Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
5, 2005

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Boris Tadic, today
received a delegation of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian
Orthodox Church led by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle.
At the meeting they discussed the situation in connection with
the arrest of His Beatitude Archbishop Jovan and Metropolitan
of Skoplje, the canonical head of the Autonomous Archdiocese
of Ochrid.
President Tadic informed Patriarch Pavle regarding the initiatives
from his office and his contacts with senior officials of the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. They concluded that further
efforts would be invested in order to overcome this problem in
the spirit of Christian and democratic principles, and to the
satisfaction of both the Serbian and the Macedonian side.

SERBIAN ORTHODOX SECONDARY SCHOOL IN ZAGREB Work on preparing the school in the Serbian Orthodox church
parish in Zagreb is coming to an end. The planned number of students
from throughout Croatia was enrolled during the first (summer)
registration period. The best Serbian pupils from Knin, Obrovac,
Benkovac, Vukovar and other towns have been enrolled in the Serbian
secondary school in Zagreb.
This school aspires to gather gifted Serbian children and offer
them a school program based on modern educational methods in
the spirit of the Orthodox faith and Serbian tradition. The Kantakuzina-Katarina
Brankovic Secondary School is a new school in the two hundred
year tradition of the educational activities of the Serbian Orthodox
Church in Zagreb.
The school was founded upon the initiative of His Eminence Metropolitan
Jovan of Zagreb and Ljubljana in cooperation with the Ministry
of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia as
a public secondary school. It hopes to contribute a new cultural
quality to secondary education in Croatia based on innovative
approaches and methods of teaching.
Croatian school programs will be enriched by material from Serbian
culture in the social-human sciences group (in addition to the
aforementioned language, history, geography, fine arts and music)
based on Serbo-Croatian intercultural principles within a European
regional context.
The material of the rich Serbian Orthodox religious culture
in this area will be an framework in the desire to preserve national
identity and culture. Great attention will be dedicated to directed
learning of multiple foreign languages with the possibility of
studying more than the prescribed number of languages on an elective
The languages offered will be English, German, Russian and Italian,
with Latin and Greek as electives and the possibility of extended
instruction over all four years. Elective study of the Old Slavic
language will also be available. Most importantly, all living
languages will be taught by native speakers f English, German,
Russian and Italian. Most classes will be taught by professors
with advanced degrees.
From the beginning the secondary school will be guided by organized
by an all-day program for the students in either the school building
or the offices of the Diocese. The mission of education at the Kantakuzina-Katarina Brankovic
Serbian Orthodox Secondary School is creative education of students
directed toward the broadest spectrum of higher educational institutions
within Croatia and abroad with full implementation of the integral
educational model.
The goal of the Serbian Orthodox Secondary School in Zagreb
is education and training of gifted Serbian children who will
receive the guidance and support of their Church during the course
of their formal education as well.

OF DJURDJEVI STUPOVI This morning His Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje and Niksic
served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the monastery of Djurdjevi
Stupovi (the Pillars of St. George), marking the beginning of
the celebration of the three year anniversary of the restoration
of this medieval Diocese founded by St. Sava.
Speaking in his sermon about the feast of St. Mary of Magdalene
and its significance for Orthodox Christians, Bishop Joanikije
“When the Lord completed his task of saving and redeeming the
human race, as he prepared to spill His salvation-bearing blood
on the Cross for the whole world, many began to doubt, and at
one point even the supreme apostle, Peter, himself doubted. Because
of human weakness that which superceded nature was not given
even to the apostles but it was given to a mere handful of the
faithful, the Most Holy Theotokos, St. John the Theologian and
some myrrh-bearing women, among them St. Mary Magdalene. When
all the apostles scattered in fear and when the Apostle Peter,
who said: My Lord, even if all should betray you, I will not
betray you also denounced him, among the few who remained before
Christ, crucified and humiliated, suffering and dying, was St.
Mary Magdalene,” said Bishop Joanikije.
During the Holy Liturgy in Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery, Bishop
Joanikije also elevated Deacon Danilo Zirojevic to the office
of presbyter.
Source: Svetigora
Press, S.K. 
SPIRITUAL JOY IN PALIC This year’s patronal feast of St. Elijah the Prophet in Palic,
in addition to Holy Liturgy, offered yet another spiritual joy,
the consecration of the newly built parish home.
On the feast itself, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa served
evening services with the concelebration of the priests of the
administration of Subotica.
On that occasion, the slava wheat and cake were consecrated,
as was the new parish home containing an auditorium that will
temporarily serve as a holy church.
Among those attending this formal act were Their Royal Highnesses
Prince Vladimir Andrew Karadjordjevic and his wife, Princess
Brigitte. They partook in the sharing of the slava cake and joyfully
accepted to serve as the slava hosts in the following year.
The church slava of the parish of Palic was also attended by
Subotica mayor Geza Kucera, Subotica municipal assembly president
Sasa Vucinic. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Andrija Kopilovic extended congratulations
on the occasion of the patronal feast on behalf of the Roman
Catholic bishopric of Subotica.
After the service Bishop Irinej blessed the gathered faithful
and the president of the church parish executive board, Mr. Zoran
Arsic, thanked the Bishop on behalf of the church parish of Palic
for finding the time despite his many obligations to once again
come upon the invitation of the people, like every year to date,
and bring them joy through his visit.
Presbyter Miodrag Sipka

