Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
30, 2006

With the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Ignatije of Branicevo an international theological symposium was held from May 26-30, 2006 in Pozarevac on the topic “F.M. Dostoevski – The Modern World and the Role of the Orthodox Church in It”.
On Saturday, May 27, the lecturer on Dostoevski was His Grace retired Bishop Atanasije of Zahumlje and Herzegovina, who spoke about freedom, love and compelling force. On the same day at 2:00 p.m. all participants in the symposium visited the church of St. Maxim the Confessor in Kostolac and its chief priest, Presbyter Aleksandar Mihailovic, prepared a luncheon in their honor in Kostolac.
On Sunday, May 28, His Eminence Metropolitan Ioannis Zizioulas of Pergamum officiated at Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of five bishops and 30 priests. During the service Deacon Dimitrije Kasapis was elevated to the office of presbyter. Father Dimitrije is originally from Greece and has been serving in Serbia for the past 16 years.
On that occasion Metropolitan Ionannis spoke about the priest’s vocation and the love of the priest for his bishop. The Metropolitan advised the newly ordained presbyter to love his bishop, his flock, the sinner and him whom no one loves. He concluded by saying that he should be the link between two brotherly nations, the Serbs and the Hellenes.
On Monday, May 29, during the morning session facilitated by His Beatitude Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skoplje, participants included Fr. Stamatis Skliris with Fr. Vladan Perisic, the dean of the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade, and Metropolitan Ioannis Zizioulas of Pergamum.
Fr. Stamatis delivered an original interpretation of iconography in the works of Dostoevski, who depicted passionate and evil characters who were nevertheless affirmed because of their belief in the Resurrection. The next lecture was delivered by Metropolitan Ioannis, who addressed the problem of ethics and ontology in the works of Dostoevski, who sensed the tragedy of life and evil that is mixed with the good.
In the afternoon session His Grace Bishop Ignatije of Branicevo, the host of this international academic gatherings, spoke about nihilism and modern civilization. All papers presented at this important international symposium will be published in “Sabornost”, the magazine of the Diocese of Branicevo, in the near future.
Photo and text: Presbyter Zeljko Djuric

With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej of Nis, on Saturday, May 27, 2006 an academic conference was held in the secondary school in Bela Palanka (Remezijani) on St. Nikita Remezijanski.
In the morning Holy Liturgy was served in the male monastery of Divljan. All participants in the conference toured the monastery complex before setting out for Bela Palanka. The academic conference was organized on the eve of the publishing of the collected works of St. Nikita Remezijanski translated from the original Latin by Dusica Petrovic. The translation includes St. Nikita’s homilies and lessons delivered to the catechumens.
Participants in the academic conference included eminent theologians, archeologists, historians and linguists, including His Grace retired Bishop Atanasije (Jevtic) of Zahumlje and Herzegovina, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Radomir Popovic, Dr. Aleksandra Jovanovic and Mr. Vladimir Cvetkovic. An anthology of works relating to St. Nikita Remezijanski presented at the academic conference is also to be published.
Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Radomir Popovic, the dean of the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Academy for Arts and Restoration, presented the brotherhood of Divljan Monastery with a fresco on canvas of St. Nikita Remezijanski painted by Goran Janicijevic, professor of fresco painting at the Academy.

Nationalist graffiti was found on Sunday morning near a monastery dedicated to the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in Kosijerevo, some 30 kilometers from Niksic right on the border with Bosnia, Abbot Danilo (Jokic) from the monastery said in a statement for Radio Svetigora. The monastery, which is the endowment of King Milutin Nemanjic and dates back to the first half of the 14th century, guards the foot of Holy Apostle Luke.
“Early Sunday morning a young man came to the monastery and told us that the road sign indicating the monastery has been repainted and ‘Montenegrin Orthodox Church’ written on it. Also written on the nearby building of a former factory is ‘Hang the Serbs from the willow trees’ and ‘Serb barbarians’. Written in many places along a three-kilometer stretch of road in different colors is ‘Po’ (‘Yes’ in Albanian) and quite a few other negative slogans. Someone also shot fifteen bullets into the road sign showing the way to Kosijerevo from Bileca,” said Abbot Danilo.
Father Danilo emphasized that he has received hundreds of telephone calls from faithful who are proposing to organize watches to protect the monastery and its brotherhood. “I refused these suggestions because I believe that this is a civilized society and that everything will remain unchanged, as the people in power have promised. Before this incident we have had no similar unpleasantries,” said Abbot Danilo.
The ancient holy shrine built by the Nemanjices guards the foot of Holy Apostle Luke, whose healing powers are known to many. Abbot Danilo says that for 39 years there were no marriages in the monastery whereas in the past three years he has married 36 couples.
Abbot Danilo told Radio Svetigora of one of the more recent wonders that occurred in this monastery with the blessing of the Holy Apostle Luke.
“Two years ago I received news from brother Blagoje, who lives three kilometers from Kosijerevo, that his wife had given birth in the seventh month of pregnancy. Physicians determined that because of lung deficiencies the infant would not live more than eight hours. I called him to come to the monastery and I gave oil from the icon lamp and told him to place it on the child’s tongue. About 20 days later the child left the hospital in very good condition to the amazement of the doctors. I baptized the child at the monastery and gave him the name of Petar. He is healthy, and growing and developing normally. Petar’s parents have donated a bell to the monastery to express their gratitude,” said Abbot Danilo of Kosijerevo Monastery near Niksic.
Source: Svetigora Press (S.K.)

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