Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
4, 2006

MAY 2 - 3, 2006
On May 2–3, 2006 the leaders and senior representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Islamic Community of Kosovo, the Protestant Evangelical Church and the Jewish Community gathered at the historical Pec Patriarchate Monastery for an Interfaith Conference on Peaceful Coexistence and Dialogue.
The Conference was held at the initiative of religious representatives in Kosovo, hosted by the Serbian Orthodox Church, and organized and sponsored by Norwegian Church Aid.
On behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle, the Conference was opened by His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral. The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the International Community, local authorities and other dignitaries.
Gratitude is herein expressed to those who helped facilitate this Conference, notably: The sisterhood of the Pec Patriarchate Monastery, the brotherhood of Decani Monastery, the staff of the Kosovo and Metohija Office of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the international moderators, KFOR, and in particular the Italian contingent at the Pec Patriarchate, UNMIK and local municipal authorities.
The goal of the Conference was to provide an opportunity for the respective leaders of the religious communities to discuss key issues and values shared by their communities, and to identify desired joint initiatives to promote reconciliation and peace, mutual respect and acceptance, common life and cooperation through an institutionalised form of dialogue and concrete project activities.
Therefore, we, the religious leaders, are convinced that hatred and war represent defeat and tragedy for all, while reconciliation and forgiveness lead to freedom for all and for everyone. A person who hates is never free. True freedom exists in serving God by serving every human person regardless of their faith, nationality and every other adherence.
Faith in the God of peace, justice and love deem it unworthy only to tolerate one another as a “necessary evil”. Neither is it enough as persons and communities to merely co-exist one next to the other. Rather, we are invited by our faith and conscience to live one with the other. Ultimately, we desire and pray that we be enabled to live one for the other. In so doing, we respect the identity and dignity of every person and every community by accepting the principle of unity in diversity.
In coming to terms with the past we acknowledge that all communities have suffered. We express sorrow for one another’s suffering, praying that this suffering will no longer be a stumbling block. We must move towards an open future with interaction and profound responsibility for each other before God.
We condemn the destruction of all churches, mosques, cemeteries and other religious sites, and we rejoice in the restoration process, which is now under way and we anticipate its completion. We appeal to the wider community to join us in our endeavour to rebuild not only our religious sites, but also to rebuild our lives, our hearts and our minds.
As religious leaders and representatives, we commit ourselves to the following:
- To hold regular meetings between religious communities at the level of senior religious leaders, between the advisors in the Working Committee and at the municipal level;
- To intensify inter-religious dialogue and cooperation;
- To call upon all to contribute towards the betterment of life and prosperity in order to help facilitate the return process of all displaced persons;
- To promote exchange between religious communities, such as: visits to religious sites, exchange of lectures between theological faculties, as well as enabling the Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius to resume its place in Prizren;
- To invite the media to communicate our shared inter-ethnic and inter-religious values;
- To facilitate communication and exchange of information between the religious communities: For instance, the compilation of a common address book;
- To continue engaging as responsible religious leaders in the drafting process on the Law on Religion; and
- To convene a seminar at the Nansen Academy in Lillehammer, Norway in order to strengthen the local religious leaders in their commitment to peace and reconciliation.
In conclusion, we state that Kosovo is our common home and we commit ourselves to preserving it as a common inheritance for future generations.
The next conference will be hosted by the Islamic Community of Kosovo, in Pristina during the course of this present year 2006.

A reception took place today in the Patriarch’s residence in Belgrade for all Belgrade primary and second school directors.
On behalf of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle, His Eminence Metropolitan Jovan of Zagreb and Ljubljana, a member of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, received the directors. In his remarks Metropolitan Jovan emphasized that this meeting was a historical event in bringing together the Church and the school system. Reminding of the period of terrible Communist persecution, when only the most courageous parents took their children to church for religious instruction, the Metropolitan thanked God that the situation in schools today is much better and that religious instructors have been allowed back into the schools to teach Orthodox catechism. Metropolitan Jovan said that the Church is satisfied with the student response and he emphasized that a Christian upbringing is of great importance for life in modern society, which is rampant with immorality.
After Metropolitan Jovan’s remarks, His Grace Vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvostno, the chairman of the Council for Religious Instruction of the Archdiocese of Beograd and Karlovci, thanked all the directors for demonstrating by their presence that they understand that this is a historical moment and support the cooperation of the Serbian school system with the religious instructors of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Metropolitan Jovan presented the directors with a copy of the New Testament of the Holy Scripture. Everyone present then visited the Serbian Orthodox Church Museum and the Patriarch’s library.

