International Colloquium on Saint Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher held in Berlin
2. Октобар 2014 - 9:38To a particularly beautiful, full of qualitative academic contributions event dedicated to the person of Saint Maximus the Confessor the International Colloquium, titled ‘Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher’, was evolved.
The Colloquium was realized as a synergy of Freie Universitat in Berlin and the University of Athens and was held in Freie Universitat Berlin’s Institute of Philosophy in Berlin, from September 26-28, 2014.
No Communion in North Iraq for First Time in 2000 Years
2. Октобар 2014 - 9:29The ancient region of Nineveh in Iraq, one of the world’s first Christian enclaves, has been emptied of its Christians. Islamic State terrorists have driven off or murdered the entire city’s population of Christians. Across Iraq other Christians have fled en masse. Canon Andrew White, the only Anglican Vicar in Iraq told the Telegraph “Last week there was no communion in Nineveh for the first time in 2,000 years. All are closed, all their people have run away.”
Obrenovac, Kladovo and Samac flood emergency response program
1. Октобар 2014 - 11:43International Orthodox Christian Charities - IOCC and The Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand
Starting May 13, 2014, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - BiH experienced sustained torrential rains - by some estimates several months of average rain fell on the region in less than week - that resulted in the worst floods in at least the last century.
Commemorative events in Belgrade to mark centenary of beginning of World War I
22. Септембар 2014 - 14:39From September 16-18, 2014, events marking the centenary of World War I were held in Belgrade, Serbia. Leading Russian, Serbian, European and world historians, public leaders and statesmen, academic and cultural figures, and journalists from leading mass media from 15 countries attended.