy religious services the slava cake was
cut and the slava wheat was blessed in today’s festive atmosphere.
The much suffering faithful of eastern Slavonija expect the
blessed assistance offered by St. Basil as they present their
gift, this holy shrine, together with their tears and suffering
and universal repentance.

IN PALILULA MUNICIPALITY St. Sava Seminary from Belgrade took part with the blessing
of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in
the first Cultural Olympics in Palilula municipality (Belgrade)
held from May 3-13, 2005. Third year student Nemanja Cosic, a
member of the icon-painting section headed by Goran Janicevic,
won third place in the discipline of painting and drawing at
the Cultural Olympics.

KOSOVO COVENANT OF HOLY PRINCE LAZARUS The citizens’ association Srpski Sabor Dveri is organizing a
promotion of the disk “The Prince’s Covenant”, according to the
text of St. Nikolaj, “The Kosovo Covenant of Holy Prince Lazarus”.
The event will take place on Thursday, May 19, 2005 in the large
amphitheater of the Faculty of Machine Engineering in Belgrade.
Participants will include Protopresbyter Aleksandar Sredojevic,
writer Predrag Dragic Kijuk, poet Ranko Djinovic, musical artist
Svetlana Stevic, chanter Pavle Aksentijevic, and thespian Danilo

ST SAVA MONASTERY IN LIBERTYVILLE CELEBRATES PATRON SAINT On May 10, 2005 the monastery of St. Sava in Libertyville celebrated
its patron saint’s day. His Eminence Metropolitan Hristofor ordained
Deacon Zoran Savic to the priesthood. to the chanting of the
Theological Faculty student choir and with the concelebration
of seven priests and two deacons from the Chicago area.
Deacon Damjan S. Bozic

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