Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
25, 2005

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle received a letter from
His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All-Russia informing
him of his efforts toward the speedy release of the imprisoned
Archbishop Jovan of Ochrid and Metropolitan of Skoplje. Below
is the text of the letter in its entirety:
We are in receipt of your telegram regarding the imprisonment
of Bishop Jovan in the Republic of Macedonia. This news, which
was already known to us through the means of mass information,
has deeply embittered and worried us.
We wish to advise Your Holiness that upon receipt of your telegram
we sent a letter to the president of the Republic of Macedonia,
Mr. B. Crvenkovski, in which we appeal to him to release a hierarch
of the Serbian Orthodox Church, who is accused, to our best knowledge,
solely for nonviolent actions following from his religious convictions.
In the same letter we point out that existing differences with
respect to church organization in the Republic of Macedonia can
be resolved only through proper church means, through dialogue
based on the holy canons. We also reiterated that the situation
that has resulted through the arrest of Bishop Jovan has become
a very serious obstacle to the continuation of such dialogue,
and that it is inflicting great damage to the mutual relations
of two brotherly Orthodox peoples.
We are firmly convinced that the interference of state officials
in the sphere of canonical competencies of the Church – and in
the domain of religious life in general – only increases misunderstandings
in society. This is also true in the case of the interference
of the Church in the competencies of state institutions.”
We assure Your Holiness that we are praying fervently for the
speediest release of our suffering brother, and for the healing
of the wounds of schism and conflict in the Republic of Macedonia,
which are painful to the entire Orthodox world, the manifestations
of which, to our sorrow, have recently been doubled.
With lasting and always unchanged love in Our Lord,
Patriarch of Moscow and All-Russia

UNMIK DEPUTY CHIEF PROTECTS DECANI MONKS Yesterday's Pristina daily in Albanian “Epoka e Re” published
a letter sent to the paper by the Larry Rossin who expressed
his concern that the paper saw fit to publish some serious accusations
made by head of Dukadjin War Veterans’ Association against the
community of Serbian Orthodox monks living in Decani monastery.
Here are excerpts from Mr. Rossin’s letter:
I wish to respond to an article that appeared in your newspaper
on 15 August in which you gave space to serious accusations made
by head of Dukadjin War Veterans’ Association, Avdyl Mushkolaj.
I was most disappointed by the hate-filled and inflammatory
attack on the community of monks living in the Visoki Decani
monastery. This ignored the fact that the Monastery and its inhabitants
played an important and courageous role in protecting the Kosovo
Albanian civilian population during the conflict of 1999. The
Monks at Decani are widely recognized as advocates of peace and
tolerance. The words also undercut the great efforts being made
by the PISG, religious figures and citizens of good will to bring
the Kosovo Albanian and Kosovo Serb communities together. Recent
initiatives include visits of Bishop Teodosije and Father Sava
to the municipality of Decani, and the visits of Ministers Haracija
and Gjini, as well as Decani municipal authorities, to the monastery.
The article, regrettably, also gives ammunition to those that
say that Kosovo is not ready for reconciliation or to manage
fully its own affairs.
The development of the Decani canyon area and the protection
of the natural beauty of the area and the UNESCO world heritage
site it contains are of great importance to all Kosovans. For
this reason, in consultation with the PISG the SRSG signed in
April of this year an Executive Decision declaring the Decani
canyon a special zoning area. The decision prevents further illegal
construction, on the premise that it is all citizens, and not
individuals acting outside the law, who should determine the
future of this area of spectacular natural heritage.
The people of Kosovo are increasingly tired of those who insist
only on looking to the past. What Kosovo and Decani need are
men and women who look to the future - a peaceful, free and prosperous
future as part of the European family. A good start has recently
been made in Decani, and much more can be done for the benefit
of all communities. I would suggest to you, your readership and
Mr. Mushkolaj himself that the time has come to look forward
and that communication, and real dialogue between communities,
rather than violent rhetoric, is the surest way to ensure that
one day, checkpoints will no longer be needed around Decani monastery.
Source: Information Service of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren

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