Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
19, 2005

On May 19, 2005 the body of a dead elderly man of Serbian nationality
bearing visible signs of violence has been found in the village
of Karin near Obrovac, reported Zadar police.
Pupovac, vice-president of the Independent Democratic Serbian
(SDSS) and a deputy in the Croatian assembly, said
late last night that this was "a politically motivated murder" which
occurred immediately after local elections, reported SRNA's correspondent
in Zagreb.
"This is just one of the tragic examples showing that although
the local elections held last Sunday in Croatia were held in
a tolerant atmosphere, this was immediately followed by a new
wave of attack against Serbs," said Pupovac during a guest
appearance on Croatian television.
said that the beginning of the new wave of attacks on Serbs
is also confirmed
by the appearance of fresh graffiti in Gracac
in Lika stating "Hang the Serbs from the willow trees" and
large capital "U's" [for Ustashe] with swastikas.
emphasized that the HDZ [Croatian Fraternal Union] in Knin
was attempting
to bring all Croatian parties under the same
umbrella under the slogan "all Croats against the Serbs" in
order to prevent the SDSS, the winner in this municipality with
a total of 35 percent of the electoral vote, from participating
in the future local government.
assessed this as an attempt to weaken the government of prime
Ivo Sanader, whom he called on "to think
about the messages that are being sent by this".
"If Serbs and the SDSS are openly being told ten years
after Operation Storm that they cannot be lived with, then this
is a message for concern, all the more so since the SDSS is one
of Sanader's strongest arguments on the road to Europe," said
Source: Radio Television Republika Srpska

IS NEAR AND IT IS ALREADY HERE A promotion of a book by His Eminence Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje
and Herzegovina called “The Hour Is Near and It Is Already Here”
took place yesterday in the Kolarceva Zaduzbina in Belgrade.
Speakers at the event included His Eminence Metropolitan Jovan
of Veles and Povardarje, Protopresbyter Petar Lukic, Prof. Dr.
Vladeta Jerotic and Dr. Zorica Kuburovic.
At the beginning of the promotion Protopresybter Petar Lukic
presented Bishop Grigorije’s book. The book is divided into six
parts: Homilies on Themes from the Gospel, Holiday Homilies,
Bishop’s Sermons to the People, Orthodox Discussions, Responses
to Questions from Reporters and On Holiness and the Saints. Father
Petar emphasized that Bishop Grigorije’s style is easy to follow
and comprehend, that he is understandable to everyone and that
this is the greatest value of the style in which His Eminence
writes. He then read several characteristic passages from the
book in order to exemplify his previous comments.
His Eminence Metropolitan Jovan of Veles and Povardarje continued
in the same tone about the book, emphasizing that it is important
because it deals with the trials presented by contemporary life
to the way of life of the Orthodox faithful.
In further discussion, Prof. Dr. Vladeta Jerotic spoke about
the character of the book itself and emphasized its significance
from the psychological aspect. Following Prof. Jerotic, Dr. Zorica
Kuburovic emphasized that the book is important from both a medical
perspective and that the comprehensive nature of the Bishop’s
homilies and writings is very important for the entire Serbian
people in a period of great suffering and martyrdom for the faith.
The book was published by Tvrdos Monastery, the church of Gracanica
of Herzegovina, and the brotherhood of St. Simeon the Myrrh-gusher.
The editor is Anja Jeftic and the proofing was done by Danijela

ORDER OF VUK KARADZIC PRESENTED TO HIEROMONK IRINEJ DOBRIJEVIC Today in the offices of the Republic of Serbia’s Ministry for
Diaspora Minister Prof. Dr. Vojislav Vukcevic presented Hieromonk
Irinej Dobrijevic with the Order of Vuk Karadzic of the Third
Degree for special contributions toward the improvement of relations
between the Serbian state with Serbs living abroad and achievements
in furthering relations between Church and state. Serbia and
Montenegro President Svetozar Marovic issued a decree in December
2004 to honor Hieromonk Irinej with this award.
The ceremony was attended by Their Royal Highnesses Princess
Jelisaveta and Princess Linda; Stanislav Stakic, on behalf of
the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Vuk Draskovic; Richard Moore,
chief of mission in the U.S. Embassy; Aleks Milutinovic, military
attache in the U.S. Embassy; Mr. Dragan Babic, Mr. Miroslav Djordjevic,
the president of the Serbian Unity Congress, Slava Draskovic,
the director of the Serbian Unity Congress, and Maja Arezina.
Hieromonk Irinej thanked all those who made it possible for
him to successfully carry out the mission of the Orthodox Church
and enhance the imagine of Serbs in the world.

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