Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
9, 2005

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle has been admitted to the
Military-Medical Academy (VMA) in Belgrade yesterday for medical
treatment. The concillium of physicians has issued a public statement
as follows:
“On December 8, 2005 His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle was
admitted to the Military-Medical Academy after sustaining an
injury to his right hip during a fall two days ago in his offices.
Upon admittance a clinical diagnosis determined a fracture in
the right pubic bone which does not require surgery. The general
condition of the Patriarch is good and his recovery is in progress.
“Concillium of physicians of the Military-Medical Academy”
His Holiness received a visit today by members of the Holy Synod
of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The Holy Synod of
Bishops prays fervently to the Lord for the rapid recovery and
return to health of the Serbian Patriarch, Kyr Pavle.

VISITING BRUSSELS AND GERMANY A press conference was held today in the Palace Hotel in Belgrade
regarding the visit of a delegation of Christian churches from
Serbia and Montenegro to Brussels and Germany during the period
from December 11-16, 2005. Speakers at the conference included
His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa, Monsignor Stanislav Hocevar,
the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade, and Dr. Bernard Lamers,
the director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for Serbia and
Montenegro, the organizer of the visit.
In his introductory remarks Dr. Lamers explained that the Konrad
Adenauer Foundation is organizing this visit by a delegation
of Christian churches from Serbia and Montenegro to the highest
officials of the European Union and German political institutions
within the framework of enhancing cooperation among the churches
and promoting Christian values in contemporary European society.
The delegation includes Serbian Orthodox Church bishops Irinej
of Backa, Jovan of Sumadija, Justin of Timok and Teodosije of
Lipljan; Archbishop Stanislav Hocevar, and Dr. Andrija Kopilovic,
the prorector of the Cathechal-Theological Institute in Subotica,
of the Roman Catholic Church; and Mr. Arpad Dolinski, bishop
of the Lutheran-Evangelic Church. In Brussels the delegation
will meet with Dr. Wilfried Martens, the president of the European
People’s Party; Dr. Reinhard Priebe, Director for Western Balkans
at the Directorate General on External Relations of the European
Commission; Mr. Vassilis Maragos of the European Commission;
Ambassador Michael Veninger; Jan Figel, the European commissioner
for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism; Roksanda
Nincic, the Serbia-Montenegro ambassador to the European Union;
hierarchs of the Orthodox Churches in Belgium; Roman Catholic
Bishop Josef Homeier, the chair of the Commission of the European
Union Bishops’ Conference; and Rev. Rudiger Noll, the director
of the Conference of European Churches. From there they will
go on to Germany, where they will first meet in Berlin with Dr.
Michael Scheffer, the political director of the German Ministry
of Foreign Affairs; Bishop Wolfgang Huber, Chairman of the Council
of the Evangelical Church of Germany; Gerda Haselfeld, deputy
speaker of the Bundestag; Dr. Hermann Kis, deputy in the Bundestag;
former prime minister Bernhard Vogel, and Ognjen Pribicevic,
Serbia-Montenegro ambassador to Germany. After Berlin, the delegation
will travel to Hannover, where they will visit St. Sava Church
and be hosted by His Grace Bishop Konstantin. In Hannover the
delegation will also hold meetings with Roman Catholic Bishop
Gerhard Feige, Bishop Rolf Kope of the Evangelic Church of Germany;
and Jurgen Gansauer, president of the State Parliament of Lower
Saxony, and with Cardinal Karl Lehmann in Frankfurt.
Commenting on the importance of this visit, Bishop Irinej of
Backa emphasized that the Christian churches in Serbia and Montenegro
act together on many important issues, and among the visible
proof of this is also this joint delegation which will represent
them in Brussels and Germany. From the itinerary it is apparent
that the nature of the visit is twofold: further nurturing of
cooperation and mutual exchange of opinion with top officials
in Germany and Brussels. With this visit we wish to demonstrate
what is not commonly known to the general European public and
that is the quality of relations among the churches in Serbia
and Montenegro, in which respect our country does not lag behind
the countries of the European Union. In this way we jointly demonstrate
our readiness to manifest the high quality of relations among
the Christian churches and religious communities in Serbia and
Montenegro. Respecting each other we are drawing increasingly
nearer the day when we will achieve full unity in the Holy Mysteries.
The very concept of tolerance, as far as the quality of our mutual
relations is concerned, is behind us. The concept of tolerance
can also be defined as unintentional action, whereas our ideal
is sincere love following the model of Jesus Christ. We need
to work on building this evangelical path but not on a temporary
basis but permanently. It is in this spirit that we need to continue
dialogue among the churches. Bishop Irinej emphasized that the
Serbian Orthodox Church has nurtured good relations with the
Bishops’ Conference of Germany and with the Evangelical Church
in Germany. He also mentioned the regular meetings and dialogue
between the bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Bishops’
Conference of Germany. He emphasized the openness of Cardinal
Jozef Homeier for dialogue and his Christian concern for Serbia.
Additionally, the Diocese of Central Europe regularly organizes
meetings with representatives of the Bishops’ Conference and
Evangelical Church in Germany.
In conclusion Bishop Irinej emphasized that it is important
that discussions regarding specific issues, such as accession
to the European Union and resolution of the situation in Kosovo
and Metohija, are conducted without prejudicing political decisions.
The church can help in resolving many issues, such as the preservation
of human dignity of the individual, freedoms, the right to property
and the possibility for realizing basic human rights. The bishop
cited the words of Dr. Lamers that the church through its philanthropic
practice can help in resolving an entire complex of social problems.
Finally, Bishop Irinej thanked the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
for its work in Serbia and Montenegro, which thanks largely to
Dr. Lamers is Christian in its inspiration and sets this organization
apart from others and makes it unique.
Roman Catholic Archbishop Stanislav Hocevar of Belgrade confirmed
Bishop Irinej’s presentation and emphasized that the most important
thing is that representatives of Christian churches from Serbia
and Montenegro are going and presenting their experiences and
knowledge to Europe together and not individually. We are bringing
church specifics, which we can bequeath the West, and everything
that the West offers us on the cultural, spiritual and church,
plan, we can accept. The forthcoming meeting will contribute
to our offering Europe something new, so that a united Europe
can become even more secure and more creative.

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