A formal academy took place yesterday in the large auditorium of Kolarceva Narodna Zaduzbina in Belgrade on the occasion of the celebration of the 125-year anniversary of the Orthodox Seminary in Sarajevo.
In the presence of Their Eminences Metropolitan Jovan of Zagreb and Ljubljana and Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabro-Bosnia; Their Graces Bishop Vasilije of Zvornik and Tuzla, Bishop Vasilije of Srem, Bishop Longin of America and Canada (New Gracanica Metropolitanate) and Administrator of the Western American Diocese, Bishop Pahomije of Vranje, Bishop Filaret of Milesevo, Vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvostno and Vicar Bishop Maksim of Hum; Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Savo B. Jovic, chief secretary to the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church; Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dr. Radomir Popovic, dean of the Academy of Arts and Conservation of the Serbian Orthodox Church and chief priest of the Ruzica Church in Kalemegdan; Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Petar Lukic, the chief priest of the Orthodox Cathedral (Saborna crkva) in Belgrade; Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Jeremija Starovlah, and many other priests and eminent guests, the program of the formal academy began at 8:00 p.m.
In his opening remarks, Metropolitan Nikolaj said that faith in the Resurrected God is essential for people to act, create and live. The most important thing for people is to remain unwavering in their faith, and then the fruit of that faith will also be eternal. Our faith has helped us to ensure that the Orthodox Seminary in Sarajevo survives to celebrate this great anniversary. The Metropolitan then presented all the participants in the program and expressed the wish that the church educational institution marking this important anniversary survives a long time yet.
Following a performance by the Chamber Choir of the Section for Liturgical Music and Chanting of the University of East Sarajevo’s Academy of Music under the direction of conductor Radeta Radovic, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dr. Predrag Puzovic spoke on the topic of “125 Years of the Sarajevo Seminary”. Professor Puzovic underscored the historical moment in which the Sarajevo Seminary was created, emphasizing Metropolitan Savo Kosanovic’s efforts before the government and the Church to ensure that this church educational institution came to life. Professor Puzovic then chronologically described the progress of the Sarajevo Seminary from the end of the 19th century to today. In modern times he highlighted the efforts of Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabro-Bosnia, who convinced the state to provide facilities for the work of both the Academy and the Seminary, and proposed to the Holy Assembly of Bishops that the Academy be proclaimed an Orthodox Theological Faculty, recognized as such by the University of East Sarajevo.
Enhancing the formal academy was a recital by the students of the Seminary and the students of the Theological Seminary in Foca under the guidance of Professor Nedja Nikacevic. This was followed by a medley of melodies and dances by the women’s singing group Rusalke under the artistic direction of Valentina Cvijetic; a recital by members of the Serbian Society of Falconeers Soko from the monastery of Dobrun; and performances by the choir of the Seminary and Theological Faculty in Foca directed by Rade Radovic, and a number of soloist singers and musicians.

In Bankstown, West Sydney, on the day the Holy Apostles Aristarch, Pudus and Trophem (Easter Friday) Pan-Orthodox Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was served on the property of the Greek college in the church of St. Euphemia. His Grace Bishop Milutin of Australia and New Zealand accepted the invitation of his brother and co-servant in Christ, Greek Archbishop Stilianos, to serve with him and his vicar, Bishop Seraphim.
The troparion of Christ’s Resurrection rang out in Greek, Russian, Serbian, Romanian and English languages. This diverse chanting to God continued during prayers throughout the Holy Liturgy.
People obviously different in culture, race and appearance gathered as one by the only possible means, a power from the heavens, the Holy Spirit. Every heart felt the same joy, the same consolation, the fulfillment of God’s words addressed to our forefathers and to us all through the prophets that a Savior would come who will destroy the power of sin and death, and rebuild the ruined bridge that connected the secular with the divine, humanity and God.
This situation was confirmed by the Archbishop, who told the faithful in attendance that the Resurrection of Christ should not be thought of as the exclusive joy of the Orthodox Christians but as the joy of all people on this planet for Christ came into the world for us all to give us the gift of salvation and adoption as the Lord’s children. Therein lies the mission of the Orthodox here in the far west, to witness and teach this joy to all peoples, said the Archbishop.
After expressing his great gratitude to Bishop Milutin for his presence and concelebration on this bright day, the Archbishop and Bishop Milutin presented eggs to those present.
The festivities continued in the auditorium of the school complex, where Bishop Milutin addressed those present. He greatly thanked Archbishop Stilianos and the Greek people for their brotherly love shown not only on this day but for many, many years toward the Serbian people when things were most difficult, in times of war and sanctions. Upon his completing his address, the Hierarchs of the two local Orthodox Churches greeted each other with brotherly kisses while the priests and faithful in attendance sang “Many Years”!
By Aleksandar Mrakic

