Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
7, 2005

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle sent a letter to Mr. Soren
Jessen-Petersen, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General
of the United Nations for Kosovo and Metohija, asking him to
prevent Kosovo and Metohija provisional authorities from destroying
or “changing the use” of the Orthodox church of Christ the Savior
in Pristina. The Patriarch’s letter states:
“We believe that the entire Christian and civilized world has
heard the appeals of the Serbian Orthodox Church for the protection
of her holy shrines in Kosovo and Metohija. Since 1999, since
Kosovo and Metohija have been under the protection of UNMIK and
KFOR, 150 churches and monasteries have been completely destroyed,
demolished and desecrated. Since Kosovo and Metohija are governed
by representatives of a large number of world countries, among
them police experts, and since you, an attorney from Denmark,
which is a respected and legally based European state, are personally
leading their efforts, we still have good faith that the perpetrators
of these crimes will soon be discovered and brought to justice.
This hope on our part is based, first of all, on the facts that
this vandalism has not been legalized, and that UNESCO, together
with the provisional institutions of Kosovo and Metohija, has
also begun a process of restoration of an admittedly small number
of the Serbian Orthodox holy shrines that have been destroyed.
What we find particularly disturbing and even incredible at
this time is the publicly voiced intent of certain provisional
authorities of Kosovo and Metohija to change the use of the church
of Christ the Savior in Pristina, or even to destroy it altogether.
His Grace Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren, who was justifiably
quite upset, informed us and the Holy Synod of Bishops of these
July 1999 when the attempt was made to blow it up using
strong explosives, Albanian extremists, including their
representatives in the provisional institutions, have
constantly targeted the only remaining Orthodox church
in Pristina.
Currently provisional authorities in the Pristina Municipal Assembly are considering
proposals as part of changes to the urban plan to change the use of this church
of God. Officials of the Pristina Municipal Assembly are supposed to decide whether
they will turn the church into a nightclub, a museum or gallery or allow it to
remain what it is.
Consequently, we appeal to you, Your Excellency, to invest the
authority which you undoubtedly have and to prevent this destructive
intent, the achievement of which would both symbolically and
practically mean that, as far as UNMIK and you personally are
concerned, there is no more room for Serbs in Pristina nor in
other parts of the southern Serbian province.
With the deep conviction that you will find understanding for
this appeal of the Serbian Orthodox Church and for the hope of
expelled Pristina Serbs that when they one day return to their
illegally occupied homes, they will also find the church of God
which they built to the glory of the Savior and to the pride
of their city, we extend our greetings with the hope for much
success in your work for the good of all residents of Kosovo
and Metohija.”
The Holy Synod of Bishops also informed the highest representatives
of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, the Republic of
Serbia, as well as important international organizations of the
dangers that are threatening the church of Christ the Savior
in Pristina.

FORUM “DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONS” His Grace Bishop Justin of Timok, the member of the Holy Synod
of Bishops for interchurch and interfaith affairs, is representing
the Serbian Orthodox Church at the World Public Forum “Dialogue
of Civilizations”, which is being held in Rhodes from October
3-6, 2005. This important conference is being organized by the
Russian Center of National Glory and the Moscow-based St. Andrew
the First-Called Foundation. There are about 200 researchers
and representatives from various religions from about 40 countries
throughout the world taking part in the forum’s six sessions.
In a personal message sent to the participants of the forum
His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle expressed the hope that
the “Dialogue of Civilizations” will contribute to finding solutions
to the problems of the contemporary world. “It is our hope that
the eminent and respected participants of this year’s forum during
the course of their dialogue will find the possibility for a
valid approach to a proper solution to the greatest problems
of the modern world,” Patriarch Pavle wrote, nothing that this
is impossible without fraternal dialogue and mutual understanding.
Readers can find more about the “Dialogue of Civilizations”
on the web site

