Patriarch of Jerusalem: Address at the festive season celebration of the Jerusalem municipality
6. Фебруар 2013 - 11:59Holy City of Jerusalem, 30 January 2012
Mr. Mayor
Esteemed Members of the City Council,
Fellow Leaders of our Religious Ccommunities,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In this holiday season, our hearts and minds are turned to that great promise that forms the origin of the Abrahamic traditions. This is the promise of peace. Peace is the foundation of the name of Jerusalem itself and the promise of our very destiny as a city.
Bulgaria to Unveil New Orthodox Patriarch on February 24
6. Фебруар 2013 - 10:34The Bulgarian Orthodox Church will announce its new Patriarch on February 24, local clerics confirmed on Monday.
An election of delegates who will elect the church’s new Patriarch was held in January.
Saint Sava in Russian Imperial Chronicle
1. Фебруар 2013 - 12:41With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, the Institute for Schoolbooks and Teaching Aid published a capital work – “Saint Sava in Russian Imperial Chronicle”. Mr. Milovan Vitezovic is an editor and Mrs. Miljenka Vitezovic translated the book from Old Russian. The book was presented on 21 January 2013 at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade.
The famous Orthodox monastery in Turkey will be converted into a mosque?
31. Јануар 2013 - 15:56Greek church news agency “Amen” reported from Istanbul, which is located where the famous in the history of Orthodoxy Studion monastery goes from the Ministry of Culture of Turkey’s General Directorate of subordination Awqaf (religious property) and will be transformed from a branch of the museum “Hagia Sophia” in the existing mosque.
Studion monastery, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, was founded in Constantinople in the middle of V century Patrick studio. The monastery played a prominent role in the history of Byzantine culture and spirituality. In the second half of the VII – VIII centuries of the first half of the monastery became a stronghold and center ikonopochitateley against heretics iconoclasts.
Parallels and Reminders: Beside Serbian Holy sites and cemeteries in Kosovo Albanian extremists desecrated the old Jewish cemetery in 2011
31. Јануар 2013 - 11:13Parallels and reminders
Editorial comment as a memorial prayer at the desecrated tombstone of Jelica Stevanovic, the mother of Fr. Atanasije of Decani Monastery.
Looking at the scenes of vandalism at the Orthodox cemeteries from Prilužje to Prizren, including those which are deeply overgrown with weeds and covered with garbage and rubbish, any normal person would ask the question – What kind of society this is and in which direction it is going when such vandalisms are becoming a part of everyday life. It is true that a number of old Serbian churches and cemeteries have survived until our own days in Kosovo, indicating that old Albanians and Ottomans, regardless of their known lack of affinity to Christians, were not systematically destroying their shrines and desecrating their graves. According to the codes of the Albanian society from those times desecration of graves was considered a cowardice because the dead could not defend themselves. After all, even for those who did not believe the Koran which teaches that the harassment of the deceased is a sin, a superstitios fear of desecrating cemeteries is a powerful deterrent.