In the church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Gabosa near Vinkovci in the Diocese of Osijek Polje and Baranja on May 2, 2006, an evening of prayer dedicated to the Holy Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich was held.
Evening services began at 8:00 p.m. in the presence of a large number of faithful. The religious ceremony was served by Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dusan Kolundzic, Protopresbyter Predrag Azap, Protopresbyter Milovan Vlaovic, Presbyter Sasa Kuzmanovic and Presbyter Vlada Lazic from Berkasovi.
Services were also attended by the heads of the municipalities of Trpinja and Markusica as well as other representatives of the Serb community in this region. Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dusan Kolundzic, the retired parish priest of Nuremberg, gave an inspired speech about Holy Bishop Nikolai, as the most beautiful fruit of the Church of Christ, the Serbian Chrysostom, a great thinker, the most prolific writer of the Serbian Church, teacher and martyr. His words were absorbed by all present, recognizing in him the spiritual strength and depth and figure of a true monk of the holy Church of Christ.
At the end of the homily and religious services the Atakist to Holy Bishop Nikolaj was served.
This evening will be gladly remembered by the faithful in attendance who departed spiritually enriched and fortified in their faith and loyal to their Holy Church.
Because of the fact that the anniversary of the pogrom and expulsion of ethnic Serbs from Western Slavonia was also recently commemorated, the evening was emotional and this reminder of the work and significance of Holy Bishop Nikolai for the Serbian people and Orthodoxy was encouraging because the Holy Bishop, as the words of the Atakist say, “strengthened his beloved Serbs by his prayers, praying that one day their state would again stand on firm legs. That the Serbs, after many years of wandering and falling, once again raise their eyes to heaven and cry out to the Lord: Hallelujah.”
Protopresbyter Predrag Azap

On Sunday, May 7, 2006, Holy Hierarchal Liturgy will be served in the church in Kumodraz. After Holy Liturgy a memorial service will be served for soldiers of the First and Second Balkan Wars and World War I.
On the same day at 5:00 p.m. in the Jajinci Memorial Park a memorial service will be served for the victims of the Banjica concentration camp and the Jajinci execution grounds with the participation of the choir and a program prepared by school children.

On Monday, May 8, 2006, in the display area of the new parish home in Vracar located next to the St. Sava Memorial Cathedral in Vracar, an exhibition will be opened of church artifacts handcrafted by Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Velimir Petakovic from San Diego, California, United States of America, introduced by Mr. Stevan Cukic, academic painter from Belgrade.
Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Velimir Petakovic on this occasion will present crosses for blessing, pectoral crosses, panagias, binders for the Holy Gospel and Holy Table crosses that he has fashioned. All proceeds from the exhibition will be used for the decoration of the interior of St. Sava Memorial Cathedral in Vracar.
Prota Velimir is the son of a priest. He was among the first generation of Prizren seminarians after World War II and the last generation of students that completed the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Belgrade before that institution was excluded from the University of Belgrade (1952). He is a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the United States since 1960 and the hierarchal deputy in the Diocese of Western America. He has served as the parish priest in Gary, Indiana, and San Diego and San Marcos, California. With God’s help and by His will he successfully built the church of the Holy Great-martyr and Victory-bearer George in San Diego and the church of St. Paraskeva (Sv. Petka) in San Marcos, decorated with the mosaics of Mr. Stevan Cukic, academic painter from Belgrade, and the late Deacon Marko Ilic. He was the sponsor of works on the interior of the chapel in the new building of the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade.
Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Velimir Petakovic has painted and in the last twenty or so years has been involved in creating and decorating various church artifacts and liturgical items.

