Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
8, 2005

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle, together with His Grace
Bishop Jovan of Sumadija, a member of the Holy Synod of Bishops,
received President Svetozar Marovic of the State Union of Serbia
and Montenegro today in the Belgrade Patriarchate.
The heads of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the State Union
agreed on further measures to be undertaken which will enable
more rapid inclusion of Serbia and Montenegro in European integrations,
a process to which the Serbian Orthodox Church is expected to
Also emphasized during the discussion was the importance of
further enhancing cooperation with the Roman Catholic Church,
as well as with other Churches and religious communities, in
which the majority Serbian Orthodox has a special responsibility.
The question of the relationship between Church and State in
Montenegro needs to be resolved calmly and in open communication
between the appropriate church and government officials, concurred
the Serbian Patriarch and President Marovic.
Office of the Holy Synod of Bishops
Office of the President of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro

Pristina municipality vice president Radojica Mitrovic called
on the municipal administration of the city to prevent the adoption
of a urban regulative plan that would usurp land owned by the
Serbian Orthodox Church in downtown Pristina.
In a letter to municipal administrator Dmitry Pozhidayev and
Pristina mayor Ismet Beqiri, Mitrovic warns that the regulative
plan foresees the destruction of the church of Christ the Savior,
the only remaining Orthodox Christian building in Pristina.
Before the new regulative plan is drafted and adopted, Mitrovic
requests that an agreement be reached between the Serbian Orthodox
Church and the municipal administration regarding the future
use of the land in downtown Pristina, and that the new plan takes
into account plans for the completion of the church of Christ
the Savior.
of the Pristina municipal assembly debated the new "Centar
2" regulative plan at a session on July 27 this year.
Mitrovic reminds the international (UN) administrator and the
Pristina mayor that this is not the first illegal attempt to
take away the church's land but warns that this is the first
time that this is being done using institutional means, through
the regulative plan that deputies are expected to adopt by the
end of this month.
"From the documentation of the Directorate for Planning
and Urbanisms a tendency has been noted to use every means to
underestimate and minimize the value of the Orthodox church as
an architectural, religious and cultural building, in order to
rationalize the eventual decision to destroy it as foreseen in
one of the measures foreseen by the Directorate," Mitrovic
The Directorate has, in fact, foreseen four possible solutions
for the church of Christ the Savior. One is to destroy it; a
second is to turn the incomplete church into an exhibit; the
third is to use the building for another purpose; and the last
variant is to allow it to keep its present function.
Mitrovic warned that there have already been quite enough Orthodox
churches destroyed in Kosovo, and points out that the times when
Orthodox churches were converted into stables, barns or so-called
galleries and museums are long past.
"Any solution without the acquiescence of the Serbian Orthodox
Church and the Serbian population would only further damage an
already difficult situation and send a message from official
institutions that there is no place for Serbs in Pristina, and
that every last trace of them is being erased in this manner,
too," emphasized Mitrovic.
At the end of his letter Mitrovic notes that he does not like
to recall that the Orthodox church of St. Nicholas was destroyed
and torched in March of last year, and that the destruction of
the surviving, incomplete church of Christ the Savior would mean
that Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, would lose every possibility
of being a multiethnic and multiconfessional environment.

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