Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
16, 2005

Following the tragic crash of a Cypriot airplane which resulted
in the deaths of 119 passengers and crew members, His Holiness
Serbian Patriarch Pavle sent a telegram of condolence to the
Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, His Beatitude Christodoulos,
and the Archbishop of New Justiana and All Cyprus, His Beatitude
Chrysostomos, Greek president Karolos Papoulias and Cypriot president
Tassos Papadopoulos expressing the deep sympathies of the Holy
Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Church, the clergy, the faithful
and himself to the sister Churches of Greece and Cyprus, the
governments of these two countries, the brotherly Greek people
and the families of the victims.
the Lord grant repose to the souls of those who tragically
head of the Kosovo Liberation Army veterans organization in
regions of Decane and Pec, colonel Avdyl Mushkolaj, directed
an open threat to the monks of Visoki Decani Monastery and members
of Italian KFOR who provide protection for the monastery on the
pages of the Pristina Albanian language daily "Epoka e Re".
" We are addressing the criminals who hide behind the black drapes
of the monastery, as well as both KFOR and the UNMIK administration,
to remove the control checkpoints because the anger of the
people is increasing with each day and they will no longer
tolerate this. What happened to the head of the war veterans
organization Avdyl Mushkolaj must not be repeated; otherwise,
war invalids, the families of martyrs and KLA veterans will
react strongly, using our well-known methods."
The text goes on to say that colonel Mushkolaj is convinced
that "this behavior by KFOR is connected to the criminals
who hide behind the masks of monks. These criminals who live
in the monastery killed innocent Albanians, and now together
with KFOR and the UNMIK administration, they are harassing
the people who pass there without reason."
The immediate cause of Mushkolaj's public address in the daily "Epoka
e Re" was a recent incident at a control checkpoint not
far from the monastery, where the former KLA member was stopped
by Italian KFOR soldiers who carried out routine controls.
According to statements by KFOR representatives, Mushkolaj's
accusations that the soldiers harassed him are not true since
it is a common practice throughout the Province for KFOR to
regularly control vehicles for the safety of all citizens.
At this control checkpoint and others throughout Kosovo, members
of KFOR and police are confiscating illegal weapons and drugs
almost every day.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that colonel Mushkolaj
has publicly and with open hatred spoken about the monastery
of Visoki Decani and international representatives in the region.
According to statements by a number of international officials,
Mushkolaj publicly calls the monks criminals and openly supports
the idea that KFOR should leave Kosovo as soon as possible.
Mushkolaj is the leader of a very radical wing of former KLA
members that does not shrink from an eventual clash with NATO
forces. However, according to the information from the ground
his views and particularly methods do not seem to be shared
by majority of people.
In the opinion of representatives of UN police in Kosovo who
wish to remain anonymous, international security officials
have information that Avdyl Mushkolaj and his fighters are
most probably behind three armed attacks to date on the monastery
of Visoki Decani (in February and June 2000 and March 2004)
and that he is a serious threat to peace and security in this
part of Kosovo. After last year's March riots and the destruction
of UNMIK vehicles in Decani, Mushkolaj was arrested by UNMIK
police with assistance of KFOR in an operation involving helicopter
support. However, he was soon released from prison because
of the lack of witnesses bold enough to testify at the court.
Although he was born in this region and lives in Kosovo Mushkolaj
is also an Austrian citizen, which he thinks gives him an added
advantage to act regardless of the law.
According to a recent statement by the commander of KFOR Multinational
Brigade South-West, General Norbert Stier, KFOR will keep control
checkpoints near the monasteries of the Pec Patriarchate and
Visoki Decani because it is the firm position of the peacekeeping
forces that Christian religious sites in Kosovo, which were
severely attacked in last year's riots, must be protected.
General Stier explained at a press conference that security
near important cultural monuments is not there because of peaceful
citizens who respect civilizational values but because of those
who might use violence to achieve their goals. The German general
explained that similar security standards exist today throughout
the Western world near important sites. He cited the example
of the Vatican, among others, where one cannot enter St. Peter's
Basilica without passing through security controls and scanners.
Bishop Teodosije, the Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery and
his deputy, Fr. Sava, have repeatedly emphasized in contacts
with local Albanian representatives that the KFOR presence
around the monastery is a guarantee that is important not only
for the monks but also for all residents of Decani municipality.
KFOR ensures that irresponsible persons will not use violence
against the monastery and thus inflict shame on the people
of this region, who respected this holy shrine in the past
and even protected it when needed. Nazmi Selmanaj (AAK), the
president of Decani Monastery, publicly praised the monastery
two months ago at a gathering in the municipal building, mentioning
the positive role the monastery played during the war when
the monks risked their own lives to deliver humanitarian aid
to suffering Albanians and even sheltered more than a hundred
Albanian women, children and elderly in the monastery to protect
them during the most difficult times. These humanitarian activities
by the Decani monks were regularly reported by world media,
including the BBC, the New York Times and others.
The administration of Visoki Decani Monastery issued an appeal
to all citizens to show understanding and respect toward religious
sites and KFOR forces who came to Kosovo to ensure a peaceful
and dignified life for all. Respect for security officials
and their work is one of the chief indicators of a truly democratic
society based on law and order, the monastery said in a communique.

 On the Feast of the Transfer of the Holy Relics of the Holy
Archdeacon Stefan, August 15, 2005, His Grace Bishop Fotije of
Dalmatia served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church in Golubic
(built in 1460), which celebrates its patronal feast on this
day. After the cutting of the slava cake, a festal religious
procession took place. Bishop Fotije then greeted all present,
emphasizing that the Serbs are a Cross-bearing people and that
all its migrations, as well as its returns, have unfolded in
the sign of the Cross.
Diocese of Dalmatia
Translation Services]

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