Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
10, 2005

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle will consecrate two newly
built churches in Belgrade on Saturday and Sunday.
On Saturday, June 11, 2005, His Holiness will consecrate the
church of St. Panteleimon in Mirjevo.
The new church, which is over 300 square meters in surface area,
was built according to the plan of architect Milan Tomic. There
is also a parish hall next to the church with apartments for
priests and a large meeting room intended for lectures, concerts
and other purposes.
On Sunday, June 12, 2005 His Holiness the Patriarch will
consecrate a new church dedicated to the Transfiguration
of Our Lord in
Krusevacka Street built according to the plan of woman architect
Ljubica Bosnjak.

PATRON SAINT'S DAY OF VISOKI DECANI MONASTERY CHURCH CELEBRATED Visoki Decani Monastery celebrated the patron saint's day of
its church, the Holy Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Spasovdan).
His Grace Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren served Holy Hierarchal
Liturgy with the concelebration of His Grace Vicar Bishop Teodosije
of Lipljan and the priest-monks of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren.
After Holy Liturgy and the traditional festive religious procession
around the church, Bishop Artemije cut the slava cake and delivered
a holiday sermon.
Like every year the patron saint's day of the church of the
Holy Ascension in Visoki Decani was an opportunity for numerous
faithful from various parts of Serbia to gather in this Orthodox
holy shrine in the heart of Metohija. This year there was an
especially large number of children and young people. A youth
cultural and artistic group from Kosovska Kamenica and Velika
Hoca prepared a special holiday program and the celebration continued
in the monastery courtyard with traditional kolo folk dances
from Kosovo and Metohija.

SAVIOR’S DAY CELEBRATED IN SIBENIK  On the feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Bishop Fotije of Dalmatia
served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Christ the Savior
in Sibenik. After cutting the slava cake and the slava religious
process, Bishop Fotije called on the gathered faithful to witness
and protect the Orthodox faith in both times of peace and times
of persecution.

CHURCH IN CROATIA RETURNED At a recent meeting in Zagreb on June 7, 2005 held between representatives
of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and members of the
Council of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Croatia,
one of the topics discussed was the restitution of nationalized
and usurped property belonging to the Serbian Orthodox Church.
It was established that thus far on the territory of the five
Dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Republic of Croatia
ten percent of property has been returned, most of it in the
cities of Zagreb and Rijeka.

“CHOIRS AMONG THE FRESCOES” Today in the offices of the Ministry of Culture and Media of
the Government of the Republic of Serbia a press conference was
held on the upcoming 11th Annual Festival of Spiritual Music
“Choirs among the Frescoes”.
Speakers at the press conference included Predrag Stamenkovic,
Branka Saper, Slobodan Markovic and Goran Janicijevic. On this
occasion the media were informed of the program for the Festival
which begins with the formal opening ceremony on June 14, 2005
in the Gallery of Frescoes of the Serbian National Museum in
Belgrade. Those present were then informed of events that will
be accompanying the Festival: an exhibition of works by the students
of Serbian Orthodox Church’s Academy for Arts and Conservation
“Sounds of the Frescoes” and roundtable discussions on the following
topics: Personality and works of Vojislav Ilic (Katarina Tomasevic),
Possibilities for drama performance and presentation (Darinka
Matic-Marovic), Sequence of composition, chronology of chant
origins – stylistic characteristics (Danica Petrovic) and Liturgical
sequence (Predrag Miodrag).

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