METROPOLITAN JOVAN SERVES IN MARCA MONASTERY On Sunday, July 31/18, His Eminence Metropolitan Jovan of Zagreb,
Ljubljana and All-Italy serve Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the
chapel of the former monastery of Marca. The renowned monastery
of Marca was located in the village of Stara Marca between Cazma
and Ivanicgrad. In 1925 a chapel dedicated to the Holy Archangel
Gabriel was built in the location of the former holy shrine in
the exact location of the former altar section of the church.
Since the time of Metropolitan Gavrilo Avramovic of Dabro-Bosnia,
who is credited with founding the monastery (between 1578 and
1588) until 1775, when Marca ceased to exist (during the so-called
liquidation of Serbian monasteries), this Serbian holy shrine
shared the difficult fate of the Serbian people in these parts.
The constant struggle and resistance against unionism reached
its acme when the embittered people, led by Serbian monks, announced
that they would never recognize the bishop of Zagreb as their
lord nor allow the Uniates to take possession of Marca. The people’s
pain and resentment against the hated union had their horrible
expression the night of June 28/17, 1739 when Serbs led by the
outlaw Tomasevic set fire to Marca. Today this diminutive chapel
continues to share the fate of the Serbian people. The isolated
chapel in the location of the former holy shrine taunts the passage
of time, witnessing the existence of Orthodox Serbs in this region.
Metropolitan Jovan thanked those present for not forgetting Marca,
the place where their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were
baptized, married and escorted to their eternal resting place,
even in recent difficult times. After Holy Liturgy the slava
cake was cut and the slava wheat consecrated, which was shared
with the people, who were overjoyed by the Metropolitan’s visit.
After Holy Liturgy Metropolitan Jovan spoke with the faithful,
spiritually consoling them and lending strength to the few Orthodox
Serbs remaining in Marca and surrounding villages.

CAMPAIGN AGAINST CHURCH IN MONTENEGRO CONTINUES At the same time as the orchestrated, incomprehensible to the
normal mind attacks on the Metropolitanate, Metropolitan Amfilohije
and the Serbian Church in general in connection with the consecrated
chapel of the Holy Trinity on Mt. Rumija, there has been a reviving
of the campaign against the Church regarding its alleged concealment
of Hague indictees in priests’ robes in church buildings.
The latest lies were launched by the weekly “Monitor” for reasons
known only to it with the claim that Metropolitan Amfilohije
had built a church building in Jovan Dol of Ostrog Monastery,
a large part of which is under the earth, with underground auditoriums
and hallways built for secret operations. No member of the church
has been in this building except for Amfilohije himself!
This absurd insinuation and others like it have drawn a large
number of reporters and police spies to the Ostrog and Jovan
Dol area in recent days who are threatening to endanger the peace
and life of these holy shrines and their numerous pilgrims.
When Svetigora Press asked officials in the Metropolitanate
and in Ostrog Monastery regarding these developments, the answer
we received was that all these fictions are just part of a much
broader anti-church campaign in our land which is taking us back
to the period of the militant antitheism of the Bolshevik-Titoist
era. More or less the same people and their ideological supporters,
now under new “European” symbols, are trying to cast mud upon
the Church and to ascribe to it all the evils and crimes not
only of the past but also of recent times.
The saddest thing of all is that some of the international factors
are accepting the denunciations of domestic denunciators as is,
supporting the continuation of violence against the Church and
therefore, the ongoing trampling of basic human rights.
The most recent accusations and lies regarding alleged underground
buildings and other misdeed of Metropolitan Amfilohije and the
Serbian Church are just another example of orchestrated mud-slinging
and hatred toward the Church and its members.
Source: Svetigora Press

CHURCH In the Cathedral Church (Saborna Crkva) in Belgrade on Saturday,
August 6, 2005 beginning at 8:30 p.m. the Glinka Choir from St.
Petersburg will be holding a concert of spiritual music. Admission
is free.
The pride of Russian art, the Glinka Choir, which for 500 years
has been carrying the glory of Orthodox Russian art throughout
the world, was founded in 1479 by the great Moscow Prince Ivan
Vasiljevic. The great Prince Ivan, gathering 30 singers from
various parts of Russia to chant at the consecration of the Assembly
of the Dormition in Moscow, thus founded one of the best choirs
in the history of world music.
Throughout its long and glorious history the Glinka Choir has
especially nurtured Orthodox spiritual music. At the beginning
of the 19th century the Glinka Choir began to dedicate more attention
to the masterpieces of world music literature. Today the Glinka
Choir has more than 250 works by the greatest world composers
in its repertoire, among them the Divine Liturgy of St. John
Chrysostom composed by Stevan Stojanovic Mokranjac.
The basic orientation of the choir is performance of Russian
works, first and foremost by St. Petersburg composers.
We invite all spiritual music aficionados to attend this rare
spiritual and musical event.

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