On April 29, 2006, His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the monastery of Moraca with the concelebration of his clergy. This marked the beginning of the Paschal Assembly, a part of the traditional festivities for the great Christian holiday of Pascha organized by the Svetigora Moracani Association and the Gojak Rovcani Association.
“For centuries people who longed for eternal light gathered around this Nemanjic lavra, around Svetigora,” said Metropolitan Amfilohije after Holy Liturgy as he opened this year’s Paschal Assembly of Rovcani and Moracani in the monastery of Moraca.
“God’s love which transformed us from nonbeing into being gathered us today so that in love we worship Christ the Resurrected and that in love we gather around this Holy Throne of the Nemanjices, that we stack up around this Holy Shrine,” said Metropolitan Amfilohije in his homily.
The Metropolitan emphasized that this Holy Shrine is a monument in itself and added that it traditionally unites the spiritual and historical with faith and all that is right and honorable. We do not need any story other than the story written and recorded in this lavra of Stefan Vukan. In those times, too, like today, the being of this region was split in two and this Holy Shrine has always been a call to unity, to overcoming this split and disunity. And fortunate are the people and the brotherhoods and the Montenegro that hears the voice of this Holy Shrine in which everything is recorded: the church and the state, the past and present, the language and beauty, and the light that shines upon every person and every people that comes into this world. One need only read her letters and decipher her signs and symbols and in accordance with them, act at this decisive historical moment, Metropolitan Amfilohije told the gathered people.
Other speakers at the assembly included academician Matija Beckovic, Miro Vuksanovic, Dragan Lakicevic, Labud Dragic and Mato Pizurica.
The musical part of the program included performances by gusle bards Jovan Lakicevic and Slavko Jeknic, and the choir of St. Basil of Ostrog from Kumbor near Herceg Novi. Leaders of political parties belonging to the Block for a Common State of Serbia and Montenegro also attended the gathering.
Source: Svetigora Press (R.V./ S.K.)

On Sunday, April 30, 2006, His Grace Bishop Ignjatije of Branicevo served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Sts. Peter and Paul in Osipaonica with the concelebration of chief priest Milija Milosevic and other priests from the Podunavsko administrative district. On that occasion the Bishop consecrated the new iconostasis in the church. The icons were painted by Mr. Milan Kocijasevic, a graduate of the Academy for Arts and Conservation of the Serbian Orthodox Church, under the mentorship of Todor Mitrovic, professor of icon painting. The biggest donors were Mr. Dragoslav Radojkovic and Mr. Dragisa Jovanovic of Osipaonica.
During the course of Holy Liturgy, Bishop Ignjatije baptized two children and in his homily to the gathered faithful he spoke about the Holy Mystery of baptism and the spiritual and physical birth of every person.

On Saturday, April 29, 2006, His Grace Vicar Bishop Jovan of Dioclea served a Liturgy for the Deceased in the monastery of Vavedenje in Belgrade in the presence of His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa.
After Holy Liturgy the bishops served a memorial service at the grave of Bishop Danilo of Budim of blessed repose. After the service, Bishop Irinej delivered a homily about the Resurrection and the figure of Bishop Danilo. Bishop Irinej recalled several characteristic details from the earthly life of Bishop Danilo, emphasizing the wish of Bishop Danilo of blessed repose to always help people and to share his last piece of bread with everyone. Bishop Irinej recalled that a certain professor always came to converse with Bishop Danilo and that the latter always invited him for a meal. Bishop Irinej also recalled that Bishop Danilo of blessed repose would receive students of Africa who had been left without their stipend and that the Bishop would share his humble bishop’s salary with them. “By his calmness and humility he was and remains an example to all of us.”
In conclusion it was said that a Liturgy for the Deceased and a memorial service for Bishop Danilo would be served every year in the last Saturday of the month of April unless that Saturday coincides with Great Saturday.