His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral
and His Grace Bishop Jovan of Dioclea served Holy Hierarchal
Liturgy on Friday, October 7, 2005 in the monastery of the Conception
of St. John the Baptist, in a skete of Ostrog Monastery located
in Jovan-Dol near Niksic.
In his homily Metropolitan Amfilohije said that the greatness
of St. John the Baptist, conceived of Zachariah and Elisabeth,
consists in the degree of receiving within himself Him who is
most wise, most perfect, most powerful and most truthful.
“Every person is great according to how much of God he carries
within him, and everyone is called upon to multiply the gifts
that God has granted him,” said Metropolitan Amfilohije, emphasizing
that upon his birth in the world, every person receives a role
that he needs to fulfill during the course of his worldly, transient
life by living his life in accordance with God’s plan.
“St. John the Baptist is great, the greatest born to woman,
because he received within himself the highest divine powers
and wisdoms. During the course of his worldly life, he did not
bow his head before the body or before blood but before God the
Life-Bearer. St. John bowed his head before the Lord from his
conception and the Lord made His home in him. That is why St.
John served God and was the voice crying in the wilderness, the
prophet of repentance and the rethinking of the human mind and
the human heart. He always prepared and continues to this day
to prepare the paths of the Lord and to make His paths unswerving.
St. John as such remains a model throughout the history of the
human race of how one should be conceived, born and live in the
world. He touched upon greatness and infinity and thus acquired
the knowledge that his role was to grow smaller, and the role
of Him for whom he came into the world was to grow. St. John
the Baptist measured himself with an immeasurable measure, and
in accordance with it he lived his life, longing for the heavenly
bread of life. In this lies the greatness of St. John and his
conception in which there is no human logic,” said Metropolitan
Amfilohije, adding that St. John the Baptist was born out of
fasting and prayer.
“History bears witness that he is the greatest born to woman,
filled with the blessings, power and strength given by God,”
concluded Bishop Amfilohije.
After Holy Liturgy the slava cake was consecrated and cut, and
a short memorial service was served for the souls of Archimandrite
Lazar Adzic of blessed repose, Father David Miseljic and all
others who, according to Metropolitan Amfilohije, were “gathered
around this holy shrine and around the Conception of St. John
the Baptist”.
Source: Svetigora
Press, S.C./Z.V.

The wonder-working icon of the Most Holy Theotokos located in
the cathedral of the Holy Archangel Michael in the city of Sitka,
Alaska, USA, has for the first time begun a tour of the United
States. Known for the many wonders that manifested themselves
who worshipped before this holy icon, it has become one of the
most famous and respected holy treasures on the North American
Vladimir Lukic-Borovikovski (1758-1826), who was of Serbian
descent, demonstrated his talent and art by painting this miracle-working
icon, painted on canvas and framed in silver and gold. The icon
was fashioned using the Theotokos of Kazan as a model. It is
91.4 cm. by 44.5 cm. in size. The cathedral of the Holy Archangel
Michael received the icon as a gift in 1850 from the workers
of a nearby factory. After a fire that did not damage the icon
in the slightest, wonders began to occur. Desiring to share this
unique blessing, the Russian Orthodox bishop for Alaska, Nikolaj,
who is of Serbian descent, sent this wonder-working icon throughout
the North American continent. From Alaska to California, Arizona,
Minnesota, Kansas, the Midwest, Chicago as far as New York, this
icon is visiting all Orthodox parishes.
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hristofor of
Midwestern America, the wonder-working icon of the Theotokos
was placed in the cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in
Chicago on Sunday, October 2, 2005 so that Orthodox faithful
might have the opportunity to kiss and to venerate it. Accompanied
by bells and prayer, the wonder-working icon of the Theotokos
was brought in procession in the overflowing church, where an
Atakist to the Most Holy Theotokos was then served. After the
service Father Darko Spasojevic addressed the faithful. Priest
Chad Hatfield, the Dean of the Theological Faculty of St. Herman
in Alaska, who is escorting the icon throughout the USA, presented
a brief history of the icon. At the end Deacon Damjan Bozic added,
“We have heart the words during the Atakist: Your icon shines
in our cathedral like a shining star, illuminating the entire
earth by its light... A great blessing is among us and it is
no coincidence that the Serbian Orthodox Church welcomed the
icon of the Most Holy Theotokos with joy.” The cathedral of the
Resurrection of Christ is celebrating the centennial of its founding.
Deacon Damjan S. Bozic
Metropolitanate of Midwestern America
In Copenhagen from September 19 to October 2, 2005, an international
exhibition of icons was held entitled “IKONDIALOG”.
In the exhibition area next to the church of Helligaandshuset
(the church of the Holy Spirit) 240 icons were displayed which
had been painted by 30 icon painters – from Greece, Armenia,
Serbia (Vojislav Lukovic, Slobodan Kajtez and Dragan Jovanovic),
Denmark and Russia.
The very idea of this unusual event for the Danes originated
from the ranks of Danish icon painters, most of them Protestants.
Some of the icon painters discovered the beauty of Orthodox traditional
icon painting. Today many of them are perfecting ancient icon
painting techniques under the guidance of Greek Orthodox monk
Father Georgije from the Holy Mountain.
Visitors of this exceptional exhibition were surprised by the
strength of the impression left by the icons. Many of them rarely
encountered icon paintings were and were truly amazed by certain
icons. During the course of the exhibition guests discovered
the beautiful world of the spirit and tradition of Orthodox paining,
of which some of them had some previous knowledge but had never
fully experienced.
Sasa M. Vukicevic

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