Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
28, 2005

PROPHET ELIJAH IN CORBY, GREAT BRITAIN During Holy Hierarchal Liturgy served by His Grace Bishop Dositej
of Britain and Scandinavia, His Grace Bishop Lukijan of Osijek
Polje and Baranja, and His Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje
and Niksic with the concelebration of Protopresbyter Milenko
Zebic, hierarchal deputy; Protopresbyter Milun Kostic, parish
priest of London; Protopresbyter Slobodan Radojcic, parish priest
of Darby; Protopresbyter Zarko Nedic, parish priest of Bradford;
Protopresbyter Nikola Kotur, parish priest of Oxford, Protopresbyter
Obren Vujevic, Protodeacon Djordje Cekerevac and Hierodeacon
Sava (Russian Orthodox Church), the frescoes in the church of
the Holy Prophet Elijah in Corby, the work of theologian Dragan
Stepkovic of Kragujevac, were consecrated.
During religious services in the overflowing church of the Orthodox
faithful, Bishop Dositej greeted Bishop Lukijan and Bishop Joanikije
after the consecration of the frescoes, wishing them welcome
to the Diocese of Britain and Scandinavia. The Bishop emphasized:
“I am overjoyed that the Lord has given us such great gifts:
that the church in Corby has been built in six years and that
the frescoes in it are the most beautiful in Great Britain after
the church of Lazarica in Birmingham.”
Bishop Lukijan delivered an inspired homily to the faithful,
telling them: “Joy has arrived here, too, for when we consecrated
this church, the product of your efforts, two years ago, I did
not believe that it would be decorated in such a short time.
Your love, and first of all the love of your priest, the cross-bearing
Prota Vida Vukovic whose calls you answered, has united and multiplied.
The result is the completion of this beautiful holy shrine of
which you can all be proud.”
Bishop Lukijan addressed the faithful who came to Great Britain
from the territory of the Diocese of Osijek Polje and Baranja.
Moved to tears, he warned them to never forget their native land,
their family whom they left behind, their holy shrines and the
graves of their ancestors. He urged them to respect the laws
of the country where they live, to guard the faith of their forebears,
and to regularly visit their newly built and freshly painted
holy shrine.
The parish priest, caretakers and administration then prepared
a banquet luncheon for the parishioners and numerous guests,
including Roman Catholic vicar bishop Peter Wilson, Anglican
priest Yel Lee, Corby mayor Mr. Nobel and his wife, representatives
of church parishes in Great Britain, etc.
Bishop Joanikije conveyed the greetings and blessing of His
Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle and spoke with inspiration regarding
the interior beauty of the church, calling on those present to
attend Holy Liturgy regularly.
The long time president of the church parish, Mr. Mile Simic,
also greeted all present.
Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Slobodan Radojcic

BOBOTOVO GROBLJE Niksic/Cetinje, September 28 – His Grace Bishop Joanikije of
Budimlje and Niksic recently consecrated the foundation of a
church dedicated to St. Sava in the Golija village of Bobotovo
In addition to the Orthodox cathedral of the Holy and First
Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul at Krsac, and the church under
construction in Visnjica Dol, which is dedicated to St. John,
the church of St. Sava in Bobotovo Groblje will be the third
holy shrine in the Golija region. Its construction confirms the
awakening and restoration of church and religious life throughout
Montenegro, and the church of St. Sava, on the very border with
Herzegovina will make fuller and more regular religious services
possible not only for the local residents of surrounding villages
in Golija but also neighboring municipalities of Herzegovina,
the parish priest of Golija, Protopresbyter Dragan Krusic, told
Radio Svetigora.
The patron endower of the church of St. Sava in Bobotovo Groblje
is Miodrag Davidovic. Nikodim Zizic prepared architectural plans
for the future complex, which is to include a chapel, a cemetery
and a bell tower in addition to the church building. The holy
church will be 16 meters high with an area of 200 square meters
in the base, and will be characterized by elements of Byzantine
church architecture adapted to our times. In the near future,
with the revival of liturgical life in the region, the church
will expand into a monastery complex.
According to Father Dragan Krusic such plans are completely
justified because his experience suggests that the people of
the Golija clan are returning to their faith and church with
love, especially over the past few years.
Holy Liturgy will be served on the occasion of the four great
fasts, as well as on the patronal feast of the Holy Apostles
Peter and Paul. The faithful of Golija, Protopresbyter Dragan
Krusic observed, participated actively in religious services
with two hundred souls partaking in the holy mystery of communion.
Especially wonderful is the presence of young people. For him
as the parish priest of Golija, the effort and love of other
local residents represents an especial motive in his priest’s
office. Although of advanced age, these people do not forget
their slava and make every effort to come to the cathedral for
services and communion whenever they are able.
With the construction of the church of St. Sava, noted Father
Dragan, residents of Golija by the grace of God will have greater
opportunity to attend Holy Liturgy in addition to the church
at Krsac. It also represents an opportunity for the devout from
the neighboring municipalities in Herzegovina, which confirms
the unbreakable ties among the nation of St. Sava, between whom
there are no borders.
Construction work on the church of St. Sava in Golija will most
probably be completed during the course of November.
Source: Svetigora
Press (S.C./S.K.)

On Saturday, October 1, 2005 beginning at 15:30 hours His Grace
Bishop Lukijan of Osijek Polje and Baranja will consecrate the
cornerstone for the construction of a new Serbian Orthodox church
in Vinkovci. The church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon
the Apostles from 1793 was completely destroyed during the recent
The restoration and building of this holy shrine is taking place
under the auspices of the Ministry of Seas, Tourism, Trade and
Development of the Republic of Croatia as a priority project
of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Bishops’
Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Croatia.
Source: Serbian
Orthodox Church, Vinkovic/P. Azap

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