On Friday, April 28, 2006 in Manak’s House Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dr. Radomir Popovic opened an exhibition of icons and frescoes painted by the students of the Academy for Arts and Conservation of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Prior to the opening Mrs. Dragana Stojkovic, the director of Manak’s House, thanked the dean and the Academy of the Serbian Orthodox Church for their excellent cooperation and wished them many more beautiful exhibitions in exhibition space of Manak's House.
Opening the exhibition the dean of the Academy, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dr. Radovan Popovic talked about the religious holiday of Christ’s Resurrection and the modern age as the age of pictures and icons. After Gutenberg’s printing press comes a period in which pictures and photographs predominate as the primary carriers of information. This challenge should be presented to icon painter, who in the modern world must teach Christ through his icons. At the end of his address the dean thanked Manak's House and the Ethnographic Museum, which organized the exhibition.
The general sponsor of the exhibition of icons and frescoes “The Resurrection of Christ” is the Secretariat for Culture of the City of Belgrade.
The exhibition will be open until May 8, 2006.

On Easter Friday, April 28, 2006, His Grace Bishop Lukijan of Osijek Polje and Baranja consecrated the foundation of the parish home and placed the corner stone of the first church in Borovo Naselje built in honor of the Holy King Stefan of Decani.
This suburb of the town of Vukovar came into being in the 1990s at the same time as the renowned shoe factory Bata, later renamed Borovo. Two previous attempts to build a church here have been obstructed by World War II and the recent war in this region.
Currently religious services in the parish of Borovo Naselje, founded in 1992, are being held in an improvised chapel inside a rented building.
Presbyter Slobodan Blazic, parish priest

In the Diocese of Budimlje and Niksic the Days of St. Basic of Ostrog event now traditionally held at the end of April and beginning of May began in the town of Niksic. Here is the program for the event:
April 23 – Pascha – St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Exhibition of decorated eggs
April 27 – St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Literary evening dedicated to author and academician Milosav Tesic. Dr. Jelica Stojanovic will speak about the author and author Milutin Micovic will open the literary program of the day.
April 30 – Orthodox Cathedral of St. Basil of Ostrog, 8:00 p.m.
Concert of spiritual music. Participants include the Mixed Choir of St. Basil of Ostrog, the Woman’s Choir of St. Anastasia the Serb (Trebinje) and the Choir of the Holy New-Martyr Stanko (Niksic)
May 3 – St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Promotion of Selected Works by Budimir Dubak
May 4 – St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 9:00 p.m.
Concert of Asim Sarvan
May 5 – St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Concert of classical music
May 6
9:00 a.m. – Holy Hierarchal Liturgy – Monastery of the Pillars of St. George (Djurdjevi Stupovi - Berane)
11:00 a.m. – Cultural arts program
Niksic - St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Organization Golijski Sabor Kulture – Promotion of the magazine “Nova Zora”
May 7
St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 12:00 noon
Public forum – Jovan Delic – Montenegro Identity Crisis
St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Literary evening by Miro Vuksanovic (winner of NIN’s Award for 2006). Speakers: Jovan Delic and Milutin Micovic.
May 8 – St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Book promotion – “The Ostrog Source” by Bishop Jovan (Puric) of Dioclea, hegumen of the monastery of Ostrog. Speakers: Presbyter Assistant Professor Dr. Boris Brajkovic, Professor Dr. Savo Lausevic and the author
May 9
St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 7:00 p.m.
Exhibition by the ART artistic group and guests
Saka Petrovica Square, 9:00 p.m.
Concert of ethno music. Participants include Grupa Stupovic and guests
May 10
St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Evening of poetry by the Njegos Literary Society
St. Basil of Ostrog Hall, 9:30 p.m.
Evening dedicated to Nikola Tesla. Speaker: Professor Dr. Nevenka Antovic. Showing of the film “Nikola Tesla”.
May 11 – Scena 213, 12:00 noon
Roundtable discussion – Montenegro Identity Crisis
May 11 – Plateau in front of the Orthodox Cathedral, 8:00 p.m. (Scena 213 in case of inclement weather)
Golijski Cultural Assembly: Evening of poetry by Matija Beckovic
May 12
Scena 213, 8:30 p.m.
Evening of traditional music and folklore: Snezana Spasic, NAISSA

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