Service of
the Serbian Orthodox Church
8, 2006

With the arrival of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America at Shadeland on Saturday, August 5, 2006 the third annual Diocesan Days for the Diocese of Eastern America officially began.
The first day began with lectures presented to both children and adults. Camp director, Fr. Zivojin Javkovljevic filled in for slated speaker Milena Bizic. Following this presentation Fr. Stevo Rocknage also spoke, giving a very energetic talk on spirituality to the children.
Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Dr. Mateja Matejic gave a detailed and thought provoking lecture on Orthodoxy and Serbian culture and history. This was followed by a talk given by Fr. Aleksa Micic.
Fr. Zoran Radovic served the Vespers service later that afternoon. He was assisted by Deacon Milan Medakovic. The choir Srpska Krila (Serb Wings) from Steelton, Pennsylvania, sang the responses. Following the dinner the Serb Wings choir began the evening's program with a mini concert which was enjoyed by all. The campers treated all those in attendance with a fabulous play dealing with the Battle of Kosovo.
Sunday’s schedule of events began with the morning’s Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Joining Bishop Mitrophan was His Grace Bishop Longin of the New Gracanica Diocese. Assisting the two hierarchs at the liturgical celebration were seventeen diocesan clergy and two deacons. Also serving was Hierodeacon Fr. Seraphim of the New Gracanica Diocese. Three other diocesan clergy were present at the liturgy but did not serve. The Serb Wings choir piously sang the responses. At certain parts in the liturgy they were joined by the St. Sava campers who, under the Serb Wings choir director Nina Radanovic, filled the church with their young, talented voices.
Following the liturgy the hierarchs led the campers and all the faithful to the newest addition to the Shadeland complex, the new cabins, which were blessed by Bishop Longin. After lunch the campers put on their traditional program showcasing their many musical talents in playing traditional Serbian instruments as well as singing and dancing. At the beginning of the program Bishop Mitrophan addressed all those in attendance reminding them of the holy gospel that was heard at the morning’s liturgy in which Christ fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fish. The Bishop pointed out that this miracle Christ performs every day and at every hour when He gives us His air to breathe and His water to drink and all the many blessings we receive somewhat unnoticeably. In this same way the Bishop pointed out that everything we have in Shadeland is our gift from God. He thanked all those who helped in running the camp season, from the Sisters, the priests, camp director Fr. Zivojin Jakovljevic, the counselors and most especially all the many campers gathered there that hot afternoon saying that without them all of this would be empty.

The members of the Youth Choir "Sophia", the choir for the Cathedral of the Protecting Veil (Pokrovskij Sobor) Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, prepared a concert on August 6, 2006 in the church of St. Nicholas in Kotor for the many fans of Orthodox chants.
“Everyone who attended the concert in the church of St. Nicholas two days ago, and there were so many people that the church was overcrowded, had the opportunity to take part in an exceptional cultural event,” the parish priest of Kotor, Presbyter Nemanja Krivokapic, told Radio Svetigora.
In the first part of the concert the members of the choir introduced themselves with liturgical songs, while in the second they performed spiritual music but with elements of traditional Russian chants.
At the beginning of the concert the guests from Siberia were greeted by the hierarchal administrator of Boka Kotorska, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Momcilo Krivokapic. The concert was organized by the Serbian Singing Society “Jedinstvo” (Unity) of Kotor.
The members of the Choir “Sophia” are presently visiting the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral together with the archpastor, His Eminence Archbishop Antony of Krasnoyarsk and Enisei.
Source: Svetigora Press - R.V.

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